Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  BM-2cWimYg96o7rdmFy99U5RMdQGpXrx75NCE 1c8130dd4a Formatted README as Markdown il y a 9 ans
  BM-2cWimYg96o7rdmFy99U5RMdQGpXrx75NCE 7e0e702d39 Added an example and the default user rule directory. il y a 9 ans
  BM-2cWimYg96o7rdmFy99U5RMdQGpXrx75NCE 41b1404f1e Added the license text and banners il y a 9 ans
  BM-2cWimYg96o7rdmFy99U5RMdQGpXrx75NCE 425ae12045 Initial commit il y a 9 ans