#4 Iceweasel won't launch

otvorené 6 rokov pred užívateľom kaz · 1 komentárov
kaz okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Installed Iceweasel from software repository in PureOS. Then hit launch button. Nothing happened. The browser did not start. This was on a fresh installation of PureOS. All other software from the repository works ok.

Installed Iceweasel from software repository in PureOS. Then hit launch button. Nothing happened. The browser did not start. This was on a fresh installation of PureOS. All other software from the repository works ok.
Tibs okomentoval 5 rokov pred

Yes! I am write,dowland, software,in PureOS! Tibs

Yes! I am write,dowland, software,in PureOS! Tibs
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