123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- ;;; nyacc/lang/c99/c99eval.scm - evaluate constant expressions
- ;; Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Matthew R. Wette
- ;;
- ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;
- ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;;
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- ;; along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ;;; Code:
- (define-module (nyacc lang c99 cxeval)
- #:export (parse-c99-cx eval-c99-cx)
- #:use-module (nyacc lalr)
- #:use-module (nyacc parse)
- #:use-module (nyacc lex)
- #:use-module (nyacc util)
- #:use-module ((nyacc lang util) #:select (make-tl tl-append tl->list))
- #:use-module (nyacc lang sx-util)
- #:use-module (nyacc lang c99 cpp)
- #:use-module (nyacc lang c99 munge)
- #:use-module (rnrs arithmetic bitwise)
- #:use-module ((srfi srfi-43) #:select (vector-map vector-for-each))
- #:use-module (system foreign))
- (use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
- (define (sferr fmt . args) (apply simple-format (current-error-port) fmt args))
- (define (pperr exp)
- (pretty-print exp (current-error-port) #:per-line-prefix " "))
- (define ffi-type-map
- `(("void" . ,void) ("float" . ,float) ("double" . ,double) ("short" . ,short)
- ("short int" . ,short) ("signed short" . ,short)
- ("signed short int" . ,short) ("int" . ,int) ("signed" . ,int)
- ("signed int" . ,int) ("long" . ,long) ("long int" . ,long)
- ("signed long" . ,long) ("signed long int" . ,long)
- ("unsigned short int" . ,unsigned-short)
- ("unsigned short" . ,unsigned-short)
- ("unsigned int" . ,unsigned-int) ("unsigned" . ,unsigned-int)
- ("unsigned long int" . ,unsigned-long) ("unsigned long" . ,unsigned-long)
- ("char" . ,int8) ("signed char" . ,int8) ("unsigned char" . ,uint8)
- ("wchar_t" . ,int) ("char16_t" . ,int16) ("char32_t" . ,int32)
- ("long long" . ,long) ("long long int" . ,long)
- ("signed long long" . ,long) ("signed long long int" . ,long)
- ("unsigned long long" . ,unsigned-long)
- ("unsigned long long int" . ,unsigned-long) ("_Bool" . ,int8)
- ("size_t" . ,size_t)))
- (define (sizeof-type name)
- (or (and=> (assoc-ref ffi-type-map name) sizeof)
- (throw 'nyacc-error "bad type")))
- ;; (string "abc" "dev")
- (define (sizeof-string-const value)
- #f)
- (include-from-path "nyacc/lang/c99/mach.d/c99cx-act.scm")
- (include-from-path "nyacc/lang/c99/mach.d/c99cx-tab.scm")
- (define c99cx-raw-parser
- (make-lalr-parser
- (acons 'act-v c99cx-act-v c99cx-tables)))
- (define gen-c99cx-lexer
- (let* ((reader (make-comm-reader '(("/*" . "*/"))))
- (comm-skipper (lambda (ch) (reader ch #f))))
- (make-lexer-generator c99cx-mtab
- #:comm-skipper comm-skipper
- #:chlit-reader read-c-chlit
- #:num-reader read-c-num)))
- (define (parse-c99cx text)
- (with-throw-handler
- 'nyacc-error
- (lambda ()
- (with-input-from-string text
- (lambda () (c99cx-raw-parser (gen-c99cx-lexer)))))
- (lambda (key fmt . args)
- (apply throw 'cpp-error fmt args))))
- (define (expand-typename typename udict)
- (let* ((decl `(udecl (decl-spec-list
- (type-spec (typename ,typename)))
- (declr (ident "_"))))
- (xdecl (expand-typerefs decl udict))
- (xname (and xdecl (sx-ref* xdecl 1 1 1 1))))
- xname))
- ;; (sizeof type-name)
- ;; (type-name specificer-qualifier-list abstract-declarator)
- ;; (decl-spec-list
- ;; (abs-decl
- (define (eval-sizeof-type tree udict)
- (sx-match (sx-ref tree 1)
- ((type-name (decl-spec-list (type-spec (typename ,name))))
- (let* ((xname (expand-typename name udict))
- (ffi-type (assoc-ref ffi-type-map xname)))
- (unless ffi-type ;; work to go
- (throw 'c99-error "cxeval: failed to expand \"sizeof(~A)\"" name))
- (sizeof ffi-type)))
- ((type-name (decl-spec-list (type-spec (fixed-type ,name))))
- (let* ((ffi-type (assoc-ref ffi-type-map name)))
- (sizeof ffi-type)))
- ((type-name (decl-spec-list (type-spec (float-type ,name))))
- (let* ((ffi-type (assoc-ref ffi-type-map name)))
- (sizeof ffi-type)))
- ((type-name (decl-spec-list (type-spec . ,_1)) (abs-declr (pointer)))
- (sizeof '*))
- (else
- (throw 'c99-error "failed to expand sizeof type ~S" (sx-ref tree 1)))))
- ;; (sizeof unary-expr)
- ;; (primary-expression ; S 6.5.1
- ;; (identifier ($$ `(p-expr ,$1)))
- ;; (constant ($$ `(p-expr ,$1)))
- ;; (string-literal ($$ `(p-expr ,(tl->list $1))))
- ;; ("(" expression ")" ($$ $2))
- ;; ("(" "{" block-item-list "}" ")"
- ;; ($$ `(stmt-expr (@ (extension "GNUC")) ,$3)))
- ;; )
- (define (eval-sizeof-expr tree udict)
- (let* ((expr (sx-ref tree 1)))
- (sx-match expr
- ((p-expr (string . ,strl))
- (let loop ((l 0) (sl strl))
- (if (pair? sl) (loop (+ l (string-length (car sl))) (cdr sl)) l)))
- (else
- (throw 'c99-error "failed to expand sizeof expr ~S" expr)))))
- (define (eval-ident name udict ddict)
- (cond
- ((assoc-ref ddict name) =>
- (lambda (hit)
- ;; This should actually go through the cpp-expander first methinks.
- (and (string? hit)
- (let ((expr (parse-cpp-expr hit)))
- (eval-c99-cx expr udict ddict)))))
- (else
- ;;(error "missed" name)
- #f)))
- ;; @deffn {Procedure} eval-c99-cx tree [udict [ddict]]
- ;; Evaluate the constant expression or return #f
- ;; @end deffn
- (define* (eval-c99-cx tree #:optional udict ddict)
- (define (fail) #f)
- (letrec
- ((ev (lambda (ex ix) (eval-expr (sx-ref ex ix))))
- (ev1 (lambda (ex) (ev ex 1))) ; eval expr in arg 1
- (ev2 (lambda (ex) (ev ex 2))) ; eval expr in arg 2
- (ev3 (lambda (ex) (ev ex 3))) ; eval expr in arg 3
- (uop (lambda (op ex) (and op ex (op ex))))
- (bop (lambda (op lt rt) (and op lt rt (op lt rt))))
- (eval-expr
- (lambda (tree)
- (case (car tree)
- ((fixed) (string->number (cnumstr->scm (sx-ref tree 1))))
- ((float) (string->number (cnumstr->scm (sx-ref tree 1))))
- ((char) (char->integer (string-ref (sx-ref tree 1) 0)))
- ((string) (string-join (sx-tail tree 1) ""))
- ((pre-inc post-inc) (uop 1+ (ev1 tree)))
- ((pre-dec post-dec) (uop 1- (ev1 tree)))
- ((pos) (and tree (ev1 tree)))
- ((neg) (uop - (ev1 tree)))
- ((not) (and tree (if (equal? 0 (ev1 tree)) 1 0)))
- ((mul) (bop * (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((div) (bop / (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((mod) (bop modulo (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((add) (bop + (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((sub) (bop - (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((lshift) (bop bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((rshift) (bop bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((lt) (if (bop < (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)) 1 0))
- ((le) (if (bop <= (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)) 1 0))
- ((gt) (if (bop > (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)) 1 0))
- ((ge) (if (bop >= (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)) 1 0))
- ((eq) (if (bop = (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)) 1 0))
- ((ne) (if (bop = (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)) 0 1))
- ((bitwise-not) (uop lognot (ev1 tree)))
- ((bitwise-or) (bop logior (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((bitwise-xor) (bop logxor (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ((bitwise-and) (bop logand (ev1 tree) (ev2 tree)))
- ;;
- ((or)
- (let ((e1 (ev1 tree)) (e2 (ev2 tree)))
- (if (and e1 e2) (if (and (zero? e1) (zero? e2)) 0 1) #f)))
- ((and)
- (let ((e1 (ev1 tree)) (e2 (ev2 tree)))
- (if (and e1 e2) (if (or (zero? e1) (zero? e2)) 0 1) #f)))
- ((cond-expr)
- (let ((e1 (ev1 tree)) (e2 (ev2 tree)) (e3 (ev3 tree)))
- (if (and e1 e2 e3) (if (zero? e1) e3 e2) #f)))
- ;;
- ((sizeof-type)
- (catch 'c99-error
- (lambda () (eval-sizeof-type tree udict))
- (lambda (key fmt . args)
- (sferr "eval-c99-cx: ") (apply sferr fmt args)
- (newline (current-error-port)) #f)))
- ((sizeof-expr)
- (catch 'c99-error
- (lambda () (eval-sizeof-expr tree udict))
- (lambda (key fmt . args)
- (sferr "eval-c99-cx: ") (apply sferr fmt args)
- (newline (current-error-port)) #f)))
- ((ident) (eval-ident (sx-ref tree 1) udict ddict))
- ((p-expr) (ev1 tree))
- ((cast) (ev2 tree))
- ((fctn-call) #f) ; assume not constant
- ;;
- ;; TODO
- ((comp-lit) (fail)) ; return a bytearray
- ((comma-expr) (fail))
- ((i-sel) (fail))
- ((d-sel) (fail))
- ((array-ref) (fail))
- ;;
- (else (fail))))))
- (eval-expr tree)))
- ;; --- last line ---