hello-aarch64.sh 2.9 KB

  1. #! /bin/sh
  2. ## Copyright (C) 2017 Jeremiah Orians
  3. ## Copyright (C) 2020 deesix <deesix@tuta.io>
  4. ## This file is part of M2-Planet.
  5. ##
  6. ## M2-Planet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. ## (at your option) any later version.
  10. ##
  11. ## M2-Planet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. ## GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. ##
  16. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. ## along with M2-Planet. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  18. set -ex
  19. # Build the test
  20. ./bin/M2-Planet --architecture aarch64 \
  21. -f test/common_aarch64/functions/file.c \
  22. -f test/common_aarch64/functions/malloc.c \
  23. -f functions/calloc.c \
  24. -f test/common_aarch64/functions/exit.c \
  25. -f functions/match.c \
  26. -f functions/in_set.c \
  27. -f functions/numerate_number.c \
  28. -f functions/file_print.c \
  29. -f functions/number_pack.c \
  30. -f functions/string.c \
  31. -f functions/require.c \
  32. -f test/common_aarch64/functions/fixup.c \
  33. -f cc.h \
  34. -f cc_globals.c \
  35. -f cc_reader.c \
  36. -f cc_strings.c \
  37. -f cc_types.c \
  38. -f cc_core.c \
  39. -f cc.c \
  40. --debug \
  41. --bootstrap-mode \
  42. -o test/test1000/cc.M1 || exit 1
  43. # Build debug footer
  44. blood-elf --64 -f test/test1000/cc.M1 \
  45. --entry _start \
  46. -o test/test1000/cc-footer.M1 || exit 2
  47. # Macro assemble with libc written in M1-Macro
  48. M1 -f test/common_aarch64/aarch64_defs.M1 \
  49. -f test/common_aarch64/libc-core.M1 \
  50. -f test/test1000/cc.M1 \
  51. -f test/test1000/cc-footer.M1 \
  52. --LittleEndian \
  53. --architecture aarch64 \
  54. -o test/test1000/cc.hex2 || exit 3
  55. # Resolve all linkages
  56. hex2 -f test/common_aarch64/ELF-aarch64-debug.hex2 \
  57. -f test/test1000/cc.hex2 \
  58. --LittleEndian \
  59. --architecture aarch64 \
  60. --BaseAddress 0x400000 \
  61. -o test/results/test1000-aarch64-binary --exec_enable || exit 4
  62. # Ensure binary works if host machine supports test
  63. if [ "$(get_machine ${GET_MACHINE_FLAGS})" = "aarch64" ]
  64. then
  65. # Verify that the resulting file works
  66. ./test/results/test1000-aarch64-binary --architecture x86 \
  67. -f test/common_x86/functions/file.c \
  68. -f test/common_x86/functions/malloc.c \
  69. -f functions/calloc.c \
  70. -f test/common_x86/functions/exit.c \
  71. -f functions/match.c \
  72. -f functions/in_set.c \
  73. -f functions/numerate_number.c \
  74. -f functions/file_print.c \
  75. -f functions/number_pack.c \
  76. -f functions/string.c \
  77. -f functions/require.c \
  78. -f cc.h \
  79. -f cc_globals.c \
  80. -f cc_reader.c \
  81. -f cc_strings.c \
  82. -f cc_types.c \
  83. -f cc_core.c \
  84. -f cc.c \
  85. --bootstrap-mode \
  86. -o test/test1000/proof || exit 5
  87. . ./sha256.sh
  88. out=$(sha256_check test/test1000/proof.answer)
  89. [ "$out" = "test/test1000/proof: OK" ] || exit 6
  90. [ ! -e bin/M2-Planet ] && mv test/results/test1000-x86-binary bin/M2-Planet
  91. fi
  92. exit 0