Pkgfile 988 B

  1. # Description: Gnumeric spreadsheet -- last GTK2 release
  2. # URL:
  3. # Maintainer: Daniel Azevedo, daniazevedo77 at posteo dot net
  4. # Depends on: goffice08 python
  5. # originally found at Petar Petrov's Github repo crux-ports
  6. name=gnumeric-gtk2
  7. version=1.10.17
  8. release=3
  9. source=(${version%.*}/gnumeric-$version.tar.bz2)
  10. build() {
  11. cd gnumeric-$version
  12. # use this version of libxml2
  13. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib/libxml210/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
  14. touch doc/C/gnumeric-C.omf.out
  15. ./configure --prefix=/usr \
  16. --disable-schemas-install \
  17. --disable-nls
  18. make
  19. make DESTDIR=$PKG install
  20. rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/{locale,omf,gnome}
  21. rm -f $PKG/{,usr/}lib/*.la
  22. # Running "update-desktop-database" complains, warning that
  23. # usage of MIME type "zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls" is discouraged
  24. sed -i "s:zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls:application/" $PKG/usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop
  25. }