vimrc 1.7 KB

  1. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
  2. " Parts are copied from demure "
  3. " "
  4. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
  5. """"""""""""""""""
  6. " visual awesome "
  7. """"""""""""""""""
  8. set title
  9. set undolevels=1000
  10. set nobackup
  11. set number
  12. set nocompatible
  13. set background=dark
  14. set ruler
  15. set encoding=utf-8
  16. set tabstop=3
  17. set shiftwidth=3
  18. syntax on
  19. """"""""
  20. " tabs "
  21. """"""""
  22. set showtabline=2
  23. """""""""""
  24. " General "
  25. """""""""""
  26. set history=700
  27. " enable filetype plugins
  28. filetype plugin on
  29. filetype indent on
  30. """"""""""""""""""
  31. " user interface "
  32. """"""""""""""""""
  33. " ignore case when searching
  34. set ignorecase
  35. set smartcase
  36. " highlight search results
  37. set hlsearch
  38. " for regular expressions turn on magic
  39. set magic
  40. " show matching brackets
  41. set showmatch
  42. " use mouse to move
  43. set mouse=a
  44. " no annoying sounds on errors
  45. set novisualbell
  46. set noerrorbells
  47. set t_vb=
  48. set tm=500
  49. set confirm
  50. " ctags funness
  51. set tags+=tags;
  52. " Enable taglist
  53. filetype plugin on
  54. " fold fun
  55. set foldmethod=syntax
  56. set nofoldenable
  57. set foldlevel=1
  58. map <F9> zA
  59. """""""""""""""""
  60. " moving around "
  61. """""""""""""""""
  62. " <space> to search, Ctrl-<space> to backwards search
  63. map <space> /
  64. map <c-space> ?
  65. " spell check, pressing ,ss will toggle and untoggle spell checking
  66. map <leader>ss :setlocal spell!<cr>
  67. " traverse vims list
  68. noremap <silent> bp :bprevious<CR>
  69. noremap <silent> bn :bnext<CR>
  70. noremap <silent> bf :bfirst<CR>
  71. noremap <silent> bl :blast<CR>
  72. " manage runtimepath better
  73. call pathogen#infect()
  74. set nocp
  75. filetype plugin on
  76. syntax on
  77. " color scheme
  78. colorscheme Tomorrow-Night
  79. """"""""""""""""""""
  80. " CoVim login info "
  81. """"""""""""""""""""
  82. let CoVim_default_name = "daemoneye"
  83. """""""""""""
  84. " iab magic "
  85. """""""""""""
  86. " Source .iab, which include all my iabs
  87. so ~/.iab