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How many % of adverts and trackers are using Cloudflare?

  • Easylist ``` EasyList is the primary filter list that removes most adverts from international webpages, including unwanted frames, images and objects.

EasyPrivacy is an optional supplementary filter list that completely removes all forms of tracking from the internet, including web bugs, tracking scripts and information collectors, thereby protecting your personal data. ```

We picked domain-blocking lines from the list and filtered out domains which has exception rules. Here's the result.

Adblock list Domains Count Cloudflare %
EasyList 52,230 12,829 24.6%
EasyPrivacy 33,699 15,528 46.1%
Annoyance 23,229 10,311 44.4%
AdGuard 64,424 12,342 19.2%
AdAway 1,957 852 43.5%
Total 121,653 38,998 32.1%

32.1% of adverts and trackers are using Cloudflare.