TEMPLATE.ethics.txt 5.0 KB

  1. # {%ethx0000%}
  2. ![](../image/itsreallythatbad.jpg)
  3. ![](../image/telegram/c81238387627b4bfd3dcd60f56d41626.jpg)
  4. "{%ethx0001%}"
  5. "{%ethx0002%}"
  6. "{%ethx0003%}"
  7. "{%ethx0004%}" -- [phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop)
  8. ---
  9. <details>
  10. <summary>{%clickme%}
  11. ## {%ethx1n0000%}
  12. </summary>
  13. {%ethx1n0001%}
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  19. | 🖼 | 🖼 |
  20. | --- | --- |
  21. | ![](../image/cfspam01.jpg) | ![](../image/cfspam03.jpg) |
  22. | ![](../image/cfspam02.jpg) | ![](../image/cfspambrittany.jpg)<br>![](../image/cfspamtwtr.jpg) |
  23. | ![](../image/cfspam04.jpg) | ![](../image/cfspam05.jpg) |
  24. </details>
  25. ---
  26. <details>
  27. <summary>{%clickme%}
  28. ## {%ethx2n0000%}
  29. </summary>
  30. {%ethx2n0001%}
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  32. {%ethx2n0003%}
  33. | 🖼 | 🖼 |
  34. | --- | --- |
  35. | ![](../image/cfcenrev_01.jpg)<br>![](../image/cfcenrev_02.jpg) | ![](../image/cfcenrev_03.jpg) |
  36. </details>
  37. ---
  38. <details>
  39. <summary>{%clickme%}
  40. ## {%ethx3n0000%}
  41. </summary>
  42. {%ethx3n0001%}
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  46. | 🖼 | 🖼 |
  47. | --- | --- |
  48. | ![](../image/cfdox_what.jpg) | ![](../image/cfdox_swat.jpg) |
  49. | ![](../image/cfdox_kill.jpg) | ![](../image/cfdox_threat.jpg) |
  50. | ![](../image/cfdox_dox.jpg) | ![](../image/cfdox_ex1.jpg) |
  51. | ![](../image/cfabuseform.jpg) | ![](../image/cfdox_ex2.jpg) |
  52. </details>
  53. ---
  54. <details>
  55. <summary>{%clickme%}
  56. ## {%ethx4n0000%}
  57. </summary>
  58. {%ethx4n0001%}
  59. {%ethx4n0002%}
  60. {%ethx4n0003%}
  61. ![](../image/cfdonate.jpg)
  62. </details>
  63. ---
  64. <details>
  65. <summary>{%clickme%}
  66. ## {%ethx5n0000%}
  67. </summary>
  68. {%ethx5n0001%}
  69. {%ethx5n0002%}
  70. {%ethx5n0003%}
  71. ![](../image/cftmnt.jpg)
  72. </details>
  73. ---
  74. <details>
  75. <summary>{%clickme%}
  76. ## {%ethx6n0000%}
  77. </summary>
  78. {%ethx6n0001%}
  79. {%ethx6n0002%}
  80. {%ethx6n0003%}
  81. ![](../image/browdifftbcx.gif)
  82. - {%ethx6n0004%}
  83. ![](../image/browserdiff.jpg)
  84. - {%ethx6n0005%}
  85. - {%ethx6n0006%}
  86. ![](../image/cfsiryoublocked.jpg)
  87. - {%ethx6n0007%}
  88. ![](../image/lynx_cloudflare.gif)
  89. - Lynx
  90. | ***{%ethx6n0008%}*** | ***{%ethx6n0009%}*** |
  91. | --- | --- |
  92. | Tor Browser ({%ethx6n0010%}) | {%ethx6n0013%} |
  93. | Firefox ({%ethx6n0010%}) | {%ethx6n0014%} |
  94. | Chromium ({%ethx6n0010%}) | {%ethx6n0014%} |
  95. | Chromium or Firefox ({%ethx6n0011%}) | {%ethx6n0015%} |
  96. | Chromium or Firefox ({%ethx6n0012%}) | {%ethx6n0015%} |
  97. | QuteBrowser | {%ethx6n0015%} |
  98. | lynx | {%ethx6n0015%} |
  99. | w3m | {%ethx6n0015%} |
  100. | wget | {%ethx6n0015%} |
  101. {%ethx6n0016%}
  102. {%ethx6n0017%}
  103. {%ethx6n0018%}:
  104. ```
  105. {%ethx6n0019%}
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  108. {%ethx6n0022%}
  109. ```
  110. </details>
  111. ---
  112. <details>
  113. <summary>{%clickme%}
  114. ## {%ethx7n0000%}
  115. </summary>
  116. {%ethx7n0001%}
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  122. {%ethx7n0007%}
  123. | 🖼 | 🖼 |
  124. | --- | --- |
  125. | ![](../image/cfvotm_01.jpg) | ![](../image/cfvotm_02.jpg) |
  126. - {%ethx7n0008%}
  127. “{%ethx7n0009%}”
  128. {%ethx7n0010%}
  129. {%ethx7n0011%}
  130. {%ethx7n0012%}
  131. | 🖼 | 🖼 |
  132. | --- | --- |
  133. | ![](../image/changeorgasn.jpg) | ![](../image/changeorgtor.jpg) |
  134. - {%ethx7n0013%}
  135. {%ethx7n0014%}
  136. </details>
  137. ---
  138. <details>
  139. <summary>{%clickme%}
  140. ## {%ethx8n0000%}
  141. </summary>
  142. {%ethx8n0001%}
  143. {%ethx8n0002%}
  144. {%ethx8n0003%}
  145. ![](../image/cfviopl_tp.jpg)
  146. </details>
  147. ---
  148. <details>
  149. <summary>{%clickme%}
  150. ## {%ethx9n0000%}
  151. </summary>
  152. {%ethx9n0001%}
  153. {%ethx9n0002%}
  154. {%ethx9n0003%}
  155. {%ethx9n0004%}
  156. ```
  157. 2019-08-05 {%ethx9n0005%}
  158. 2019-10-02 {%ethx9n0006%}
  159. ```
  160. {%ethx9n0007%}
  161. {%ethx9n0008%}
  162. {%ethx9n0009%}
  163. ```
  164. {%ethx9n0010%}
  165. ```
  166. ![](../image/cfviopl_notdel.jpg)
  167. {%ethx9n0011%}
  168. - [{%ethx9n0012%}](https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2020/09/dont-trust-cloudflare-with-your-personal-data/)
  169. </details>
  170. ---
  171. <details>
  172. <summary>{%clickme%}
  173. ## {%ethx10n0000%}
  174. </summary>
  175. {%ethx10n0001%}
  176. ```
  177. {%ethx10n0002%}
  178. {%ethx10n0003%}
  179. {%ethx10n0004%}
  180. ```
  181. {%ethx10n0005%}
  182. ![](../image/cf_deleteandkeep.jpg)
  183. {%ethx10n0006%}
  184. {%ethx10n0007%}
  185. - {%ethx10n0008%}
  186. 1. {%ethx10n0009%}
  187. 2. {%ethx10n0010%}
  188. 3. {%ethx10n0011%}
  189. 4. {%ethx10n0012%}
  190. 5. {%ethx10n0013%}
  191. 6. {%ethx10n0014%}
  192. 7. {%ethx10n0015%}
  193. 8. {%ethx10n0013%}
  194. 9. {%ethx10n0016%}
  195. </details>
  196. ---
  197. <details>
  198. <summary>{%clickme%}
  199. ## {%ethx11n0000%}
  200. </summary>
  201. {%ethx11n0001%}
  202. {%ethx11n0002%}
  203. ![](../image/barrageemailcancelsubscription.jpg)
  204. {%ethx11n0003%}
  205. - [t](https://web.archive.org/web/20210412165334/https://twitter.com/JohnHaldson/status/1381651569247088650)
  206. </details>
  207. ---
  208. ## {%other1nfo%}
  209. - [Joseph Sullivan (Joe Sullivan)](../cloudflare_inc/cloudflare_members.md) ([Cloudflare CSO](https://twitter.com/eastdakota/status/1296522269313785862))
  210. - [Ex-Uber security head charged in connection with the cover-up of a 2016 hack that affected 57 million customers](https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-data-hack-security-head-joe-sullivan-charged-cover-up-2020-8)
  211. - [Former Chief Security Officer For Uber Charged With Obstruction Of Justice](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/former-chief-security-officer-uber-charged-obstruction-justice)
  212. ---
  213. ## {%pleasenext%}: [{%uactionmd%}](zz.action.md)
  214. | 🖼 | 🖼 |
  215. | --- | --- |
  216. | ![](../image/cfcommunity_ban.jpg) | ![](../image/censor_cloudflare_blogcomment.jpg) |
  217. ![](../image/freemoldybread.jpg)
  218. ![](../image/cfisnotanoption.jpg)