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  66. <h1>Sale at the &quot;//st.&quot; registry and Marc With a C&apos;s shop</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00265: Friday, 2015 November 27</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. Yesterday, the elder of my two sisters came over and stayed the night.
  71. I do not know how long she will be here, but our mother pretty much wanted us all to hang out today, as she does not see my eldest sister often.
  72. My mother did not want to go out in the cold though, and none of us are really the shopping type, so we stayed home most of the day.
  73. After nightfall, we did go out for a bit though.
  74. </p>
  75. <p>
  76. <a href="https://marcwithac.bandcamp.com/">Marc With a C</a> is having a sale right now, offering a discount on his physical merchandise.
  77. For the most part, I have no interest in physical media; I much prefer digital.
  78. After thinking a bit though, I realized that it is impossible for him to put his digital works on sale.
  79. He already has his digital music for sale on a name-your-own-price basis and even allows the price to be set to zero, so there is no way to discount that.
  80. </p>
  81. <p>
  82. The <code>//st.</code> registry is having a sale over the next few days as well: <a href="http://www.nic.st/campaign">70% off on all new one-year registrations and 70% off the one-time fee associated with two-character second-level labels</a>.
  83. If you want a short name, but not quite the shortest available, now is a good opportunity to register.
  84. These prices do not apply to domain renewals though.
  85. I was tempted to register a thee-character label right now while they are cheap, but have opted against doing so, at least for today.
  86. From the sounds of it, the <code>//st.</code> registry does this every year, and I would not mind switching to a new auxiliary domain each year, but I do not think that I want to clutter my <a href="/en/a/domains.xhtml">domains page</a> with formerly-used domains.
  87. </p>
  88. <p>
  89. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  90. </p>
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  95. If for some reason you would prefer to modify and/or distribute this document under other free copyleft terms, please ask me via email.
  96. My address is in the source comments near the top of this document.
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