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  66. <h1>More word lists for eschalot</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00259: Saturday, 2015 November 21</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. I spent most of today cleaning, just like yesterday.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>
  73. I took a small break because I had a new idea.
  74. I should combine the dictionaries provided by Debian for different languages and create a multilingual dictionary to use with eschalot.
  75. With only a little bit of searching, I found that the relevant packages to install were <a href="apt:miscfiles"><code>miscfiles</code></a>, <a href="apt:wamerican"><code>wamerican</code></a>, <a href="apt:wamerican-huge"><code>wamerican-huge</code></a>, <a href="apt:wamerican-insane"><code>wamerican-insane</code></a>, <a href="apt:wamerican-large"><code>wamerican-large</code></a>, <a href="apt:wamerican-small"><code>wamerican-small</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbrazilian"><code>wbrazilian</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbritish"><code>wbritish</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbritish-huge"><code>wbritish-huge</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbritish-insane"><code>wbritish-insane</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbritish-large"><code>wbritish-large</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbritish-small"><code>wbritish-small</code></a>, <a href="apt:wbulgarian"><code>wbulgarian</code></a>, <a href="apt:wcanadian"><code>wcanadian</code></a>, <a href="apt:wcanadian-huge"><code>wcanadian-huge</code></a>, <a href="apt:wcanadian-insane"><code>wcanadian-insane</code></a>, <a href="apt:wcanadian-large"><code>wcanadian-large</code></a>, <a href="apt:wcanadian-small"><code>wcanadian-small</code></a>, <a href="apt:wcatalan"><code>wcatalan</code></a>, <a href="apt:wdanish"><code>wdanish</code></a>, <a href="apt:wdutch"><code>wdutch</code></a>, <a href="apt:wfaroese"><code>wfaroese</code></a>, <a href="apt:wfrench"><code>wfrench</code></a>, <a href="apt:wgalician-minimos"><code>wgalician-minimos</code></a>, <a href="apt:wgerman-medical"><code>wgerman-medical</code></a>, <a href="apt:witalian"><code>witalian</code></a>, <a href="apt:wngerman"><code>wngerman</code></a>, <a href="apt:wnorwegian"><code>wnorwegian</code></a>, <a href="apt:wogerman"><code>wogerman</code></a>, <a href="apt:wpolish"><code>wpolish</code></a>, <a href="apt:wportuguese"><code>wportuguese</code></a>, <a href="apt:wspanish"><code>wspanish</code></a>, <a href="apt:wswedish"><code>wswedish</code></a>, <a href="apt:wswiss"><code>wswiss</code></a>, and <a href="apt:wukrainian"><code>wukrainian</code></a>.
  76. After installing them, I ran into a bit of an issue, one that is even present in the initial dictionary installed on the system.
  77. Namely, several non-<abbr title="American Standard Code for Information Interchange">ASCII</abbr> (and therefore unusable in onion addresses) characters were present.
  78. I do not want to simply leave out these words, and internationalization is not possible in onion addresses due to the lack of a dash character.
  79. While trying to make a list of unavailable characters that I would have to account for, I found that, according to <a href="file:///usr/share/dict/dutch"><code>/usr/share/dict/dutch</code></a>, some Dutch words contain digits, spaces, periods, slashes, and/or plus signs.
  80. Furthermore, &quot;06&quot; is supposedly a word, and in the case of a few words seemingly relating to carbon dioxide, words may contain a subscript &quot;2&quot;.
  81. I am unsure how reliable this file really is.
  82. <a href="file:///usr/share/dict/ukrainian"><code>/usr/share/dict/ukrainian</code></a> predictably contains no Latin characters, instead consisting of Cyrillic letters.
  83. Using these words would mean not only making small changes here and there, but instead completely butchering every word.
  84. For that reason, there is a strong chance that I will not use the words in this file at all.
  85. Doing <strong>*any*</strong> sort of transformation of any words on these lists is a project for the distant future though.
  86. </p>
  87. <p>
  88. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
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