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  66. <h1>More job applications</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00253: Sunday, 2015 November 15</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. I filled out the job application for for a local discount store today, though it is one that has to be printed and handed in in person.
  71. I filled it all in before printing it to make sure that it was as neat as possible, then took it to my mother&apos;s computer because mine does not have a printer.
  72. Her machine seems to be acting up as usual though.
  73. This time, it was refusing to print images.
  74. As the <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> application did not have fillable blanks, I had converted it into an image and added text in the <abbr title="GNU Image Manipulation Program">GIMP</abbr>.
  75. From <a href="/en/domains/newdawn.local.xhtml"><code>newdawn</code></a>, I converted the application back into a <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr> document, then brought it back down to her computer.
  76. Her computer was still not happy, and for a time, refused to speak with the printer.
  77. Once it finally decided that the printer was okay, it kept pausing during the print job.
  78. After speaking with my mother about this, it seems that her computer is being more cooperative for me than it is for her; for her, it will not even print at all.
  79. You have got yo love these highly-functional Windows machines, right?
  80. </p>
  81. <p>
  82. Next, I finished filling out the application for the big box store that my mother really wanted me to apply for.
  83. I had something I wanted to say about the form, but I do not recall what it was.
  84. Oh, well.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. My mother is one of those &quot;normal&quot; people that puts value in arbitrary calendar days and calls these days &quot;holidays&quot;.
  88. In particular, she celebrates one of the religious winter holidays that tends to involve gift-giving.
  89. Today, she decided what she wants given to her, so it is my job to go into town to get it for her.
  90. I will pick it up tomorrow after handing in my job application, assuming the local store has it.
  91. If not, we may need to pick it up when we are in Springfield next.
  92. </p>
  93. <p>
  94. Speaking of Springfield, it seems that we are going back this weekend after all, despite he having said that we will not return for quite a while.
  95. I should have known that it was too good to be true.
  96. </p>
  97. <p>
  98. I tweaked my TorChat settings yesterday to use the new onion address so that I could discontinue use of the old one.
  99. I figured that I would update my siblings on this later, and did not do so right away.
  100. Today, however, Vanessa wrote to my new address asking if I was me! It seems that her client told her that my new chat handle had added her chat handle as a buddy, and because I am the only person she knows on TorChat, she rightly assumed that it was me.
  101. Cyrus has TorChat installed, but he keeps it turned off at all times, so no one can actually contact him.
  102. What is the point of that? I have also located a per-buddy option in TorChat that logs conversations to disk.
  103. It is nice to be able to go back and read past discussions, especially with the help of <code>grep</code>, but even better is that when this feature is turned on, you can see the recent conversation when re-opening a chat window to someone.
  104. This can give late responses some context so you know what is actually going on.
  105. I would recommend only turning this feature on if your hard drive is encrypted though.
  106. </p>
  107. <p>
  108. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  109. </p>
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