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  66. <h1>More bonus albums from Marc With A C</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00248: Tuesday, 2015 November 10</p>
  68. </header>
  69. <p>
  70. I finally reset my language learning account and started work on learning Esperanto again.
  71. I&apos;ve stayed away from the lessons too long and I really should get back to making progress.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. In addition to looking into collage grants, my mother has been pressuring me into trying harder to seek employment at the local big box store.
  75. Despite the bad reputation of the store and my insistence that they treat their employees poorly, she is convinced that it would be a pretty good place to work.
  76. To humor her, I tried something new to register an account online.
  77. The local jobs did not seem to be available online before, but once I have an account registered, I should be able to apply for the job in-store using their dedicated job application computers.
  78. Lately, it has seemed that all <abbr title="The Onion Router">Tor</abbr> exit nodes have been banned from the big box store&apos;s website, but I though there would be a strong chance that the job-seeking area would technically be on another website.
  79. This alternate website might not block <abbr title="The Onion Router">Tor</abbr> exit nodes.
  80. I used a proxy to reach the main website to retrieve the <abbr title="Uniform Resource Identifier">URI</abbr>, and sure enough, it was a separate website that does not seem to mind <abbr title="The Onion Router">Tor</abbr> use.
  81. Much to my surprise, after having an account, the local job showed up on the website even though it is not visible when logged out.
  82. Also to my surprise, the telephone number field on the application was optional.
  83. I am still not feeling completely better today and I was only prepared to set a user name, password, and &quot;security&quot; questions/answers, so I only made it partway through the application.
  84. The website appears to save partially-submitted applications though, so I will work on the rest tomorrow.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. Marc With A C has just announced that he is releasing <a href="https://marcwithac.bandcamp.com/album/lifes-so-hard">Life&apos;s So Hard</a> on vinyl.
  88. Like with the last vinyl album he released, if you act quickly enough, it comes with some bonus digital-only albums.
  89. These four albums are only available if you order by 2015-12-10.
  90. Like last time, I have no interest in the legacy vinyl itself, but I do not want to miss my chance to pick up the bonus albums.
  91. It seems that <a href="https://marcwithac.bandcamp.com/album/bubblegum-romance">Bubblegum Romance</a> also had a release involving some sort of bonus and I already missed that.
  92. So before I had a chance to forget, I placed my order for Life&apos;s So Hard today.
  93. </p>
  94. <p>
  95. Speaking of music, Professor Shyguy announced an upcoming album a few days ago, I just had not had time to act on it, between life being busy and the huge number of emails I get daily.
  96. <a href="https://professorshyguy.bandcamp.com/album/fragmentation">Fragmentation</a> is currently available for preorder.
  97. I am not sure what advantages there might be to preordering the album, but I doubt there are any disadvantages (aside from the obvious inability to see what you are getting before you actually spend your money), so I tried to preorder the album.
  98. However, at this point, Bandcamp started trying to impose some sort of sales tax on me, no doubt because my <abbr title="The Onion Router">Tor</abbr> exit had switched and I was now sending my traffic from somewhere that has such a tax.
  99. I tried back later with the same result, so maybe I&apos;ll try back on another day.
  100. </p>
  101. <p>
  102. Vanessa said that she was going to choose from the list of thirty-six potential TorChat handles that I have been having eschalot generate for her, but then she did not even look at them.
  103. Perhaps she will take a look tomorrow.
  104. In the mean time, I will leave eschalot running so she will have more choices when the time comes.
  105. </p>
  106. <p>
  107. Speaking of tomorrow, it seems that school is out tomorrow, so we are headed out in the morning because Vanessa wanted to get a look at a somewhat-nearby beach at high tide a while back.
  108. I am not even sure if she remained interested for very long, as she seemed to become more reluctant over time, but our mother has insisted that she will make it happen and now has a day off to do so.
  109. </p>
  110. <p>
  111. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  112. </p>
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  117. If for some reason you would prefer to modify and/or distribute this document under other free copyleft terms, please ask me via email.
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