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  66. <h1>Of onions and instant messaging</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00247: Monday, 2015 November 09</p>
  68. </header>
  69. <p>
  70. I finally backed up my <abbr title="GNU Privacy Guard">GnuPG</abbr> keys, both public and private.
  71. I think that all of my encryption keys of all types are backed up now.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. I have added lines to the dictionary file that I use with eschalot to makes sure that any onion key that has three instances of the string &quot;yst&quot; in the first ten characters will be preserved.
  75. The chances of actually getting a match are slim, but it would be a shame to lose such a key just because I didn&apos;t include these strings in my dictionary file.
  76. I would love to be able to capture any key that has three instances of the string &quot;yst&quot; <strong>*anywhere*</strong> in the onion address, but I don&apos;t know a feasible way to do that while using word list mode.
  77. A hybrid option would be nice, something that checked each key against both the word list and a regular expression, preserving the key upon getting a match on either.
  78. I have tried converting the word list into a regular expression, which would do the job, but the regular expression output is too large for eschalot to handle.
  79. I tried cutting out words that I now know that eschalot would ignore anyway, but the regular expression is still too long to make use of.
  80. </p>
  81. <p>
  82. I tried to set up <abbr title="Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol">XMPP</abbr> service, but did not get too far.
  83. <a href="https://hosted.im/">Hosted.IM</a> offers gratis <abbr title="Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol">XMPP</abbr> hosting at your own domain, but predictably asks users to set up <code>SRV</code> records.
  84. It actually checks to see that <code>SRV</code> records are in place too, so I cannot just use <code>A</code> records instead.
  85. The <a href="http://www.nic.st/"><code>//st.</code> registry</a> does not offer <code>SRV</code> records, so I would need to seek <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> services elsewhere to use <code>SRV</code> records, but the only two places that I know of that do not cost also do not offer wildcard <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> records.
  86. I could seek a paid option, but my budget is limited.
  87. I also tried using <code>CNAME</code> records to point to corresponding records attached to a domain that Hosted.IM uses for people that do not have their own domain, but they use different servers for that domain, so the <code>SRV</code> record check fails.
  88. And of course, that assumes that the <code>SRV</code> record checker even understands and accepts <code>CNAME</code> records at all, something that I cannot check at the moment.
  89. I will probably write to the <code>//st.</code> registry later and see if they are willing to help.
  90. If they add SRV record support, it would potentially be very useful for other things in the future as well, and realistically, the worst they would do is either tell me &quot;no&quot; or avoid responding.
  91. </p>
  92. <p>
  93. I have talked Vanessa and Cyrus into installing TorChat.
  94. I am in the process of generating a custom onion address for Vanessa so her chat handle will be more recognizable while Cyrus decides what kind of chat handle he wants to use.
  95. </p>
  96. <p>
  97. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  98. </p>
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