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  67. <h1>...
  68. are some <abbr title="generic top-level domain">gTLD</abbr>s actually within my reach?</h1>
  69. <p>Day 00224: Saturday, 2015 October 17</p>
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  71. <p>
  72. Going back through the six domain registries that I thought did not ask for a telephone number, I found that not only did one of them ask for a telephone number, it <strong>*required*</strong> one.
  73. The issue was that I didn&apos;t notice that before registering the domain, you must register the domain contacts separately.
  74. Sadly, I&apos;ve had to downgrade the <a href="/en/URI_research/ccTLDs.xhtml#hm"><code>//hm.</code> registry</a> from being one of my most recommended six to being completely unusable.
  75. The other five do not appear to have this same issue, thankfully.
  76. </p>
  77. <p>
  78. I found at least three potentially-usable registries today, though due to a bit of excitement, I may have found others and forgotten them.
  79. None of the usable <abbr title="country code top-level domain">ccTLD</abbr>s were particularly noteworthy though.
  80. The <a href="/en/URI_research/usable_ccTLDs.xhtml#tg">Togolese Republic</a>, <a href="/en/URI_research/usable_ccTLDs.xhtml#vi">Virgin Islands of the United States</a>, and <a href="/en/URI_research/usable_ccTLDs.xhtml#co.ve">Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela</a> all ask for a telephone number and refuse to allow you to leave that field blank, but they allow you to enter strings saying that you do not have telephone service.
  81. </p>
  82. <p>
  83. The really interesting thing I found today was a registrar that also allows one to specify that he/she does not have a telephone number by setting the telephone number field to a non-telephone-number string.
  84. This registrar sells <code>//com.</code>, <code>//info.</code>, <code>//net.</code>, and <code>//org.</code> domains.
  85. This registrar&apos;s prices are comparatively high, and I don&apos;t know if they include <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> servers, but if I absolutely need to get a domain under a <abbr title="generic top-level domain">gTLD</abbr>, they could help me out.
  86. Unless I were to attempt to place an order, I can&apos;t be sure that the actual registries would accept the registration with a non-numeric telephone number value, but I really want to think that I&apos;ve found a place that allows such registration.
  87. More importantly, should I tell people about this discovery? If I don&apos;t tell anyone, than this discovery is of no value.
  88. I would be happier using a domain that allowed me to outright leave the telephone number field blank, or even better, did not ask me for a telephone number at all.
  89. On the other hand, if I tell people, than this potential loophole could get closed.
  90. Not only would <abbr title="Internet Assigned Numbers Authority">IANA</abbr> be upset that there is a way to register a name under a <abbr title="generic top-level domain">gTLD</abbr> and want to fix it, but there are also those that would directly oppose me and my goals.
  91. Some people feel I&apos;m childish for trying to escape the telephone number system and might want to through whatever obstetrical they can into my path.
  92. Other people are outright trolls and would see this as an opportunity to mess with me not because they even know who I am, but just because they <strong>*can*</strong> mess with me.
  93. I will keep the exact details of my discovery to myself for now while I think on this, only writing here that the discovery was made at all.
  94. </p>
  95. <p>
  96. I&apos;ve finished compiling my <abbr title="country code top-level domain">ccTLD</abbr> research, and will start the next phase tomorrow.
  97. I&apos;ve sorted out the usable <abbr title="country code top-level domain">ccTLD</abbr>s from the unusable, but continuing on, I only want to focus on the cream of the crop, the five most forward-thinking <abbr title="country code top-level domain">ccTLD</abbr> registries available.
  98. There&apos;s no point in further research on the unusable ones, and research is exhausting, so I&apos;d rather not pour a whole lot of energy into the lesser-but-still-usable registries either, especially right after having looked into every <abbr title="country code top-level domain">ccTLD</abbr> in existence.
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. My Oregon tax return check arrived today, though not the tax return check from the <abbr title="Internal Revenue Service">IRS</abbr>.
  102. I had actually forgotten all about the tax return checks because I&apos;ve been busy, but maybe also because this is the wrong time of year to receive them.
  103. </p>
  104. <p>
  105. Malaria researchers may have discovered <a href="http://www.medicaldaily.com/malaria-parasite-cancer-cure-weve-been-looking-accidental-discovery-displays-357302">the beginnings of a new treatment for cancer</a>.
  106. I won&apos;t jump to conclusions and call it a cure just yet, but it&apos;s something to look forward to.
  107. My biggest fear though is that it will be pattented and horded instead of actually being used to help people.
  108. </p>
  109. <p>
  110. It seems that because <a href="http://wowana.me/">wowaname</a>&apos;s website is not accessible over <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure">HTTPS</abbr> and mine is, attempting to connect to her website over <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure">HTTPS</abbr> results in reaching my website on her domain.
  111. I hadn&apos;t really thought about the effects of her setting up <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure">HTTPS</abbr> on her server for me, but I suppose that result makes sense.
  112. It would either be that or reaching her website on her domain using my certificate, assuming she didn&apos;t explicitly set up <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure">HTTPS</abbr> service on her website to correct the anomaly.
  113. </p>
  114. <p>
  115. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  116. </p>
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