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  66. <h1>The Republic of Cabo Verde</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00207: Wednesday, 2015 September 30</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. The Republic of Cabo Verde&apos;s registry got back to me today, sending the user name needed to log in with.
  71. It seems the system works, there&apos;s just a bit of a delay.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. Seeking more words to feed into eschalot, I took a look at <a href="file:///usr/share/dict/"><code>/usr/share/dict/</code></a> on my system.
  75. There are four files there.
  76. <code>american-english</code> is a huge word list.
  77. The first is a document explaining how to set your default word list.
  78. The other three are supposed to be word lists, but <code>american-english</code> is the only actual word list.
  79. <code>words.pre-dictionaries-common</code> is just a symbolic link to <code>american-english</code> and <code>words</code> is a symbolic link to <code>/etc/dictionaries-common/words</code>, which in turn is a symbolic link back to <code>american-english</code>.
  80. Having only one word list available, I opened the <code>american-english</code> file only to find that many of the words use non-English accents, such as the word &quot;Ångström&quot;.
  81. These words would not do well in eschalot, so I had grep sort out everything that was not usable, and fed the remaining list to eschalot.
  82. </p>
  83. <p>
  84. I noticed a couple things with eschalot&apos;s handling of word lists.
  85. First, eschalot does not understand any word shorter than eight characters.
  86. I confirmed this by attempting to use the <code>-l</code> flag to specify that shorter words be used; any lower bound that is shorter than eight characters halts the program, showing the usage instructions.
  87. Second, eschalot stops after finding a single word in the list; it does not attempt to create a better onion by stringing multiple random words together.
  88. I first tried to fix this by using the included worgen utility to find every combination of words available, but that quickly started filling up my hard drive and I had to abandon that plan.
  89. Next, I built a script that lower cased every word on the list, then built a regular expression of of them.
  90. I figured if I could compact the words into a single expression, I could just run &quot;eschalot -r &apos;^({expression})+$&apos;&quot;, but that didn&apos;t work out either.
  91. Eschalot complained that the argument list was too long.
  92. I tried hacking away at the world list, removing short words and such, but I got to the point where I was removing way too much long before I hit something eschalot could process.
  93. </p>
  94. <p>
  95. While I was still on the first stage of onion finding, searching using the word list that had the words containing Unicode characters striped out, I ended up with a fairly-usable onion: <code>//unseatedaltleuhs.onion</code>.
  96. I don&apos;t know what an &quot;altleuh&quot; is, but it&apos;s pronounceable, and amusing this bogus word is a noun, it makes sense that some of them might be unseated.
  97. I briefly considered using it as a surname instead of &quot;Dawson&quot;, but quickly rejected that idea.
  98. </p>
  99. <p>
  100. ICANN and eNom have been hassling <a href="https://wowana.me">wowaname</a> about her use of an invalid mailing address in her whois record for a name she has registered under a <abbr title="generic top-level domain">gTLD</abbr>.
  101. They want her to add a verifiable postal address, so I offered her the use of mine so she wouldn&apos;t have to divulge her own location.
  102. After all, I&apos;m already in the whois database, I&apos;ve got nothing to hide.
  103. SHe took me up on my offer, so I am now authorized to receive mail on Opal Hart&apos;s behalf.
  104. According to ICANN rules, that makes my address valid for use in her whois records.
  105. Her email address, which was only invalid accidentally, has also been corrected, so all that leaves it the incorrect telephone number.
  106. I&apos;m hoping that they do not hassle her about that as well.
  107. </p>
  108. <p>
  109. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  110. </p>
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  115. If for some reason you would prefer to modify and/or distribute this document under other free copyleft terms, please ask me via email.
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