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  66. <h1>It&apos;s been a long day, but somehow, I think tomorrow will be longer</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00190: Sunday, 2015 September 13</p>
  68. </header>
  69. <p>
  70. This morning, my mother gave me what she thought was a driver&apos;s manual, though I don&apos;t know why she thought that was what it was.
  71. It was clearly titled &quot;The Oregon Guide to Teen Driving&quot;.
  72. I can&apos;t even consider reading the thing anyway, due to it being released under the <abbr title="Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike">CC BY-NC-SA</abbr> license, a license that prohibits commercialism, and is therefor nonfree.
  73. I&apos;m not even sure why it&apos;s under any license at all.
  74. Supposedly, it was published by the Oregon Department of Transportation, a part of the government, and should therefore fall outside of copyright.
  75. It should be in the public domain, not under any license at all.
  76. In any case, the actual driver&apos;s manual has no such mention of any licensing, and is probably in the public domain as it should be.
  77. </p>
  78. <p>
  79. For part of the day, I worked at my mother&apos;s school to help her with her classroom, but we quickly rushed off because she wanted to go find yard sales.
  80. I found a telephone for only one dollar, but I had lost my money pouch.
  81. I would later find it at home, but it was too late by then.
  82. We went to the local second hand shop, where I picked up an answering machine for two dollars, but I&apos;m still missing the main telephone component to this setup.
  83. I&apos;m not sure what to do, I&apos;m running out of time before Tuesday, when we might have service.
  84. After that, we went back to the school for more classroom preparations.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. When we got back home, my mother found an advertisement for cheaper Internet access.
  88. She asked me to call them up to inquire, and I had to remind her that I do not have an active telephone line.
  89. She got frustrated, but the truth is, with or without a telephone line, I will do whatever it takes to get out of making a telephone call.
  90. Telephone conversations simply irk me to no end.
  91. Also, truth be told, I actually do have a line of service through Cricket at the moment, but only because they do not offer tablet plans and because AT&amp;T refuses to allow a tablet plan to be used with a smartphone.
  92. I do not want to be reachable by telephone wherever I go, and I have all but completely disabled the telephone functionality of my device.
  93. I&apos;d finish disabling it, but doing so seems to also disable the data connection.
  94. </p>
  95. <p>
  96. I looked up Frontier, the company my mother found, on the Web.
  97. Unfortunately, while they do have a Web presence, they do not list their prices online.
  98. I&apos;m going to have to spend my day tomorrow walking to see them in person just to ask about prices that I should be able to see on their website.
  99. I&apos;ve got better things to do than this.
  100. I am going to go in, and when they ask how I&apos;m doing as most businesses do, I&apos;ll tell them that I&apos;m not happy and explain the situation.
  101. There is no excuse for hiding their prices by omitting them from the website.
  102. </p>
  103. <p>
  104. Yesterday, I ended up with three tsunami evacuation maps, two of which I will stash away until I need them.
  105. The third, I&apos;ve marked my house on and will use for navigation.
  106. My street is not labeled on the map, but both streets one block away have been labeled, so once I checked what streets I am between, it wasn&apos;t too hard to find my street.
  107. The street Frontier is on is labeled, so it won&apos;t bee to hard to find my way there.
  108. Still, I have to navigate my way around an unlabeled lake, and I&apos;m not sure which direction is more efficient.
  109. </p>
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