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  66. <h1>An offer from Marc with a C</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00149: Monday, 2015 August 03</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. Marc with a C has set up a bit of a silly offer.
  71. If you buy <strong>*something physical*</strong> from him right now, you&apos;ll get a bonus <abbr title="compact disc">CD</abbr> thrown in, while supplies last.
  72. The silly part is that it has to be something physical, or you don&apos;t get the bonus album.
  73. I buy his digital work usually, which saves him money of physical <abbr title="compact disc">CD</abbr> production and saves me time waiting for shipment, not to mention saving money on the shipment itself.
  74. This bonus album is said to contain twenty-five song covers, two of which are not available elsewhere at the moment.
  75. I haven&apos;t purchased any music in a while, and I&apos;m not against having a physical <abbr title="compact disc">CD</abbr>, though I don&apos;t really have a use for it, so I&apos;m taking him up on the offer.
  76. I want to get to bed though, so I&apos;m going to purchase his latest <abbr title="compact disc">CD</abbr>, <a href="https://maracwithac.bandcamp.com/album/exactly-where-i-am">Exactly Where I Am</a>, without listening to the songs first.
  77. I should wait until I have time to pick out one of his best albums to purchase, but I don&apos;t want to space it and forget or wait too long and have him run out of supplies.
  78. </p>
  79. <p>
  80. I listened to the album all day at work, and it was an enjoyable experience, though most of the songs didn&apos;t reach out and grab my attention.
  81. My one complaint is that the song files are way too quiet.
  82. With the sound turned all the way up, I couldn&apos;t make out the words with all the work noises around me.
  83. If I were to shuffle the songs in with other albums, the effect would be worse as I would need to turn the volume down to be able to stand the other songs.
  84. One song that was catchy was Bootwater Suite: The Right To Bear Arms, which is about murder but is catchy nonetheless.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. Speaking of music, I found out last night that one of Brad Sucks&apos; albums is missing from my mobile.
  88. I was sure I had purchased all three.
  89. I checked my computer, and the album wasn&apos;t there either.
  90. Brad&apos;s download links expire too, so if I bought it and forgot to download it (or I downloaded it but lost it), I will need to purchase it again.
  91. However, the records on Brads&apos; website indicate that I never purchased it and my saved emails seem to indicate the same.
  92. I guess I just don&apos;t have his third album yet.
  93. </p>
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