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  66. <h1>&quot;Jungle trees&quot;</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00146: Friday, 2015 July 31</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. The concept of &quot;jungle trees&quot; is hard coded into the Minetest engine, specifically, the v6 map generator in which everything is hard coded.
  71. My current goal for Minetyst is to create all these hard coded nodes, so I did some research to find out what &quot;jungle trees&quot; are really like to base my new nodes off them.
  72. The first thing I found was that Minetest&apos;s concept of jungles is way off.
  73. &quot;Jungle&quot; is a vague term, but usually means &quot;tropical rainforest&quot;.
  74. Rain forests have four major layers, where Minetest jungles only really have two.
  75. That&apos;s okay, it&apos;s just a game, right? I next tried to decide what layer I though Minetest&apos;s trees belong to, and the obvious answer was the canopy.
  76. Canopy trees form a dense leaf and branch layer, topped only by the emergent layer.
  77. The emergent layer is too sparse to be similar to Minetest&apos;s trees.
  78. At this point, I started trying to find specific trees that inhabit this layer, but found instead that <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canopy_%28biology%29">the canopy of a rainforest is about ten meters thick</a>.
  79. I&apos;ve concluded from this that as the Minetest trees do not match this, it is unlikely that they are based off of any one specific tree and cannot easily be re-textured to approximate a real tree.
  80. I&apos;ve decided to do the only reasonable thing I can think to do, which is base my jungle trees off the jungle trees native to Minetest in which they are replacing.
  81. As a result, my new trees are a bit fanciful and very curly.
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