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- <header>
- <h1>Ssh scare and returned strength</h1>
- <p>Day 00136: Tuesday, 2015 July 21</p>
- </header>
- <p>
- I tried to log into my Minetest server this morning to make sure the thing is still running.
- I've been having it go down on me lately due to small errors in my code.
- Once one of these bugs shuts down the server, I just have to read the debug file to find the error and correct it.
- Sure enough, the server was down.
- I tried to ssh into the server, but my client was acting as if it had never seen the server before; it showed be the server's <abbr title="Rivest-Shamir-Adleman">RSA</abbr> fingerprint (a value I should have copied down somewhere but did not) and asked if I wanted to connect.
- I checked my <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> records to be sure my client was connecting to the right host, and sure enough, the record is pointed to <code></code>, the correct address on my local network.
- I accepted (and copied down) the key, but the server will not accept my password.
- No other machine on my local network should be running a ssh server, so I don't know what is going on.
- If the local <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> addresses got jumbled, I should be hitting an error message about the server not accepting connections on that port.
- For that matter, my site should not be accessible any more, as the port forwarding still points to the original <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr> address, but the site is still up.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>*UPDATE*</strong>: I found the issue, it was a typographical error in the server name.
- I was trying to access <code>chicken.hn.y.sh</code>, one letter off from my server name of <code>chicken.hn.y.st</code>.
- For anyone curious about the name of my server, I named it <code>chicken</code> because it runs headless.
- Until recently, I didn't think about how morbid of a pun that is.
- It's not a name I would use these days, but I also don't feel like renaming the server until it is replaced.
- </p>
- <p>
- After fixing the bug and restarting the server, I went back to my private world to work on planning out both my decoy home and my spawn room/future tunnel entrance.
- The tunnel entrance went well, thoug I found an error in my initial planning of it.
- After fixing the problem (which prevented people from leaving the spawn room), everything seemed in order.
- </p>
- <p>
- I thought I had finished planning my decoy abode before.
- It is basically just a dungeon near the spawn area that I was going to repair by filling in the broken spots with glass.
- The upper room is cut in two by a large underground canyon and looks quite nice once the missing walls, floor, and ceiling are filled in with glass.
- The lower area is completely trashed by the nearby caves (which are actually the lover part of the canyon that slices through the room above).
- In fact, out of confusion as to how even to repair it, I decided to take a look and see what the dungeon looked like with cave generation turned off.
- The dungeon looked completely different! The presence of the caves is quite literally interfering with the generation process of the chambers and hallways.
- Based on past experiences and accidents when dealing with the map generator, I think the air in the caves is being read as air from within the dungeon, as they are exactly the same node.
- Anyway, I've been calling my upper room the Glass Room, and I had a new idea regarding it.
- People often ask me and ask each other if they can take up residence in my home or the homes of others.I don't want to damage the surrounding area myself, but I don't mind if other people do.
- The canyon that cuts through the Glass Room offers an opportunity to build my own hallways that lead outside of what will be my protected space.
- If someone wants to join me, they can build their own rooms beyond this point.
- I managed to get two hallways added to the Glass Room leading in perpendicular directions.
- Going back the the mangled mess below, I managed to put two hallways in perpendicular directions there too.
- The catch is that I had to curve the paths downward to make them even get barely into a separate protectable area from the potential rooms above.
- If someone chooses a lower area and then builds upward, they will take away the possibility of one of the upper opportunities getting used.
- Second, there wasn't much space to work down in the lower area.
- One path would be perfect if my protected space extended just one node further, but it does not.
- The second looks outright bad, utilizing a combination of downward curving, lack of stairs, and sand/gravel nodes embedded in the floor and walls.
- The only remedy would be for me to close that area off to expansion.
- Neither of these paths do well with glass walls in combination with expansions, so I swapped the glass walls for stone brick walls.
- I think I will do the same for the halls leading off of the Glass Room, though it would be a shame to take away the beautiful sight from within the room itself.
- I think I will leave the Glass Room repaired using glass.
- </p>
- <p>
- I've not wanted to get up and do much due to lack of sleep, but tonight at work, I got a chance to put my muscles to the test.
- I'm either stronger than I was or (more likely) I am stronger than I remember.
- Adding more protein to my diet has caused me to regain my lost strength.
- I'm glad that scary ordeal is over.
- Though on the down side, I've sort of gotten sick of the vegan patties I originally used for protein in the past.
- I think part of why I wasn't getting enough protein is because I was tired of eating those.
- The funny thing is that I don't usually get tired of foods.
- I either like something no matter how much I get or I don't like it at all.
- Furthermore, I liked the flavor of those patties better than the flavor of meat.
- I found some protein bars to fill the holes left by dropping those patties though, and I will eat the last of the ones I still have tomorrow at work.
- </p>
- <p>
- I don't expect to get much done tomorrow as I have a thirteen hour shift at work.
- </p>
- <p>
- My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
- </p>
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- Copyright © 2015 Alex Yst;
- You may modify and/or redistribute this document under the terms of the <a rel="license" href="/license/gpl-3.0-standalone.xhtml"><abbr title="GNU's Not Unix">GNU</abbr> <abbr title="General Public License version Three or later">GPLv3+</abbr></a>.
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