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  66. <h1>Tablet plan shopping</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00132: Friday, 2015 July 17</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. My mobile has been out of service for a few days, so I thought now would be a good time to shop around again.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>
  73. First, I stopped by the Devote 30 store once more.
  74. Luckily for me, the correct representative was in, so I was able to get right to business.
  75. He hadn&apos;t heard about the <abbr title="subscriber identity module">SIM</abbr> card coming in, so he called someone to check on it.
  76. It appears that Devote 30 is unable to get or activate these <abbr title="subscriber identity module">SIM</abbr> cards either, which isn&apos;t too surprising.
  77. I had to cancel the order, but not before the representative tried to talk me into switching the order to a <abbr title="subscriber identity module">SIM</abbr> card for a different company that would give me two gigabytes of data per month for $25 <abbr title="United States Dollars">USD</abbr>.
  78. If I wanted two gigabytes of data per month, I could get Straight Talk&apos;s four gigabyte/two month plan for $40 <abbr title="United States Dollars">USD</abbr> and save five dollars each month over the plan Devote 30 offered me.
  79. </p>
  80. <p>
  81. While I was in the area, I stopped at the MetroPCS store to see if they had opened up their tablet plans to bring-your-own device customers yet.
  82. This isn&apos;t the location I would normally go to, but I figured I was already here and I could ask at both locations in hopes that they would both express to their superiors that a potential customer wanted this.
  83. It turns out that one of the people at this location has already been pestering his superiors about this, and says he&apos;ll continue doing so in hopes that he won&apos;t have to turn me away again next month.
  84. </p>
  85. <p>
  86. Next, I stopped by the MetroPCS location that I normally drop in at, but I found that they have closed shop! It&apos;s a good thing I stopped at the other one, because this one won&apos;t be selling me anything any time soon.
  87. Having exhausted my options as I knew I likely would, I picked up a scratch card to renew my Straight Talk service.
  88. After using it a while, it certainly shows that it is bargain brand service, but for the price, I can&apos;t really complain too much.
  89. The only better deal I know of doesn&apos;t really work due to being exclusive to one device that doesn&apos;t meet my needs.
  90. </p>
  91. <p>
  92. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
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