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  66. <h1>Attempts to get in touch with a coworker</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00078: Sunday, 2015 May 24</p>
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  69. <blockquote>
  70. <p>
  71. Day 13:
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. I attempted to contact one of my coworkers who is selling a laptop.
  75. I have two telephone numbers for him in my records, so I didn&apos;t know which <abbr title="Short Message Service">SMS</abbr> gateway address to use.
  76. If he does not respond to the message sent to the first address by tomorrow night, I will attempt to reach him at the other address.
  77. The main problem with his laptop is that it is a Windows 8 laptop.
  78. Even if the Wi-Fi card even works with Debian, the <abbr title="Basic Input/Output System">BIOS</abbr> may be wonky.
  79. It may not be possible to boot from <abbr title="Universal Serial Bus">USB</abbr> or install a new operating system without agreeing to the windows terms of service.
  80. If this is the case, that laptop won&apos;t do me any good.
  81. </p>
  82. </blockquote>
  83. <p>
  84. I couldn&apos;t update my <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> today, as I was cut off from my Web/ssh server.
  85. </p>
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