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  66. <h1>A much-needed day off</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00633: Tuesday, 2016 November 29</p>
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  69. <img src="/img/CC_BY-SA_4.0/y.st./weblog/2016/11/29.jpg" alt="Crossroads near my house" class="weblog-header-image" width="811" height="480" />
  70. <h2 id="general">General news</h2>
  71. <p>
  72. I hand-washed my work uniforms today, but otherwise took the day off.
  73. I really needed to rest and recover my energy so that I can continue doing my best in school, at work, and in apartment-hunting.
  74. </p>
  75. <p>
  76. I&apos;ve been thinking over the past couple days about my name.
  77. I fully intend to have my legal name changed to match my real name at some point.
  78. However, my real name makes me stand out a bit.
  79. I recently read an article about why one shouldn&apos;t give their unique child a unique name, and it makes sense.
  80. Drawing needless attention to them every time that they introduce themself isn&apos;t exactly the best idea.
  81. The surname that I use doesn&apos;t really mean anything to me.
  82. I am Yst more than I am Yst Dawson.
  83. So what if instead, I use Yst as my surname? More attention is given to surnames than given names when it comes to attribution in certain formats, such as <abbr title="American Psychological Association">APA</abbr> citations.
  84. Additionally, a surname of Yst more closely aligns with both the form and function of <code>//y.st.</code> in <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>.
  85. If I go this route, I need to find a generic &quot;given&quot; name, a unisex name.
  86. I think that it&apos;s stupid that children are given different names based on their sex, and I don&apos;t want any part of that.
  87. Likely, I&apos;ll choose something normally considered a nickname as my &quot;given&quot; name, which would normally be short for two different names.
  88. For example, &quot;Sam&quot; would be a good choice, as it could stand for &quot;Samantha&quot; or &quot;Samuel&quot;.
  89. &quot;Alex&quot; and &quot;Andy&quot; are good options as well.
  90. Of course, I don&apos;t want a middle name at all; they&apos;re more troble than they&apos;re worth.
  91. It bothers me when forms ask me for a middle initial.
  92. I don&apos;t mind using a full middle name, but I find required use of a middle initial to be disrespectful.
  93. With no middle name at all, this issue wouldn&apos;t apply to me any more.
  94. </p>
  95. <p>
  96. I ran across an avatar generator today that produces <a href="https://peppercarrot.com/extras/html/2016_cat-generator/">cat avatars</a> based on your name.
  97. At first, I was unimpressed with my avatar, as the scarf covers the mouth, but as the day passed, it grew on me.
  98. The images and the code are covered by the <abbr title="Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International">CC BY 4.0</abbr> license.
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. <img class="weblog-header-image" src="/img/CC_BY_4.0/peppercarrot.com.~www.splitbrain.org./avatar.png" width="256" height="256" alt="A grey cartoon cat with brown swirls on its fur, wide eyes, and a cyan scarf" />
  102. </p>
  103. <blockquote>
  104. <p>
  105. Source code and graphics <a href="https://creativecommons.org./licenses/by/4.0/">CC-By</a> <a href="https://peppercarrot.com/">David Revoy</a> ( artworks of Cats and open-raster file )<br />
  106. Originally inspired of the code for &quot;MonsterID&quot; by <a href="https://www.splitbrain.org/projects/monsterid">Andreas Gohr</a>.
  107. </p>
  108. <p>
  109. If you use this software and/or graphics please link back to http://www.splitbrain.org/go/monsterid, http://www.peppercarrot.com
  110. </p>
  111. </blockquote>
  112. <p>
  113. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
  114. </p>
  115. <h2 id="university">University life</h2>
  116. <p>
  117. Unfortunately, it seems that University of the People is now assigning Microsoft accounts, complete with email inboxes, to students.
  118. These accounts come with access to both Microsoft&apos;s online office suite and the option to download their offline office suite, which is going to encourage students to use these instead of something better such as LibreOffice.
  119. Unsure of if University of the People will be requiring use of this email in/outbox in the future, I decided to go through the set up steps to be sure that everything is in order.
  120. The Microsoft website is severely broken, and certain links and buttons don&apos;t seem to work at all.
  121. Additionally, the university has their settings such that Microsoft demanded that a verification email address or verification telephone number be set up.
  122. Thankfully, both were not required, but had setting up a verification telephone number been required, I would have complained to the university.
  123. Lastly, this account comes with one terabyte of cloud storage space.
  124. Microsoft cannot be trusted with sensitive files, but as long as I consider the files to be compromised on upload, I see no harm in making use of this storage space.
  125. I could upload copies of my music files and other non-sensitive files that I&apos;d rather have backed up to yet one more place.
  126. However, when I try to access the website that I think would allow me to upload, I hit a <code>403</code> error page.
  127. My best guess is that Microsoft is maliciously discriminating against <abbr title="The Onion Router">Tor</abbr> users.
  128. </p>
  129. <p>
  130. I tried to talk to Microsoft support, which requires logging in with a Microsoft account.
  131. However, the new Microsoft account that the university gave me seems to somehow not be a Microsoft account? I&apos;m confused by the situation, but I can&apos;t log in and get help.
  132. It seems that Microsoft has multiple account systems, and the system on which I have an account isn&apos;t the one on which I need an account to get help.
  133. </p>
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  136. Copyright © 2016 Alex Yst;
  137. You may modify and/or redistribute this document under the terms of the <a rel="license" href="/license/gpl-3.0-standalone.xhtml"><abbr title="GNU&apos;s Not Unix">GNU</abbr> <abbr title="General Public License version Three or later">GPLv3+</abbr></a>.
  138. If for some reason you would prefer to modify and/or distribute this document under other free copyleft terms, please ask me via email.
  139. My address is in the source comments near the top of this document.
  140. This license also applies to embedded content such as images.
  141. For more information on that, see <a href="/en/a/licensing.xhtml">licensing</a>.
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