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  66. <h1>My mother cannot stand holding up their own end of a deal.</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00478: Monday, 2016 June 27</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. The moving van company contacted my mother letting us know that they have a van in a city a bit more remote than ours.
  71. If we go pick that truck up instead of the one that we were scheduled to take, they&apos;ll throw in a couple extra days with the truck for us.
  72. With that offer, we&apos;ll be in less of a rush.
  73. Meanwhile, I searched the Internet for storage units for us to move our stuff into.
  74. Unfortunately, neither my mother nor I could find any units available that were both within our price range and large enough to fit our needs.
  75. </p>
  76. <p>
  77. A bit later, our mother started going off on Cyrus and I about the fact that neither of us drive.
  78. They brought up that I&apos;d said I&apos;d get a driver license against my wishes for them, though also that I still hadn&apos;t followed through.
  79. I reminded them exactly why I hadn&apos;t followed through yet.
  80. The deal was that I&apos;d get my driver license <strong>*after*</strong> trimming my hair so I&apos;d look decent in the <abbr title="identification">ID</abbr> photograph that I&apos;d be stuck with for eight years.
  81. Likewise, my mother had insisted that I grow my hair out for <strong>*one last*</strong> professionally-done photograph with my hair long.
  82. (My mother hates how I look with short hair, but I hate how I look with long hair.) It has been over a year and my mother hasn&apos;t made the arrangements that they want for their last photograph.
  83. It&apos;s been my mother that hasn&apos;t followed through, not me.
  84. This really set my mother off though.
  85. My mother constantly tries to manipulate people so they don&apos;t have to give up anything.
  86. My mother had conveniently &quot;forgotten&quot; about the actual terms of our deal and did <strong>*not*</strong> want to be reminded of them.
  87. Being reminded, they threatened to kick me out if I continued trying to cut my hair or if I didn&apos;t get a driver license.
  88. It&apos;s my hair, it shouldn&apos;t be my mother&apos;s decision, but somehow, my mother feels like they&apos;re entitled to choosing how I look.
  89. I&apos;m in a vulnerable situation at the moment.
  90. I can&apos;t stand up for myself and defend the original terms of our deal.
  91. I have no choice for now but to give in to my mother&apos;s noxious demands.
  92. Once we&apos;re in a stable home, I need to find a job, save up for an apartment, then move out.
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