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  66. <h1>Retiring the spider for now</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00373: Monday, 2016 March 14</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. I followed up that job lead from a couple days ago, but it didn&apos;t go anywhere.
  71. They aren&apos;t hiring right now.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. As <a href="apt:surf">Surf</a>&apos;s malformed <abbr title="Server Name Indication">SNI</abbr> host names aren&apos;t coming from Webkit, I&apos;m now guessing that the problem comes from glib.
  75. The <abbr title="GNU Network Object Model Environment">GNOME</abbr> people seem to currently think that the same bug in <a href="apt:epiphany-browser">Epiphany</a> comes from glib, and like Suckless, they were considering the possibility that the bug might come from Webkit or libsoup.
  76. The people in <a href="ircs://irc.oftc.net/%23Suckless">#Suckless</a> confirmed that this is a likely case.
  77. I reported the <a href="https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?47408"><abbr title="Server Name Indication">SNI</abbr> bug</a> in <a href="apt:wget">Wget</a>.
  78. Someone from SourceForge also wrote back saying that not only would he pass the information of my account registration difficulties on to someone that would look into it, but also that he had created an account for me, should I want to use it.
  79. Using that, I was able to file the <a href="https://sourceforge.net/p/w3m/feature-requests/27/">bug report</a> against <a href="apt:w3m">w3m</a>.
  80. With that, I&apos;ve not filed a bug report against all Web clients that I have found to have this particular bug, though there are other Web clients that I haven&apos;t tested and other Web clients with other related bugs.
  81. Tomorrow, I should report the bug in <a href="apt:curl"><abbr title="Client for URLs/Client URL Request Library/Curl URL Request Library">cURL</abbr></a>, <a href="apt:elinks">Elinks</a>, and <a href="apt:lynx">Lynx</a> that causes these three Web clients to send incorrect <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> Host headers.
  82. </p>
  83. <p>
  84. I applied for five jobs today and found that three places are not hiring.
  85. I attempted to apply for a sixth job, but the website was screwy.
  86. While it did allow me to apply for two jobs, attempts to apply for a third kept getting mistaken for attempts to apply for one of the jobs that I had already applied for.
  87. Tomorrow, I think I&apos;ll leave the house and search for jobs I wouldn&apos;t think of if I didn&apos;t see them.
  88. </p>
  89. <p>
  90. Working with my onion space spider is what brought me to the malformed <abbr title="Server Name Indication">SNI</abbr> host name bug of some Web clients, incorrect <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> Host header bug of other Web clients, and bug that causes incorrect normalization of <abbr title="Uniform Resource Identifier">URI</abbr>s in <a href="apt:netsurf">Netsurf</a>.
  91. Ironically, due to the fact that <abbr title="The Onion Router">Tor</abbr> is unable to understand onion addresses with trailing dots, the onion space spider never actually had to deal with these issues.
  92. It was only due to research that I needed to complete in order to finish work on the spider that I read the documents that led me to the problem.
  93. The onion space spider is still incomplete and no doubt still has much to teach me, but I feel that I don&apos;t have the energy to deal with both the spider and job hunting.
  94. With both the spider and the job hunt, there is a sense of urgency, and neither can be squeezed into the small scraps of time left available by the other.
  95. It&apos;s for that reason that I&apos;m putting the spider aside for now.
  96. Until I have a source of income, the spider will have to gather dust on my virtual shelf.
  97. These bug reports won&apos;t fill my scraps of time for long though, so I may start one or more projects that are less intense and less urgent.
  98. I might work on that forum I&apos;ve been wanting to for a while or I might start building a browser-based online game.
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. <a href="https://opalrwf4mzmlfmag.onion/">Wowaname</a> has been experiencing trouble with a <abbr title="distributed denial-of-service">DDoS</abbr> attack on her server.
  102. As a result, she (and I) seems to no longer be on the clearnet.
  103. I was notified that I was off the clearnet last night, so I imagine that wowaname was as well.
  104. I wonder why people are attacking though.
  105. Is it some random attack or is someone angry about something?
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