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  66. <h1>Removing wrapper classes</h1>
  67. <p>Day 00317: Monday, 2016 January 18</p>
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  69. <p>
  70. I have decided to not only halt progress on my wrapper classes, but to backtrack.
  71. Simply put, I do not know which functions are worth wrapping in many cases, as I do not know which functions are even worth using.
  72. I do not need include.d to be cluttered with junk code.
  73. With that in mind, I am removing any wrapper class that I have never actually used, ass well as my dir wrapper class, which I feel is made obsolete by the built-in <code>\scandir()</code> function.
  74. </p>
  75. <p>
  76. I did not have much time this morning before leaving for Springfield, but I did start putting together a function to help me debug include.d.
  77. All the function really did was load all of include.d&apos;s functions, classes, and constants, which meant that any syntax errors would become immediately visible.
  78. However, on the way to Springfield, I decided to put together a battery of tests for the actual output of these functions and classes.
  79. Soon after, I decided that my initial function was kind of arbitrary as a function, and really belonged as part of the test code, so I downgraded my plans for the function itself.
  80. It would instead be just a set of loops in the test code and it would rely on a constant within include.d to know where include.d was so it could be recursed.
  81. By adding <code>const _DIR_ = __DIR__;</code> to include.d&apos;s constants file, I would have a way to tell the test suite where include.d&apos;s files were.
  82. By the end of the day though, I had realized that the test suite did not need include.d to be modified in any way.
  83. <code>stream_resolve_include_path(&apos;st/y&apos;)</code> would tell my test suite exactly where to find my functions and classes so that they all can be loaded.
  84. I feel that this is the cleanest way to make it work, as it does not rely on adding stupid hacks to include.d.
  85. I will of course still add individual test cases for each function and class, but this will mean that I will not have to remember to individually <code>require()</code> each of my functions.
  86. </p>
  87. <p>
  88. We did not get as much work done in Springfield as we wanted to, nor are we ready to rent that storage unit.
  89. Still, the planning that i was able to make for my test suite while working made the day worthwhile for me.
  90. </p>
  91. <p>
  92. My <a href="/a/canary.txt">canary</a> still sings the tune of freedom and transparency.
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