12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- " Author: Timothy Rice <trice@posteo.net>
- " Description: Pass text captured by motion to external filter (i.e. shell command)
- " This effectively turns Vim into a stateless coding notebook.
- if exists('g:loaded_execute_that_thing')
- finish
- endif
- let g:loaded_execute_that_thing = 1
- function! ExecuteThatThing(type, ...)
- let l:sel_save = &selection
- let &selection = 'inclusive'
- let l:reg_save = @@
- if a:0
- silent exe "normal! gvy`>"
- elseif a:type ==# 'line'
- silent exe "normal! '[V']y`>"
- else
- silent exe "normal! `[v`]y`>"
- endif
- " The following guard protects against ill-formed motions.
- " (Motivated by the dodgy InnerCommandMotion further down.)
- if @" != "\n"
- silent exec "r ! " . escape(@", "%!#\r\n")
- endif
- let &selection = l:sel_save
- let @@=l:reg_save
- endfunction
- nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ExecThatThingNormal) :set opfunc=ExecuteThatThing<CR>g@
- vnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ExecThatThingVisual) :<C-U>call ExecuteThatThing(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
- " For executing the current line, by analogy with other 'inner motions' such as iw, i` etc
- onoremap <silent> <Plug>(InnerLineMotion) :<C-U>normal! 0v$<CR>
- " Treat first two characters as a prompt to be ignored. Execute the rest of the line.
- " WARNING: This is NOT robust, i.e. it simply silently skips the leading characters.
- " It does not check whether they actually look like a prompt,
- " and it gives an error for lines with fewer than three characters.
- onoremap <silent> <Plug>(InnerCommandMotion) :<C-U>normal! 3\|v$<CR>