Fork of bclose (vim buffer helper)

Timothy Rice 1112ca46e4 Rename bclose. hace 8 años
plugin 1112ca46e4 Rename bclose. hace 8 años 5c91ff17ef Add licence. hace 8 años 25dbfd574c Update README. hace 8 años


Buffer helper.

Forked from bclose, adds code from VimWiki: Avoid scrolling when switch buffers.


The :Bclosecommand deletes a buffer without changing the window layout. For each window where the buffer is currently displayed:

  • Show the alternate buffer (:buffer #), if any.
  • Otherwise, show the previous buffer (:bprevious), if any.
  • Otherwise, show an empty buffer.
"Close buffer in current window.

"Close buffer number ''N'' (as shown by `:ls`).
:Bclose ''N''

"Close buffer named ''Name'' (as shown by `:ls`).
:Bclose ''Name''

Assuming the default backslash leader key, you can also press \bd to close (delete) the buffer in the current window (same as :Bclose).

Like the :bdelete command, :Bclose will fail if the buffer has been modified. You can append ! to discard all changes (for example, :Bclose! will delete the buffer in the current window; any changes to the buffer are lost).

By default, :Bclose will close a buffer even if it is displayed in multiple windows (the windows are not closed). Put the following in your .vimrc if you would prefer that a buffer is not closed if it is displayed more than once:

:let bclose_multiple = 0