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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>After the intro, you start in a cave. Go down for a strength
  56. potion. Go back and right. You should fight monsters for experience
  57. which could be useful later. Also explore for golden hearts and
  58. potions; not all of them are mentioned and you'll see some of them
  59. right away. Anyway, go down and after the cut scene, go back and enter
  60. the room. Again a cut scene, then go back down and right. Take the
  61. food. Bring the food, they'll thank you for it. Go right and you'll
  62. see two people digging. Ask the left one if the place can't
  63. collapse. The place will collapse and some monsters will come to
  64. attack you. Kill them, then push the rock. Cut-scene. You'll now have
  65. to go through a maze but save first. Go north for two barrels with
  66. small hearts (if you need them). Follow the path south to get two
  67. hearts. To get out of the cave, go right, down, down and left. Leave
  68. the cave after the cut scene.
  69. </p><p>And again, a cut scene&#160;:) You're now in an underground goblin
  70. prison. Talk to everyone you like, then go (from the entrance) down
  71. and left. There's a kinda secret heart here, you can get it by hitting
  72. the wall in the middle of the screen. Talk to the green man. Cut
  73. scene. The girl you're looking for is downstairs. Go left, up and
  74. downstairs. Talk to her. You'll then become her. Walk to the screen
  75. where you saw the green man and talk to the goblin guarding the
  76. kitchen. In the kitchen, go right and you'll see a fence. You'll need
  77. a key to open it. Go left and down. Take the key, it's in the
  78. chest. Open the fence and again a cut-scene. You're now Dink with
  79. goblin clothes. The goblin guards will think you're one of them and
  80. you can walk outside. Go upstairs and you can walk around in the
  81. goblin prison.
  82. </p><p>Talk to everyone you like and some will tell you someone locked
  83. their leader in a cave. Go north and you'll see the cave. A goblin
  84. guard will tell you about the three poles. It's a puzzle you have to
  85. solve. You have to enter a 15-digit code, divided in three 5-digit
  86. codes. In the prison, you'll find papers with codes. You'll find nine
  87. codes but you can only enter three of them. If you enter a digit,
  88. it'll disappear. Therefore, you can only enter one of the three codes
  89. on a paper. For example, you can enter 12345 but you can't enter
  90. 12234 because you can only enter 2 once. And the number indicates
  91. where to enter it. For example: 1 - 12345 means you have to enter it
  92. at the first pole. Here are the locations of the three papers:&lt;
  93. </p><p>- In the room with the stairs to the underground prison. You have
  94. to talk to the goblin guard and ask him about the papers.
  95. - In one of the rooms where the goblin guards live.
  96. - Upstairs in the building where new guards are being trained.
  97. </p><p>A cut scene follows. You'll eventually end up outside the
  98. prison. Explore the area and go east. You can find a strength potion
  99. too. Enter Fheran Town. Go up and save your game near the bar. Talk to
  100. the people in the bar if you like and to the barwoman. She'll push a
  101. button and you can go to the people you met in prison. A conversation
  102. follows. Go back outside and go north. Enter the building. To enter
  103. the mines, you have to buy some equipment. Go upstairs and try to buy
  104. equipment. You don't have enough cash, so go back outside to find a
  105. chest with money. Somewhere east of the village is a chest. Take the
  106. money and buy the equipment. Enter the mines. Explore the mines. Go to
  107. the northeast corner and enter the Library. Here are some DinkC
  108. Philosophists. Talk to them if you like, then take the DinkC Reference
  109. one screen to the right. Return to the people in the bar.
  110. </p><p>They'll take you to the forest. You'll have to find the Temple of
  111. DinkC where you hope to find the DinkC Amulet. Enter the forest and
  112. you'll eventually find the temple to the east. Enter the Temple of
  113. DinkC and save. Go right and hit the pole. Then go back and go
  114. up. Here's another puzzle you have to solve. You'll have to make the
  115. word DinkC. Talk to the pole to start the puzzle. Here's how it
  116. works:
  117. </p><p>If the stones move to the left, you cannot select the most left
  118. stone. The stone you select moves to the left, the most left stone
  119. will go to the right and all the other stones move along to the
  120. left. An example: ABCDE and I select C, then it becomes CBDEA. The
  121. solution is then as follows (but this is not the only solution):
  122. </p><p>|IKCND | - | Select N |
  123. |NKCDI | - | Select K |
  124. |KCDIN | - | Select C |
  125. |CDINK | - | Select D |
  126. |DINKC |
  127. </p><p>Then go up and save. Go left, take the potion and go down. Cut
  128. scene. The warp fails and you'll end up in Fheran Town, near the
  129. bar. Everyone's dead. You'll leave Fheran Town and follow the path
  130. down. A dying man gives you his sword. Continue downwards, then
  131. right. Kill the screenlock-bonca's and enter the house. Go downstairs.
  132. Save and take the potion one screen south of the savebot. Go left,
  133. killing the monsters on your way. Continue and you'll eventually get
  134. to a small town. You can't follow the path here because it's blocked
  135. by rocks. You'll have to do some other things first while they remove
  136. the rocks. There are three sub quests here and you'll have to do them
  137. all.
  138. </p><p>Enter the right door and you'll see the mayor is dying. To save
  139. him, you'll need a potion. Leave and go down. You'll see a house, the
  140. witch lives there. She can make a potion for ya but she needs five
  141. mushrooms. Go outside and find them. From the witch's house:
  142. </p><p>- a mushroom outside
  143. - one screen north
  144. - three screens north
  145. - one screen northwest
  146. - two screens west
  147. </p><p>bring them to the witch, she'll make a potion. Go to the mayor and
  148. save him. Then enter the left door, it's a hotel. Go upstairs and talk
  149. to the people there. One man lost his lucky coin. You should find it
  150. for him: it's in the other room, go down and take it. Give it to
  151. him. The third sub quest is in the other house. Enter it and go
  152. downstairs. Kill the monsters in the basement. The rocks are now
  153. removed and you can continue to the west. Go north all the way and
  154. you'll get to the house of a D-Mod author. Enter his cave. A
  155. conversation follows. If you play the D-Mod author's D-Mod, you can
  156. get the D-Mod Amulet. Go up and use the portal to start the D-Mod.
  157. </p><p>After the intro, you can talk to the people in the bar. Go outside,
  158. leave the village and go down. Find the path to the east, go there and
  159. you'll find a goblin village. You can't go north because you need
  160. permission to go there. You also can't get to the Goblin Leader now so
  161. enter the left house and talk to the DinkC Philosophist. Enter the
  162. other building, go up and talk to the Goblin Leader. After the
  163. conversation, you'll have permission to go north. Go north and talk to
  164. the magician (he's a morphed goblin). You've learned your first magic
  165. spell but you can't use it because you'll need some magic potions
  166. first. Leave the goblin village and you'll see some potions. To get
  167. there, go back to the magician and he'll warp you to the other
  168. side. Take the potions. Continue and burn the trees. Go down and left
  169. for a defense potion. Then go up (kill the monsters), left and
  170. down. You'll see the DinkC Amulet.
  171. </p><p>After the cut scene, you'll have to solve a puzzle to activate the
  172. DinkC Amulet. Here's how it works. You have to move the word DinkC
  173. down to the bottom line of the puzzle. You can rotate the arrow to
  174. move the letter to that place. I'll now make a grid to indicate the
  175. positions:
  176. </p><p>|01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 |
  177. |06 | XX | XX | XX | 07 |
  178. |08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
  179. </p><p>Here's the solution (not the only one) which tells you how to move
  180. the letters to their final position (thus D-08, I-09, N-10, K-11,
  181. C-12):
  182. </p><p><br />
  183. |D | 6 | 8 |
  184. |I | 1 |
  185. |N | 2 | 6 | 9 | 10 |
  186. |I | 6 | 9 |
  187. |K | 7 | 11 |
  188. |C | 7 | 12 |
  189. </p><p>You've activated the Amulet and you can continue your quest. Follow
  190. the path through the forest. You'll end up in a village. Save your
  191. game and enter the building. Talk to the man. After the conversation,
  192. he'll change into a monster. Kill him. Go outside and go down a few
  193. screens. Then continue to the right all the way. You'll get to a
  194. savebot. Save and enter the village. Enter the bar and after the
  195. conversation, leave the village. Follow the road all the way to the
  196. castle. You can't enter because the door is stuck. You'll also see a
  197. crack next to it. Go one screen to the right and read the note. Burn
  198. the trees and enter the underground shop. Buy a bomb. Go back to the
  199. crack and blow it. Enter the castle through the hole. Go up to the
  200. king, he'll talk to you.
  201. </p><p>Go downstairs. Go right, then up. Kill the monsters and go up for
  202. some potions and hearts. Go back and down. Pick a chest. The warp
  203. fails and Dink dies. Explore the area a bit for some potions and
  204. hearts. Go more to the right and you'll get to Death's office and
  205. he'll make your death official. Continue down and you'll get to a
  206. house. Buy some things you need. Continue again and kill all the
  207. monsters on your way. After exploring the paths, you'll get to the
  208. Portal of Life. Use the red button. Now, you'll get to the
  209. resurrection office. Wait to the right till you get resurrected. Talk
  210. to people there. Then the guy tells you you're going to be
  211. resurrected.
  212. </p><p>Go down and save your game. Go right and explore the place. You'll
  213. get to a pole. Hit it and the fireballs disappear. Go to the place and
  214. you'll get resurrected. You're now in a cave. Go left and kill all the
  215. monsters on your way. Go up and a man will talk to you. Go outside and
  216. you can only continue in the forest when you learn some new magic. You
  217. can learn some new magic to the north so go there. When you get to the
  218. cave of the magicians, enter it. Go to the bottles and push it to the
  219. right. Read the note. Hit all of them. After that, go to the right
  220. room and hit the pole. Go left twice, up twice and left. You'll learn
  221. some new magic.
  222. </p><p>Go back and you can continue in the forest. Go west and you'll
  223. eventually find a portal in the forest. It'll teleport you to an
  224. underground goblin village. Take the potions and go down. You can only
  225. enter the village now, you can't enter the two other places. Explore
  226. the village, talk to some goblins and buy things if needed. Enter the
  227. most left building, near a maze. After a cut scene, you should enter
  228. the maze. Save your game. Go down and you'll see some poles. You need
  229. a switch to go there. You can also find some potions in this maze so
  230. look around. From the entrance, take the left path, then up, right and
  231. hit the switch. Go back to the poles and continue there. Follow the
  232. path and take the scroll which will give you access to the other
  233. areas. Well, at least one for now.
  234. </p><p>Go back to the entrance of the village, go right and go
  235. upstairs. You can find some potions there. Go downstairs again, go
  236. down and downstairs. Here are some machines which cause the
  237. error. You'll have to deactivate them to save the world. Save your
  238. game. Enter one of the rooms, kill the monsters, and go to the
  239. machine. Deactivate it by pushing the second button. A goblin will
  240. come in and fight. Kill him. Do this for all of the four rooms. After
  241. the third and fourth machine, a stronger goblin will try to kill
  242. you. Go back to the stairs and you'll notice a magician has locked you
  243. up in there. And he even summons more monsters into the place.
  244. </p><p>Go to the four rooms again and kill all monsters again. Then you've
  245. deactivated the machines and you can leave the place. It's time to
  246. meet the final boss! Go to the third place. Save your game and go
  247. up. Here's the final boss. But you can't find him now. He has a
  248. machine so he still controls the engine. He'll create more monsters
  249. which you have to kill. You'll have to kill some strong monsters: 2
  250. stone giants (225 hp), 14 slimes (160 hp), 4 slayers (225 hp) and 5
  251. bonca's (300 hp). After that, you'll have to fight him (600 hp). Look
  252. out for damage if you touch them and use your magic and weapons to
  253. hurt them. Heh, more than 5000 hp&#160;:) Kill the boss and you've finished
  254. World of DinkC!
  255. </p>
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