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  39. <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading"><span dir="auto">Tragic Death of Zink Smallwood (The)</span></h1>
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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>You wake up after having a bad dream (aka The End of the World). Go
  56. outside and read your 'mail'. It seems your long-lost brother Zink is
  57. back! Go a few screens east to the town square and talk to your
  58. brother and you'll a new evil wizard (there are hundreds of them) kill
  59. him. So much for long lost family. Go right after this scene and
  60. you'll see the wizard has sealed off the only exit with a huge stone
  61. slab. Instead of just jumping over the fence (Dink can't jump), he'll
  62. have to find some magical way to make it disappear. So go to wizard
  63. Partridge, one screen west of Dink's house and ask to do something
  64. about it. He'll tell you to get the Eye of the Ancients, so go
  65. downstairs, save your game and enter the warp. One screen up and left
  66. for a megapotion, right, up and right again for a golden heart, then
  67. left and up for.. some grapes on some chairs? Hmm.. One chair is
  68. empty, so head back into town and buy some grapes (one screen north
  69. from where Zink got killed). Now go back the stools and place the
  70. grapes on the empty one. A passageway opens (surprise, surprise) and
  71. you can go and collect your Eye of the Ancients, bring this back to
  72. Partridge and the boulder will be gone.
  73. </p><p>Go right a few screens and you'll see another town in
  74. distress. They need food and quick, so go the food vendor and he'll
  75. give you the feast package. Deliver the feast package and in return
  76. you'll get a red herring, which can get you the hellfire spell in the
  77. first town. Get it go the screen just ouside the second town and go up
  78. then. Notice the two different looking trees? Burn them down and go
  79. up. (<strong>Note: My computer almost freezes at this point, if that
  80. happens to you, bug the author&#160;;)</strong>) If you do make it past this
  81. screen, enter the house, talk to the wizard and exit again. The second
  82. spell has been removed, so you can go right again. Keep doing that
  83. till you reach a dragon, kill it and go right again, a few times, then
  84. up, enter the cave. Go up, and right and keep going till you see a
  85. pillar, touch it and you'll face the evil wizard again. Kill him and
  86. keep going right for the ending sequence.
  87. </p>
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