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  39. <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading"><span dir="auto">SOB 1: Stone of Balance</span></h1>
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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><table id="toc" class="toc"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div>
  56. <ul>
  57. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_1_-_The_Singing_Jewel"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Story 1 - The Singing Jewel</span></a>
  58. <ul>
  59. <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Answers_to_the_Head_Stone.27s_riddles"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">Answers to the Head Stone's riddles</span></a></li>
  60. </ul>
  61. </li>
  62. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_2_-_The_Mazes_of_Versata_and_Daedalus"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Story 2 - The Mazes of Versata and Daedalus</span></a>
  63. <ul>
  64. <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Extras:_The_Bow_Master"><span class="tocnumber">2.1</span> <span class="toctext">Extras: The Bow Master</span></a></li>
  65. <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#The_End:_Fighting_the_Apprentice"><span class="tocnumber">2.2</span> <span class="toctext">The End: Fighting the Apprentice</span></a></li>
  66. </ul>
  67. </li>
  68. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_3_-_The_Desert_of_Thirst"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Story 3 - The Desert of Thirst</span></a></li>
  69. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_4_-_The_Land_of_Reverence"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Story 4 - The Land of Reverence</span></a></li>
  70. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-5"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_5_-_The_Midas_Touch"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">Story 5 - The Midas Touch</span></a></li>
  71. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-6"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_6_-_The_Land_of_Amoreia"><span class="tocnumber">6</span> <span class="toctext">Story 6 - The Land of Amoreia</span></a></li>
  72. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-7"><a href="./SOB_1:_Stone_of_Balance#Story_7_-_End_Game"><span class="tocnumber">7</span> <span class="toctext">Story 7 - End Game</span></a></li>
  73. </ul>
  74. </td></tr></table>
  75. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Story 1 - The Singing Jewel">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_1_-_The_Singing_Jewel"> Story 1 - The Singing Jewel </span></h3>
  76. <p>You start just outside the village. Go talk to any of the villagers
  77. and you will be taken before the Queen. She throws you in prison
  78. because you can't sing. In prison you find another prisoner in the
  79. next cell who will talk to you if you make enough noise. (Try punching
  80. the wall of his cell). He tells you how the Queen got the jewel around
  81. her neck and how she has decreed that all people must sing to her.
  82. </p><p>You realize that this "singing jewel" is part of the
  83. Stone of Balance and nowyou have to figure out how to get it.
  84. </p><p>To escape from prison, kill and eat the cockroaches until you get a
  85. level boost,choose 'strength' and then punch the back wall. You will
  86. make a hole that you canescape through. Now walk through the prickly
  87. vines until you come to cave hole, crawl through and you are
  88. outside.
  89. </p><p>First step is to learn how to sing. There are some villagers that
  90. will talk to you without you having to sing, but most will call the
  91. guards and then you'll be taken before the Queen, and then executed!
  92. The village trader, (read the signs in front of the each building - it
  93. helps) will tell you about the Oracle, a mystical lady who may be able
  94. to help you.
  95. </p><p>Leave the village heading West (Left). You can't reach the
  96. Oracle's Temple directly as trees have grown over the road. Head
  97. north, past McSwill's Winery, through the vineyard...
  98. </p><p>There are green mushrooms in the vineyards, a number of them, plus
  99. a further 3 in the pig pen. You need to have six to get the answer to
  100. a vital question/game to get all the goodies in this Story. The rest
  101. you can either sell or eat. Eating results in either a bit of life
  102. boost, a bad reaction to mushrooms, or a magic mushroom which gives a
  103. bit of stats boost.
  104. </p><p>...then head South (Down), keep going past the big rock that blocks
  105. the entrance to the temple and you will eventually reach a series of
  106. trenches with SLIMERS. If you head further South you will find a SAVE
  107. MACHINE. Save your game before going through the trenches.
  108. </p><p>HEART BONUS - there is a golden heart further South and West - not
  109. a bad ideato pick it up before going through the trenches. Then you
  110. can head back to the villagewell to heal up before going thru the
  111. trenches
  112. </p><p>Once through the trenches head North (Up) until you come to a stone
  113. head. Thehead will give you a riddle with multiple choice answers. Get
  114. the answer rightand he moves aside. Get it wrong and he hurts
  115. you...
  116. </p><p>Inside the Oracle's Temple, there are two little red heartswhich
  117. you may need. Talk to the Oracle, she will give you the "Book of
  118. Songs"- a magical scroll which lets you sing whenever you talk.
  119. She also tells you that the way to get the "Singing Jewel" is find something to replace it that is even more magical - the
  120. "Singing Flute". You can also ask her about magic, and she
  121. tells you about the Isle of Exiles.
  122. </p><p>Okay, back into the village... on the way pick up some of the
  123. little green mushrooms in the vineyards.
  124. </p><p>Talk to the girl squashing the grapes for some light relief... but
  125. head back to the village.
  126. </p><p>In the village drink from the fountain to restore health... drink
  127. too much and you'll have to pee. Talk to everyone... except the Queen,
  128. as she may still execute you. The trader tells you about a Dragon in
  129. the North who is rumoured to have the magic flute. You could go up
  130. north and try and battle him, but there are some items you can collect
  131. to help you first if you want to succeed.
  132. </p><p>In the pub is a soldier sitting by himself with a skull. He wants
  133. to sell it, but you won't have enough money, or be able to buy the
  134. wine he likes, so the only option you have is to play his guessing
  135. game. Play it once, as he cheats, then go and find the guy who guards
  136. the big pig. If you have six green mush- rooms you can feed them to
  137. the big pig and he tells you the number the soldier is thinking of. If
  138. you don't have six mushrooms, you can buy your way into the pig
  139. owner's mushroom farm and then pick up three green mushrooms. The
  140. others are out around the vineyard.
  141. </p><p>Once you've been told the answer is '11', go back to the soldier in
  142. the pub and play his game once more. This time you will be given the
  143. option of saying '11'. Do so and he gives you the skull. Now go back
  144. out and to the girl squashing grapes. She will give you a bottle of
  145. wine. Very handy for later on when you want to get Hellfire.
  146. </p><p>Okay let's get some money and magic... Head north until you get to
  147. the start of the hills, head west through the first valley of
  148. pillbugs. Walk behind a tree to get up to the hill. Now do some
  149. exploring... far west leads to pillbugs and a strength potion, plus
  150. the passage to the sword in the stone. No point going to the sword in
  151. the stone yet, but find the crossed bones in the pillbug hills, walk
  152. on them and you get zapped to the hill with the pillbugs and barrels -
  153. plus a chest with 200 gold. Get all these, then head east (right) and
  154. pick up a golden heart at the end of a hill. Now just below this hill
  155. is a secret entrance through the forest to the "Magic
  156. Ring". You have to wander around blind a bit through the forest,
  157. but the trick is head down to get into it, then head east, then north
  158. (all on the same screen) and then east again, and you'll find yourself
  159. [on the next screen] in the clearing with the magic ring. Talk to the
  160. ring and it will give you "fireball magic" - you ask for
  161. hellfire and it says you should've brought an offering. After it kicks
  162. you out of the ring, talk to it again, and this time you will get
  163. hellfire because you can give him the wine. Now you're cooking!
  164. </p><p>Okay... back to the village, buy a club, some potions or whatever,
  165. use your money up, leaving only a little bit and then head back to the
  166. Orcale's Temple. Head south to the wooden house that is a couple of
  167. screens below the temple. Inside the house is a note on the
  168. table. Hmmm the owner has gone for a walk... Go back outside and
  169. smash the oars to the boat. You have to have a certain strength level
  170. to do this, so try using the club. Once the oars are smashed the
  171. Boatman appears. He is grumpy and demands all your gold for smashing
  172. his oars. Pay him or you can't go the Isle of Exiles. He goes into his
  173. house, so go in and talk to him. He can't take you to the Isle,
  174. because you broke his oars... so go find some more. Back to the trader
  175. and he can sell you oars for 175 gold, but you gave all your money to
  176. the boatman! So head north, up the beach next to all the
  177. pillbug-filled hills. Up the top burn a few trees to find a chest with
  178. 200 gold and a defense potion. Okay now back down the trader, buy the
  179. oars, then back to the boatman.
  180. </p><p>When you talk to him, get angry and then he will turn your oars
  181. into magic oars. Equip them and go to the boat. Use them (CTRL key)
  182. and off you go to the Isle of Exiles.
  183. </p><p>On the Isle are a golden heart, a red heart and a
  184. [mega]potion. Grab all of these before talking to the wizard. Now talk
  185. to the wizard, give him your oars, and he will give you water magic
  186. (very useful in the next story) and also puts an enchantment on you to
  187. confuse the stone with a sword in it into giving you its sword. Now
  188. ask to go back to the mainland.
  189. </p><p>Then head north up to the first hills, head west through the hills,
  190. then north to get the sword. Okay back down and out.
  191. </p><p>Now go back to the beach area and up to the next set of hills. The
  192. pillbugs are tougher here, but some pay off in gold. There are some
  193. strength potions behind trees so burn and find them. You need all the
  194. strength you can get. There is also a defense potion up next to a SAVE
  195. MACHINE.
  196. </p><p>Now there are two caves, one with a goblin, the other with the
  197. dragon. The one with the goblin has some very fast yellow scorpions
  198. out the front, plus a chest filled with 500 gold. The goblin can give
  199. you the Hammer of Truth, if you either give him the skull you got from
  200. the drunkard, or kill him.
  201. </p><p>Back out and either stock up on healing potions back at the village
  202. with a quick save game, or if you're feeling strong enough, head back
  203. to the screen left of the one to the entrance to the goblin cave. The
  204. entrance is blocked by logs, hit one of them with your fists and it
  205. moves. Now the passageway to the dragon is clear. But first you have
  206. to kill some scorpions. Thank goodness for hellfire magic!
  207. </p><p>If you get 6 scorpion tails or more, you can go to the final secret
  208. area and get a special type of bomb - &quot;The Sleep Bomb&quot;. A
  209. very handy device that makes defeating the dragon very easy. The
  210. entrance to the old man making the sleep bomb is at the bottom of the
  211. first set of hills. You have to burn a tree to get through. Talk to
  212. him, and threaten him... don't just give him your scorpion tails. In
  213. return he gives you a sleep bomb.
  214. </p><p>Okay, back up north and fight your way through the scorpions,
  215. heading east. There is another golden heart and red heart combo in the
  216. screen with five scorpions. The two scorpions that guard the dragon's
  217. lair are tougher than the others. But once they are killed the lair's
  218. entrance explodes and if you have one empty slot in you backpack you
  219. can go in. (If you have too many scorpion tails, go to the potion dude
  220. or the village trader and exchange/sell them).
  221. </p><p>Enter the Dragon's lair. Little bit of talk, then into the
  222. action. Use a Sleep Bomb if you have one, just make sure you don't get
  223. too close. Once he's dead, hack your way through the thorny bushes
  224. with your sword. Pick up the flute and the loot!!!
  225. </p><p>Back to town - now go to the trader and make sure you sell him all
  226. your scorpion tails as they're of no use in the next story, then go
  227. visit the Queen. A little movie with the evil apprentice
  228. appearing. Now if you have the Hammer of Truth, you get to unmask his
  229. duplicity, and in return the Queen gives you the first part of the
  230. &quot;Stone of Balance&quot;. If you don't have the Hammer of Truth,
  231. the apprentice attempts to kill you, and nearly succeeds! But the
  232. priests from the Temple of Balance rescue you.
  233. </p><p>Either way you get transported to limbo, have a talk with a Temple
  234. of Balance priest and then sent onto the next Land. Where you must
  235. find the next piece of the Stone!
  236. </p><p>NB - the save game that comes with the DMOD starts you with all the
  237. magic items, sword, Hammer of Truth, and magic flute. Just go talk to
  238. the Queen.
  239. </p><p>Oh and make sure you talk to everyone for the humour and fun of the
  240. piece!
  241. </p>
  242. <h4> <span class="mw-headline" id="Answers_to_the_Head_Stone.27s_riddles">Answers to the Head Stone's riddles</span></h4>
  243. <ul>
  244. <li>&quot;From house to house I go, / sometimes narrow, sometimes
  245. wide. / And whether there's rain or snow, / I always stay
  246. outside?&quot;<br />
  247. (a PATH)</li>
  248. <li>&quot;I run, though I have no legs. / I'm not hot, yet I have
  249. steam. / I have no voice, / yet still you hear me roar?&quot;<br />
  250. (a WATERFALL)</li>
  251. <li>&quot;Often talked of, never seen. / Ever coming, never been. /
  252. Still approaching, / coming near?&quot;<br />
  253. (TOMORROW)</li>
  254. <li>&quot;Two legs it has. / But only at rest do they / touch the
  255. groud. / What is it?&quot;<br />
  256. (a WHEELBARROW)</li>
  257. <li>&quot;What do we love more than life, / but fear more than death?
  258. / The wealthy want for it. / The poor have it in plenty?&quot;<br />
  259. (NOTHING)</li>
  260. <li>&quot;What do you use to / hoe a row, / slay a foe, / and wring
  261. with woe?&quot;<br />
  262. (HANDS)</li>
  263. <li>&quot;What goes on 4 legs / in the morning, / 2 legs in the day, /
  264. and 3 legs inthe evening?&quot;<br />
  265. (a MAN) - remember this one for Story 4</li>
  266. <li>&quot;What has many feathers, / a body and a head, too. / You can
  267. hold it in your hand, / but you don't throw it?&quot;<br />
  268. (an ARROW)</li>
  269. <li>&quot;What has no head, wears a hat. / No feet, but stands up
  270. straight. / On him a fairy once sat, / weaving a spell 'til
  271. late?&quot;<br />
  272. (a STOADSTOOL)</li>
  273. <li>&quot;What is long and slim, / works in light, / has but one eye,
  274. / and an awful bite?&quot;<br />
  275. (a NEEDLE)</li>
  276. <li>&quot;What's only 1 color, but not 1 size. / stuck to the ground,
  277. but easily<br /> flies. / Present in sun, but not in rain, / does no
  278. harm, and feels no pain?&quot;<br />
  279. (a SHADOW)</li>
  280. <li>&quot;With sharp edged wit, / and pointed poise, / it can settle
  281. disputes / without a noise?&quot;
  282. <br />a SWORD)</li>
  283. </ul>
  284. <p>On to Story 2.....
  285. </p>
  286. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: Story 2 - The Mazes of Versata and Daedalus">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_2_-_The_Mazes_of_Versata_and_Daedalus"> Story 2 - The Mazes of Versata and Daedalus </span></h3>
  287. <p>Okay, you're on a beach... time to explore a bit. Head north to
  288. find a lonely hut. Inside is a hermit trader. What's he doing way out
  289. here all alone? Making money from those foolish enough to try to find
  290. the treasures of the mazes. You can buy healing potions here, but they
  291. aren't cheap. You can sell stuff and buy a few things as well. But the
  292. main objective here is to get through the mazes.
  293. </p><p>The small one has a few goodies in it, the best being the magic
  294. herb boots. Then there is a map to the second maze, and some handy
  295. gold. If you need more gold, kill the boncas.
  296. </p><p>The Genie... If you go south of the Maze of Versata you will find a
  297. man looking for something. Talk to him and try and rob him and he will
  298. tell you what he is looking for - his Genie! Now go back west and up
  299. past the save machine and find a log on a beach. Just behind it is a
  300. jar. Spacebar it and you get a list of options. Try rubbing it... What
  301. you do with the Genie I'll leave up to you. But you only get one shot
  302. at this. The woman is there for fun, magic will give you either water
  303. magic if you missed it in Story 1 or Life Heal... (I'd go for this
  304. one), gold, or increase you maximum life.
  305. </p><p>You need to go thru the small maze, (The maze of Versata) to get to
  306. the entrance of the big maze, the Maze of Daedalus. In the small maze
  307. are herb boots, 2 chests with 500 gold each and a map to the big
  308. maze. (Once again in a jar, in the top right hand part of the small
  309. maze.
  310. </p><p>This big maze's entrance is blocked by fire. Time to use the water
  311. magic you got in Story 1 - what... you didn't get water magic? Hmmm,
  312. better ask the Genie for it. What? You asked for something else? Hmmm
  313. better ask the wizard. Where's the wizard? On an island. You have to
  314. build a bridge to it using something very heavy. Find some white rocks
  315. near the entrance to the big maze, talk to them, pick them up and then
  316. go back thru the small maze and keep going WEST until you get to the
  317. beach which juts out. You should find a part where you can see the
  318. edge of some rocks at the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Arm
  319. the rocks you picked up and CTRL them. If you are standing in the
  320. right spot the rocks will drop and complete the bridge.
  321. </p><p>Now you can find the wizard. If you already have water magic, you
  322. get the chance to learn translocation magic - but you need to have
  323. 4000 gold first.
  324. </p><p>Getting through the Maze of Daedalus. First thing you should do is
  325. buy a pick from the hermit. I don't think you can buy one until you
  326. start going through the maze and reach the rock blocking the green
  327. path, though. Turn left and head west and follow the path up past the
  328. slimers until you head north, then east, right at the top of the maze,
  329. and there you'll find a rock blocking your path. Hit the rock and you
  330. discover you need the pick to get rid of it. Head back down and fight
  331. your way through the Boncas (This story is a fight feast, my beta
  332. testers weren't fond of it, but I like it - puzzles and riddles can
  333. wear you down after a while). When you get to the south bend again
  334. you'll meet a man... he can sell you a pick, but the price is higher
  335. than what the hermit will charge (all your gold if you have more than
  336. 2000). Up to you if you want to buy it. It does save another trip
  337. through the small maze.
  338. </p><p>Okay once you've got the pick go back through the boncas and bust
  339. the rock. Then you pick up a red rock. What you do with this red rock
  340. depends on whether you've found the wizard or not. (He left a note
  341. behind another rock south-east of the Maze of Versata.) If you've
  342. found the wizard and already have water magic he offers to teach you
  343. &quot;Translocation Magic&quot; for 4000 gold. If you want to get
  344. through the maze quickly, and pick up the golden hearts that lie in
  345. the mud, you'll need this magic. But to use it you must have a red
  346. rock for every time you translocate. (move yourself to another spot
  347. on the same screen). So if you go for a golden heart make sure you
  348. have at least two red rocks... one to get off the maze and one to get
  349. back on again. Oh, and you can't get to the exact center of the maze
  350. by the mud... you have to be on the green path.
  351. </p><p>The other use for the red rocks (if you don't find the wizard, or
  352. don't get &quot;Translocation Magic&quot;) is to remove a big rock
  353. with seven holes in it from the path. Just arm each rock and
  354. &quot;use&quot; (CTRL key) it into the big rock. When it has seven
  355. it starts to glow, then blows up. Don't stand too close&#160;;-)
  356. </p><p>Now the best way to get to the center of the Maze of Daedalus is to
  357. use the map you find the Maze of Versata. It's in a jar, up past the
  358. yellow/green slimers. There's also a chest with 500 gold here, don't
  359. forget to pick that up. Use that map with the translocation magic to
  360. zap yourself as close to the center on the green path as possible and
  361. then make a mad dash for it. I used the &quot;Elixier of Life&quot;
  362. Magic the Genie offers to help me - to get this you must first have
  363. "water magic".
  364. </p>
  365. <h4> <span class="mw-headline" id="Extras:_The_Bow_Master">Extras: The Bow Master</span></h4>
  366. <p>This guy is found on the far right of the first
  367. path of the Maze of Daedalus. You have to go through some purple
  368. boncas to get to him. He can teach you &quot;Bow Lore&quot; for 1500
  369. gold. But where do you get a bow from? Bows can be bought from the bow
  370. maker. He lives underground near the entrance to the small maze. Just
  371. burn down some trees (only a few a burnable, the rest are normal as an
  372. old man explains to you.
  373. </p>
  374. <h4> <span class="mw-headline" id="The_End:_Fighting_the_Apprentice">The End: Fighting the Apprentice</span></h4>
  375. <p>Once you make it through the flame ball throwing poles, you find
  376. the apprentice talking to Medulak, the mudman. The Evil Apprentice
  377. then changes from being a little gnome into a knight in red armour. He
  378. is deadly. He's as strong as you and as tough to kill as you, plus he
  379. can fire deadly green magic. The trick to beating him is walk into
  380. this screen without any weapons, say with just the herb boots on. Then
  381. arm your most powerful weapon. 2 fighting techniques are
  382. possible. One, get in close and hack away, using Elixer of Life to
  383. revive yourself when needed or... Two, use Translocation magic and a
  384. red rock zap yourself into the mud, that way the green magic can't get
  385. you so easily. Now use the bow (with Bow Lore) and shoot at him until
  386. he dies. Then use Translocation magic to zap back again. Note: you
  387. must have two red rocks to try this!
  388. </p><p>Now go pick up the second piece of the Stone of Balance and talk to
  389. Medulak. He won't let you out until you change him from being a mudman
  390. back into a man. How do you get rid of mud? Give him a wash...<br />
  391. There that's it... Onto The Desert of Thirst.
  392. </p>
  393. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: Story 3 - The Desert of Thirst">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_3_-_The_Desert_of_Thirst"> Story 3 - The Desert of Thirst </span></h3>
  394. <p>First thing to do is find your way to the town. Be on the lookout
  395. for treasure chests if you decide to wander around, as the money will
  396. come in handy.
  397. </p><p>In the town (settlement) you'll find everyone is cold, too cold to
  398. talk to you. Go visit the trader on the east side of town and he will
  399. ask you to find some wood.Go back out of the town to the desert and
  400. "catch" some tumbleweeds. You'll probably have to go back to
  401. the trader a couple of times and unload the wood, as he wants 10
  402. pieces and you probably don't have enough slots available in your
  403. inventory for all 10. No matter, he keeps track.
  404. </p><p>Now with that done it's time to try and find out about the next
  405. fragment of the Stone. But it seems no one knows anything... but what
  406. people do know is that Gemma has disappeared and the nasty old goblins
  407. out East are suspected. So head back out of town. Follow the desert
  408. path up and the east (the stone blocking the path to the goblin cave
  409. is gone now) and make your way as far east as you can, fighting off
  410. the yellow scorpions. There's a guard standing outside the
  411. encampment. You can try fighting him if you want but it's better if
  412. you talk to him and agree to find him something to eat - Bonca
  413. meat.
  414. </p><p>Okay, back to the settlers and pay a visit to the bonca
  415. farmer. Hmmm he won't let you in to his farm... Go have a talk to the
  416. people in the bar, the woman upstairs gives you a clue as to what to
  417. do (use the mud you got at the end of story 2) to make the bonca
  418. farmer open up the gates for you... I'll say no more. And stop to chat
  419. the guys downstairs for some fun.
  420. </p><p>Now head back to the Goblin Guard. Offer him the steak, hey you
  421. have to cook it first... So back to town, talk to people about how to
  422. cook Bonca meat. Everyone says that Old Jebodiah could have turned the
  423. meat into tasty jerky, but Jebodiah is in goal (Which is the same as
  424. jail if you are from the US). So now you have to get into goal. Go to
  425. the graveyard and start hitting the graves, keep hitting the same one
  426. after the sheriff warns you off.
  427. </p><p>Now that you've been thrown in jail... You find Jebodiah. He offers
  428. to help you, if you get him out of jail. Hmmm how to get out of jail?
  429. Talk and talk to Jebodiah and when he stops talking, arm the mud and
  430. talks some more... and soon all that talk attracts the jailer. A
  431. female jailer. That mud works a treat.
  432. </p><p>Once you have Bonca jerky, the guard lets you into the Goblin
  433. camp. Make your way to the top west corner and you see that Gemma is
  434. about to be sacrificed to heal the Big Cactus. You can either offer to
  435. heal the Cactus, or fight the Goblins. If you kill the goblins - good,
  436. but they are meant to be tough.
  437. </p><p>If you offer to heal the Cactus, be careful. If you punch or do
  438. anything silly, the Goblins turn on you and you'll have to kill them
  439. to survive. Best thing is to head back to town (Yes again, sorry about
  440. that...) and talk to the one person who knows about healing... Then
  441. go to the trader to get what you need. Fertilizer. Listen to the
  442. Potion/Healer about how to use it or you'll end up fighting the
  443. goblins.
  444. </p><p>If you decide to fight the Goblins, still handy to get the
  445. fertilizer for later on.
  446. </p><p>After rescuing Gemma, go talk to the barmaid about the Mountain of
  447. Jewels. Offer to find her father, and take the letter she gives
  448. you. Now head back out of town as a rock down near the bottom entrance
  449. has been removed and go around the desert. <br /> Try to find a wizard's
  450. cave before the entrance of the Canyon as he has some useful magic to
  451. help you get through the Canyon of Death - at least past the
  452. quicksand.
  453. </p><p>There is another cave with a guy inside who is all shook up. This
  454. one is at the top end of the Canyon of Death. Talk to him and get the
  455. amulet in exchange for the fertilizer. Handy for the end.
  456. </p><p>Warding off the wasps. These little bugs get stronger the further
  457. you get into the Canyon of Death. Best thing is to cover yourself
  458. with... mud! The cave with hidden treasure. As you come down the other
  459. side of the Canyon of Death you see a hole in the middle of the
  460. Canyon, down it is a guy who says there's treasure at the bottom of
  461. one of the four holes. His partner has just gone down one and died. If
  462. you feel like some more gold (maybe to help power the Divining Rod)
  463. you can try and find the treasure. But...only try this if you're
  464. feeling lucky. And do save your game before attempting it. You have a
  465. 1 in 4 chance of success, as which hole leads to treasure is randomly
  466. decided when you enter the screen.
  467. </p><p>The Guy with the Cabbages - Crazy Charlie. At the end of the Canyon
  468. of Death lies the entrance to Crazy Charlie's new home. Look around
  469. the potion bottle lying in the path. Here you can find one red rock
  470. and 3 cabbages. You can't pick up a cabbage until you show Charlie the
  471. barmaid's letter. So if you don't have this letter, go back and get it
  472. - use the red rock and translocation magic to help you. The wizard in
  473. the first cave can teach you it for 1200 gold if you didn't get it in
  474. Story 2.
  475. </p><p>Once Crazy Charlie leaves, pick up one cabbage (others aren't
  476. needed) and head down to the magic ring just south of the entrance to
  477. the Goblin Camp.
  478. </p><p>Give the ring the cabbage and he will now transport you underground
  479. for as many times as you want. Time to fight your way through boncas
  480. and slimers. Oh and a big Roach. If you kill it you get some extra
  481. goodies. Find the next ring, which zaps you to the plateau above the
  482. Canyon of Death.
  483. </p><p>Now make your way north-east to find the second talking ring
  484. (really the fourth ring). Talk to him and then go find 3 rock graves.
  485. Use your pick to break the rocks apart. (Make sure you have a pick,
  486. before getting to this point!) But first you have to kill off any
  487. scorpions that are around the grave. Now if you have the amulet, the
  488. ghosts you disturb can't hurt you. If you don't have this amulet,
  489. RUN!
  490. </p><p>Give the skulls to the ring and he will now zap you to the top of
  491. the Mountain or back to. Here you'll find the jewels. But how to get
  492. them down? You need to mine that rock face. In a cave up here are some
  493. depressed goblin miners. Find them and talk to the head goblin miner
  494. (He's the guy wandering around on the right). Offer to find an
  495. anvil. Now back out and west to the hole in the ground. (Slide down
  496. it to get down from the Mountain.)
  497. </p><p>There are two places to get an anvil. One is on the plateau and
  498. the second is back in town. The one in the plateau is in a grave (the
  499. partner of the bowman on the plateau), just dig again with the
  500. pick. The one in town belongs to the armourer. Pick a fight with him
  501. (it's easier as his wife is the jailer) and if you kill him you get an
  502. anvil.
  503. </p><p>Take the anvil back to the Goblin Miners, the head Miner is
  504. impressed, but the others don't want to help. They are still
  505. sad. Listen to what they are talking about... You need to make them
  506. happy with either music or finding a goblinwoman. There are no goblin
  507. women, so.... arm the Book of Songs and hit it.
  508. </p><p>Once you've given the Miners music, head back to the Jewel rock
  509. face. The goblins turn up, mine the big red jewel for you, and then
  510. leave. But before you can pick up the jewel... the evil apprentice
  511. turns up again. It seems you didn't kill him off in the Maze of
  512. Daedalus after all. And this time he's brought 3 friends - GHOSTS!
  513. Kill them all, use the rock in the middle to hide behind and then you
  514. can pick up the next piece of the stone. Oh... your amulet (if you
  515. have it) starts to melt with 3 ghosts around... takes about 30
  516. seconds. So work fast.
  517. </p><p>Once you have the red piece of the Stone of Balance - it's onto the
  518. Land of Reverence.
  519. </p>
  520. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: Story 4 - The Land of Reverence">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_4_-_The_Land_of_Reverence"> Story 4 - The Land of Reverence </span></h3>
  521. <p>After the couple of intro movies... You find yourself in jail. But
  522. not alone. There is a naked woman in there with you... What to do?
  523. Save you game first, (patch 10 has put a save machine in the jail)
  524. then... Talk to the woman of course... and then... well, you'll know
  525. soon enough.
  526. </p><p>After the encounter with the naked witch, Balder, the local Temple
  527. of Balance priest, arrives and sneaks you out of jail. He takes you
  528. back to his temple. And here you learn something of this land you are
  529. now in. But Balder doesn't know where the next fragment of the Stone
  530. of Balance is. And he claims to have looked everywhere. About the only
  531. place he hasn't looked is inside the Church of Righteousness. So it's
  532. off to find this Church.
  533. </p><p>Head out of Balder's Temple and follow the path and you'll find the
  534. Church of Indulgence, Church of Righteousness, Church of Abstinence,
  535. some ruins, and various homes. Talk to everyone, but most of all talk
  536. to the priest in the Church of Abstinence. He has a key to the back
  537. door of the Church of Righteousness, but he won't give it to you until
  538. you find him some whiskey.
  539. </p><p>Now the trick to finding the whiskey is to listen carefully to what
  540. everyone says. It's location is mentioned a number of times as is the
  541. way to find it. To help you get the whiskey, find the herb boots. The
  542. rude man in the house just up and north from the Church of Indulgence
  543. will tell you about these boots if you beat him up a little. Take care
  544. not to beat him up too much or he dies. And then Dink dies for killing
  545. someone in this Land without being a priest. The herb boots' island
  546. also has 500 gold in a chest. Be careful where you tread though. as
  547. there is quicksand in the middle. The island is West and north of the
  548. Church of Indulgence. Now with the herb boots, get all healed at the
  549. well South of the Castle and then run like mad to the Church of
  550. Indulgence before Dink pees. He will piss in the pot and find the
  551. whiskey (Piss-pot, fire-water... the priest who wants the whiskey can
  552. Indulge himself if he wants to... ah... all those clues).
  553. </p><p>If you want to kill monsters and want your sword, talk to the
  554. retired soldier who lives near the ocean, just east of the save
  555. machine near the entrance to the forest of wickedness. He will sell
  556. you his sword for 600 gold. A quick 500 of it is found at the end of a
  557. forest path. Be careful of the shooting arrows though.
  558. </p><p>Once you have the whiskey, go back to Decritus (the Priest in the
  559. Church of Abstinence) and he will give you a key to the back of the
  560. Citadel. You need to go to the back and use the key at a certain spot
  561. to get in. Just arm the key and keep using it around the back of the
  562. Church, a bit of blind guessing will get you thru. It should be near
  563. the middle of the screen. Luckily enough, the back door is close to
  564. the corridors that lead to the Stronghold.
  565. </p><p>If you head west you will find a servant girl. Think quickly
  566. here... a bit of deception goes a long way. If you give her the right
  567. answer you'll continue. If not, you get thrown into the pit of red
  568. scorpions. Now head back out and down. Oops, there's a guard doing his
  569. patrol! Quickly back track out of there, before he sees you, (you've
  570. got a couple of seconds before he notices you and then you're
  571. trapped!) and go back to the servant girl. Ask her to &quot;test&quot;
  572. the guard. Once she leaves head back to the corridor. Watch the
  573. little movie, and hey, presto, the coast is clear.
  574. </p><p>Okay head down the far right corridor and on the next screen you
  575. come to the gate (four pillars) blocking the steps to the
  576. stronghold. Push spacebar to get the riddle. Now use the heads next to
  577. the pillars to solve the riddle. Hint: The answer is 3 numbers, the
  578. first is 4. Listen to the sounds the pillars make as you spacebar
  579. them. (4-2-3)
  580. </p><p>Okay, once the pillars are gone, go down the steps and talk to the
  581. bean counter in the Stronghold. You ask for a jewel-like stone, but
  582. the Church doesn't have any jewels, but the guy does tell you to find
  583. the Soothsayer, as he may be able to help you find the next
  584. piece. Thank him and don't take any gold.
  585. </p><p>Now the path to the Forest of Wickedness should be open. Time to
  586. explore. Inside this neck of the woods is a bowman who can sell you a
  587. heavy bow [total waste of money and pack space in my opinion], and
  588. teach you Bow Lore if you don't already know it. An armourer who has a
  589. variety of weapons on sale, plus bombs. Hint, you need a bomb and a
  590. club to get this Story's piece of the Stone of Balance. Also don't
  591. have a strength higher than 30 (by using Ultimate Cheat, or you'll
  592. never get the piece).
  593. </p><p>The Forest of Wickedness is also the home of Mary Beauhart and her
  594. daughter. Mary is the key to getting the stone, as well as some magic
  595. potions.
  596. </p><p>Finally there are two stone rings. One with a tree in the
  597. middle. The other ring is like Stonehenge, to get to it you need to go
  598. to the top of the Forest of Wickedness and walk up the hill (the
  599. entrance is between two big trees, hidden by the joint foilage) - this
  600. is where you will find the Soothsayer. But not just yet. You need to
  601. learn magic first.
  602. </p><p>To learn magic you need to find Mandrake's School of Magic. Talk to
  603. Mary Beauhart, it seems her father is Mandrake. Now go back out and
  604. find the old burnt-out house near the Eastern sea (yes more walking)
  605. and you'll find the door opens. There's a note on the table. Read it
  606. (several times if you like) and then walk down to the dolmen the
  607. screen below to get the fireball scroll. Now you're on your way to
  608. magic. Mandrake's School of Magic lies underground, and the entrance
  609. is in the Forest of Wickedness. Burn that tree, baby.
  610. </p><p>There are two more burnable trees outside of the Forest. One is
  611. around the Castle and the other is south of the Temple of
  612. Balance. Find them and get the goodies. Magic potions to boost your
  613. stats and a bag of 10 red rocks (very handy for the end, don't use it
  614. before hand.)
  615. </p><p>Getting past the flames that guard the way to Mandrake's abode is
  616. tricky. You have to talk to one of his students that keeps zapping in
  617. and out as they practice &quot;translocation magic&quot;. The trainee
  618. wizard gives you a clue as to who to talk to, to get help with the
  619. flames. Just listen to what he says. This helper can also been found
  620. in the Forest of Wickedness. It's the well, arm the backdoor key, talk
  621. and you'll be given ice armour in exchange for the key. (Key to your
  622. solution is the clue the apprentice gives... solution is what is in
  623. the well...)
  624. </p><p>Once you get the necessary protection against the flames, go and
  625. talk to Mandrake. He can teach you lots of magic. It just depends on
  626. your magic level. If you need a boost talk to Balder. And look for
  627. some secret caves. now's the time to buy potions from Mary, to get you
  628. magic stats up to help you learn all the spells.
  629. </p><p>The Soothsayer only appears once you have learned translocation
  630. magic. Of course, the soothsayer needs some entrails to read before he
  631. can help you... So off you go and get a duck.
  632. </p><p>After the duck talk to everyone about the reading... If you're
  633. stuck, talk to Balder. Ah yes, Mary's daughter has to cry, because her
  634. mother dies, and once the mother dies the jewel can be found in her
  635. heart. Now you need to become a priest of the Righteous path first
  636. before you can legally kill Mary. Apply at the Church.
  637. </p><p>When passing thru the hall of poverty, take the option of not yet,
  638. go back out and talk to the dolmen in the forest of wickedness, get
  639. the bag of invisibility and you want have to give up any of your hard
  640. won weapons, items.
  641. </p><p>Once you are a priest, go and buy a club and a bomb, (and if you
  642. have the money as many expensive weapons as you can - handy for trade
  643. in the next story). Make sure you have the bag of ten red rocks and
  644. then go to Mary. Talk to her, she'll refuse to be a sacrifice. Hit
  645. her with the club (your strength must be less than 30) and then you go
  646. to the Cliffs of Fire. Mary gets thrown in, jump in after her. Use
  647. translocation magic to zap around the islands to find Mary.
  648. </p><p>If you work your way right there is another bag of 10 red rocks. To
  649. find Mary go in an anti-clockwise direction, travelling the inner
  650. islands to find her. Best to have saved a game before hitting Mary, as
  651. this bit is tricky.
  652. </p><p>Once you have found Mary, use the bomb to clear the rocks and crawl
  653. thru. You'll be taken see Balder, you'll get the fourth stone, and
  654. maybe some other goodies before leaving for the next land.
  655. </p>
  656. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: Story 5 - The Midas Touch">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_5_-_The_Midas_Touch"> Story 5 - The Midas Touch </span></h3>
  657. <p>Balder's boat lands you on a beach. Head north and then East along
  658. the beach until you get to the mainland. North and West leads to a
  659. golden village. Here are a couple of Gold Diggers to talk to. They
  660. don't tell you much, other than the King of this Land has been cursed
  661. by the Stone Giants. Now everything he touches turns to gold. Time to
  662. visit this King.
  663. </p><p>You show King Midas what you're looking for. He claims to have many
  664. jewels that look like your fragment of the Stone of Balance. But they
  665. are all gold now. Yet he agrees to let you choose one if you can get
  666. the Stone Giants to lift their curse.
  667. </p><p>Okay, there's not many people to talk to here... and the entrance
  668. to the Land of the Giants won't let you pass if you carry gold. So
  669. try to find Pedlar Pete, who will exchange your gold into silver. He
  670. lives in a cabin West of the Potion lady. Pedlar Pete will also trade
  671. you the Flame Bow for a purple pear. The purple pear you get once
  672. you've answered the purple pear trees riddle. And this tree is on a
  673. little island, East of where you landed your boat. Just face the tree
  674. and start talking... and then you have to answer it's riddle. The
  675. answer is SILENCE.
  676. </p><p>Take the pear to Pete and get the Flame Bow. Sell some weapons if
  677. you have extra so you can get SECRET BOW LORE, helps with some nasty
  678. red knights later one. But this BOW LORE isn't cheap.
  679. </p><p>Now once you talk to the head Stone Giant (In the big red house top
  680. left of Stone Giants compound) he tells you that you will never find
  681. their Sorcerer, the great Albert Magnus, who is the only one who can
  682. lift the curse placed on the King. Plus the Stone Giant makes you a
  683. marked man, so now all the Stone Giants will attack you.
  684. </p><p>To find the realm that Albert Magnus is in, you need to find the
  685. wizard that studies Dragons. Talk to Pedlar Pete again and then go
  686. east past the Healer's cottage; the forest way will now be open.
  687. </p><p>Talk to the wizard, he will help you if you bring him a salad. So
  688. go find a lettuce, tomato and a carrot. Lettuce grows in the stone
  689. giant's garden, the carrot is hardest to find, behind a tree north of
  690. the wizard, just burn trees, And the tomato is northwest of the golden
  691. village.
  692. </p><p>Once you have these he gives you an answer of sorts. If that
  693. doesn't help, the hint is... somewhere in the Land of the Giants lies
  694. the entrance to the realm of Albert Magnus. And use the Flame Bow to
  695. open the thing that blocks the entrance.
  696. </p><p>Go north past stone giants, if you have all four stones, arm the
  697. fourth and you are healed instantly. Very handy for later one. Once
  698. past the stone giants you will find a cave with a water spout. Shoot
  699. it with the Flame Bow and you can now enter the cave leading to the
  700. realm of Ablert Magnus, the stone giant's sorceror.
  701. </p><p>Once inside the realm of Albert Magnus you can head either left or
  702. right. Albert Magnus is on the right. The left leads to a secret area
  703. blocked off by a green volcano. Get the four green artefacts (that's
  704. artifacts for those of you who live in the US) to remove this volcano
  705. and you can go find the Light Sword. It is being guarded by two
  706. dragons.
  707. </p><p>Back to Albert. He will only help you if you answer a riddle. If
  708. you're stuck on this one, it's... riddle!
  709. </p><p>Okay back out and back to the King. He's excited that you've got
  710. the curse lifted and offers you one of 4 jewels to choose. Choose
  711. carefully as you only get one shot at this. Oh and think of the pieces
  712. of the Stone of Balance as magnets.
  713. </p><p>Arm one and talk to the jewels to find the right one.
  714. </p><p>Okay, now it's onto the final land... but how to get there? Talk
  715. to the wizard and then go talk to the oldest creature in the Land. You
  716. have to offer him something valuable [and VERY personal] before you'll
  717. be taken to the land of Amoreia.
  718. </p><p>Oh, there is one more magic to be found in Story 5 -
  719. Multiblast. It's in a secret area, and there are more riddles (of
  720. course...&#160;;~) Just walk past the save machine after the green
  721. volcanoe in the land of Albert Magnus, and our answers are: moon,
  722. water, stars, watchdog, and peacock.
  723. </p><p>Are we having fun yet?
  724. </p>
  725. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: Story 6 - The Land of Amoreia">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_6_-_The_Land_of_Amoreia"> Story 6 - The Land of Amoreia </span></h3>
  726. <p>After arriving at this strange land (and paying the price) head
  727. north and then east to find a red stone building with steps leading
  728. down. Go down them and then talk to the women below. Make your way to
  729. the High Priestess and talk to her. You learn that these women have a
  730. crystal that looks like your fragments of the Stone. But they are
  731. unwilling to part with it, as it plays a vital role in their
  732. survival.
  733. </p><p>Okay, now go up the steps and try and find a village. Don't bother
  734. fighting monsters yet. The trick is to find the old man in the
  735. hills. He lives in a red hut north east of town. He will make you a
  736. potion which will help you satisfy the women below. But to make this
  737. potion you need to find the milk of three mystical creatures.
  738. </p><p>If you ever get stuck, talk to the townspeople, and Myrddin as
  739. sometimes they can help.
  740. </p><p>On the quest for the Milk of Avis you need to find 13 blue
  741. feathers. Most are easily spotted, but at least one is almost
  742. completely hidden behind a crystal. Try looking around where the
  743. scorpions are. Once you have 13 feather you can disguise yourself as a
  744. baby bird and get some of the Avis' milk. Drink some if you want, it
  745. wont hurt.
  746. </p><p>The Bovinus lives near the green crystals, and she needs some blue
  747. hay. Yellow hay you can buy. To turn in blue talk to the Tanner. You
  748. need to win his game to get the dye. Okay a hint on the Tanner's
  749. game. Talk to Myrddin, he not only gives credit as to where I pinched
  750. this game from (Seth's LORD), but how to get your odds of winning it
  751. down to 50/50.
  752. </p><p>The third and final milk is from the Crusteacos, entrance is near
  753. Myrrdin's house, as there is now a cliff you can walk off. Once you
  754. visit her, you need to get protection for the consumation, talk to
  755. Myrddin to find out what to do.
  756. </p><p>After you and the Crusteacos have done some interspecies breeding
  757. she needs you to wait until she is ready... You'll know what I mean
  758. when you get to this part. You have to visit her a number of times,
  759. and then go back to the village (or there abouts) for time to have
  760. registered to have passed. She will say something different to you if
  761. you've reached the right screen before you turn back.
  762. </p><p>Finally... you can get Secret Bow Lore, and three immunity potions
  763. here. All very useful when fighting the evil Sorcerer in the End
  764. Game. It's just a case of talking to the right people at the right
  765. time. To get the three immunity potions, talk to the potion lady (who
  766. else of course) just after killing the 3 red scorpions as instructed
  767. by Myrrdin (NB it won't trigger until Myrddin has told Dink to do
  768. this) and before you go back to see the Crusteacos. Oh and make sure
  769. you have room in your inventory, as you only get one shot at this. On
  770. one of my tests I forgot and only got 1 immunity potion. As for Secret
  771. Bow Lore, talk to the Potter dude after you have the Viagra potion,
  772. but before you visit the Matrons.
  773. </p><p>Okay... once you get the magic potion from Myrddin, head back to
  774. the women underground and go for it.
  775. </p>
  776. <h3><span class="editsection">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: Story 7 - End Game">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Story_7_-_End_Game"> Story 7 - End Game </span></h3>
  777. <p>Now it's on to the End Game... work your way east, save and then
  778. descend.
  779. </p><p>Now, battle 3 Dink clones, carefull as they die in an acid burst,
  780. save again and prepare to battle the big dude himself as he comes up
  781. through the layers of Hell.
  782. </p><p>If you have the first four pieces of the Stone of Balance, arm the
  783. fourth and it will restore all health points. Very useful in the end
  784. battle. If you have the first five - arm the fifth and something very
  785. balancing should happen. This can be used in conjunction with an
  786. immunity potion to make Dink nearly invincible. Handy after all the
  787. trouble you've been through.
  788. </p><p>Good luck!
  789. </p>
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