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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>Walkthrough &amp; hints for {The Red Jacket Murders}, March 06 v1.5
  56. </p><p>The wizard (Martridge) teleports you to a new land to solve the mystery
  57. </p><p><br />
  58. Go straight (find a map) and turn right to enter DN village
  59. </p><p>Hints:
  60. </p><p>Talk to all characters throughout the map(it's very small)
  61. </p><p>and remember what each one says
  62. </p><p>kill boncas to earn gold and xp points
  63. kill other enemies to get xp points
  64. </p><p><br />
  65. Buy potions and long sword
  66. </p><p>reach level 3 to fight main boss.
  67. have potions,use hit n run method
  68. U can use soccer bombs,but sword is easier
  69. </p><p><br />
  70. don't worry,the game is flexible,u can do things in any order.
  71. </p><p><br />
  72. </p><p><br />
  73. walkthrough:(spoiler warning)
  74. </p><p>In DN village there are 4 houses/shops
  75. </p><p>northeast is the medicos shop where u can get healed or buy
  76. potions
  77. </p><p>(don't bother to kill the enemies until u get the sword)
  78. </p><p>south east is tal's house/shop
  79. Tal says:U can drink fountain water from the SE corner of the map
  80. to be able to talk to the ghosts, 3 in all
  81. </p><p>drinking fountain water can turn u into ghost and vice versa.
  82. </p><p>speak to all 3 ghosts
  83. </p><p>the ghost near the fountain will give u a very important hint
  84. </p><p>Go to redink1's house ,southeast in dn village
  85. (there is a Savebot in his upper floor)
  86. he will ask for a rope
  87. </p><p>fetch the rope
  88. like the ghost near the fountain told u about stonepillars
  89. near the murderer's hideout
  90. go to northwest in DN village
  91. u will see 2 pillars
  92. move the pillar to the left to the left (main hint)
  93. there is the murderer's hideout
  94. Go inside find 200 gold,heart container,heart,rope and all goodies
  95. </p><p>Give the rope to redink1
  96. he will give u 200 bucks
  97. </p><p>now u have 425 gold coins
  98. </p><p><br />
  99. </p><p>North of dn village is sabretrouts weapon shop
  100. U only need long sword,soccer balls are not necessary at all
  101. //U have to earn money for long sword
  102. </p><p>U pay him 400 gold and get the sword
  103. </p><p>now slaughter all enemies to get xp points and gold from boncas
  104. </p><p><br />
  105. </p><p>go to south east of the map
  106. </p><p>the road to the fasion fair which was closed has opened after u gave the rope to redink1
  107. </p><p>U will find the main boss there
  108. </p><p>U shud be at level 3,I recommend
  109. take a lot of potions with u
  110. </p><p>I killed her using sword(hit n run)
  111. U can try using soccer bombs
  112. </p><p><br />
  113. </p><p>I hope you found this info useful.
  114. regards,
  115. </p>
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