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  39. <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading"><span dir="auto">Quest for Arithia 2: The Rozarus</span></h1>
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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>This is part two of the arithia trilogy, so make sure you play The
  56. Ninth Lock first if you want to know what happened.
  57. </p><p>Go downstairs and kill boncas till one gives you money. Go upstairs
  58. and north, and talk to the woman about everything. You'll offer to get
  59. the pepper. Go south and up the stairs. Open all the chests and take
  60. all the money. Go up the stairs. Get the pepper from behind the first
  61. bookshelf (follow the path between the shelves). Go downstairs (twice)
  62. and buy two meals from Bog. (Hint: You can restore you health by
  63. eating a meal. If you go back to Ash then and talk to him, you can eat
  64. the second one) Walk outside. Now, collect all the gold hearts in the
  65. area, and once you've got them, get the red one. Go back inside and
  66. downstairs. Work your way through the boncas until you get to the save
  67. point, where you must save. Now you can leave and come back and save
  68. here. Leave the area, and on the first screen out of it, walk west
  69. until you come to a fence. (Tip: There is also a potion-seller
  70. somewhere East on the map. Mike: “You should atleast try to buy 2
  71. or 3 defense potions, go back to the inn and kill the bonca's again if
  72. you need money. If you are really good, then you don't need
  73. these.”) There are two openings in it, the one on the top leads
  74. to some potions (Get those!), the one on the bottom leads to a
  75. house. Enter it, and keep doing it till he lets you stay. (Mike:
  76. “There are some more potions in his house, and even more if you
  77. go north, get them aswell.” Talk to him and use all the
  78. conversation options. Go back through the fence and head north-east
  79. till you get to Potter's Cave. Enter the cave through the left
  80. entrance. You will need to solve a maze of sorts. My hint is to avoid
  81. the slayers, and move as quickly as possible. (Mike: T“here is a
  82. save point in Potters cave. It's close to the end of the maze
  83. section.. a little south of where the path finally starts winding
  84. north and east to the wide open area. I'd recommend finding the save
  85. point unless you were able to get though without it.” You will
  86. need to get to a fountain. Once you are there, push on the side of
  87. it. Walk west to Potter's house and talk to him. Once you are
  88. finished, leave the cave, and walk as eastward as you can. Sweep the
  89. beach on the east side, and you will eventually come to a guard. Tell
  90. him who you are, and that you know what is across the bridge. Then,
  91. use the pepper on him. Walk across the bridge and you finish the
  92. D-Mod.
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