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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>(Highlight puzzle answers to read)<br /><br />
  56. </p><p>After you're done wandering and talking to people, enter a cave west of the screen with the savebot. You'll meet the "Guard of Logic" who will ask you some questions.
  57. <br /><br />
  58. 1st question answer: <font color="white">Choice 4, 1024<br /></font>
  59. 2nd question answer: <font color="white">Choice 2, 0,5n^2 + 0,5n<br /></font>
  60. 3rd question answer: <font color="white">Choice 3, 225, 625, 1225 etc.<br /><br /></font>
  61. </p><p>After you answer them correctly, continue north. Another guard who asks lethal questions, the Guard of History.<br /><br />
  62. </p><p>1st question answer: <font color="white">Choice 3, 22 june</font><br />
  63. 2nd question answer: <font color="white">Choice 3, Albert Kesselring<br /></font>
  64. 3rd question answer: <font color="white">Choice 1, Panther<br /><br /></font>
  65. </p><p>Continuing north, talk with the last guard, the Guard of Sweden. There will be no answers to his ultimately difficult questions in this walkthrough.
  66. <br /><br />
  67. After answering correctly, pick up the red heart. Head out and talk with the farmer in the westmost house of the village. On to Bandalla you go! There are two secrets in this area that are fairly easy to find.
  68. <br /><br />
  69. 1st secret: <font color="white">Beyond the bushes on the top-left edge of the island.<br /></font>
  70. 2nd secret: <font color="white">Argue with the man in the southern house for a while.<br /><br /></font>
  71. </p><p>Once you've spoken with the mayor who's standing next to the well, head east, and talk with the guard. He wants you to bring him ten badgers. Where to get badgers in this dmod? Hmm.
  72. <br /><br />
  73. Answer: <font color="white">Escape menu.<br /><br /></font>
  74. </p><p>Head east, save the game and find another puzzle. You have to find the red knight amongst a bunch of blue ones. This can get difficult and annoying if you have to try many times, but luckily the answers aren't random. If you have to try again just remember what the answer was the last time and go eat a banana while they walk around.
  75. <br /><br />
  76. 1st answer: <font color="white">Choice 2, The middle one<br /></font>
  77. 2nd answer: <font color="white">Choice 2, The left one<br /></font>
  78. 3rd answer: <font color="white">Choice 5, The right-right one<br /><br /></font>
  79. </p><p>Going east, you find the second puzzle on the way to the dreaded castle of Dome. Memory. There are 4 rows of barrels from top to bottom and 5 rows from left to right. Each time you answer wrong, you lose a chunk of your life.
  80. <br /><br />Pairs:<br /><br />
  81. </p>
  82. <table border="1px" style="color:white;">
  83. <tr>
  84. <td>Pillbug
  85. </td>
  86. <td>Brown Bonca
  87. </td>
  88. <td>Duck
  89. </td>
  90. <td>Pig
  91. </td>
  92. <td>Pillbug
  93. </td></tr>
  94. <tr>
  95. <td>Dragon
  96. </td>
  97. <td>Old man
  98. </td>
  99. <td>Purple bonca
  100. </td>
  101. <td>Bomb
  102. </td>
  103. <td>Red Heart
  104. </td></tr>
  105. <tr>
  106. <td>Duck
  107. </td>
  108. <td>Pig
  109. </td>
  110. <td>Dead guard
  111. </td>
  112. <td>Old man
  113. </td>
  114. <td>Red Heart
  115. </td></tr>
  116. <tr>
  117. <td>Purple bonca
  118. </td>
  119. <td>Dead guard
  120. </td>
  121. <td>Bomb
  122. </td>
  123. <td>Brown bonca
  124. </td>
  125. <td>Dragon
  126. </td></tr></table>
  127. <p><br /><br />
  128. Going north, you meet the farmer again and he gets you in a fiery cave. Here you meet another guard, the Guard of Riddles.
  129. <br /><br />
  130. 1st question answer: <font color="white">Choice 4, An Icicle.<br /></font>
  131. 2nd question answer: <font color="white">Choice 2, With a napkin.<br /></font>
  132. 3rd question answer: <font color="white">Choice 4, 42?<br /><br /></font>
  133. </p><p>After that, talk to the boatman and he will take you to a very vile and twisted place. There will be more puzzles, of course. You have to change the colour of some hearts in a 3x3 grid. (Generally these kind of puzzles are faster solved with pure luck than actually thinking about them, though it might take a while if you get a streak of bad luck.)
  134. <br /><br />
  135. 1st answer: <font color="white">Talk to the 4 hearts on the edges, then to the heart in the middle.
  136. <br /></font>
  137. 2nd answer: <font color="white">Top-right heart, bottom-middle heart, bottom-right heart, bottom-left heart, left-middle heart, right-middle heart
  138. <br /></font>
  139. 3rd answer: <font color="white">Middle-right heart, middle-left heart, bottom-left heart, bottom-middle heart, top-middle heart
  140. <br /><br /></font>
  141. That was the last puzzle on the way to the castle of Dome... Yay. Shortly after entering, you meet a wizard who challenges you into a game of insult mom-calling!
  142. <br /><br />
  143. 1st answer: <font color="white">Choice 3, Yes, but for yo momma they call in an astronomer.<br /></font>
  144. 2nd answer: <font color="white">Choice 2, When yo momma entered, they said "sorry. no proffesionals."<br /></font>
  145. 3rd answer: <font color="white">Choice 2, Yo momma so fat, people jog inside her for exercise.<br /><br /></font>
  146. </p><p>Going north, you find a savebot, a healing well and some goodies. On the next screen... The first actual fights in the dmod (excluding one of the secret areas). The pillbug and the slimes should die easily, the magician is more troublesome, though there's no specific tactic to beating him. Just hit and evade fast instead of letting him run around freely and cast a lot of spells.
  147. <br /><br />
  148. Once you go another screen north, that's it. Enjoy the ending.
  149. </p>
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