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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>After the opening movie, go and see the king. He will tell you to
  56. travel north to find out why the area is being turned into desert. But
  57. before going north, walk around and get the goodies. South 1 screen
  58. from the bridge is a strength potion. West 1 screen from there is a
  59. chest with 500 gold. 6 screens west is another strength potion. North
  60. 1 screen, west 2 screens are two scorpions and a chest. The chest will
  61. give you a mega potion. East 4 screens, north 2 screens (just behind
  62. and north of the castle) is a tree you can burn that reveals a secret
  63. cave with a strength potion inside a chest. East 4 screens, north 1
  64. screen is another burnable tree which reveals a secret cave with
  65. little red hearts and a gold heart inside a chest. North 1 screen,
  66. east 1 screen is another chest with a gold heart hidden behind a
  67. burnable tree. 3 screens west, (go past the house) is a magic potion
  68. on the ground.
  69. </p><p>Go back to the house and enter. Talk to the wizard and he will sell you elixer for 20
  70. gold. Save your game and enter the cave north. Once you reach the desert go 1
  71. screen south and burn the cactus to reveal a cave. Inside the cave is a man who will
  72. sell you Hellfire for 1500 gold. Go east to find a defense potion. Go north of the
  73. bridge blocked by the rock to find a strength potion. West of the entrance cave -
  74. down a gully past 2 scorpions - is a chest with 500 gold. Now its time to get the rock
  75. out of you way. If your strength level is high enough you can punch it to make it
  76. explode. Cross the bridge and go south for a chest with a gold heart. Work you way
  77. north to the savebot. Save your game and go east until you see a lone slurper
  78. creature. Kill him and a cave will be revealed. Crawl through to reach the top cliffs.
  79. Magic potion in a chest, gold heart at the far end and a burnable cactus which reveals
  80. a cave with the herb boots in a ring of small hearts. Return to the savebot. Did you
  81. notice a secret area blocked by three rocks next to the savebot? One of the rocks
  82. will move for you if you answer its riddle. (I'm not going to give you the cabbage to
  83. the riddle, you'll have to figure that out for yourself.&#160;:) ) Enter the cave to get 3 mega
  84. potions. Did you notice a yellow rock in the corner? Bomb it to reveal a secret
  85. staircase that takes you to another cave. Big red heart at bottom, use it as you will
  86. have two giant eyeballs waiting for you in the next screen west. Kill them and go 1
  87. screen west then up the stairs and you've reached the hill with the goodies of hearts
  88. and Multiblast magic. Head back the way you came. What? No bomb you say? Well,
  89. you'll just have to get one and return won't you? Head west from the savebot then
  90. south. You'll find a house. Enter, and the man there will sell you some fine weapons
  91. as well as a much needed bomb, if you have enough gold. Use the bomb then head
  92. north-west. You'll come to a large opening in the cliffs where you will find 3 mega
  93. potions guarded by two slurpers. A large red heart can be found behind the large
  94. rock. South and east of these cliffs but north of the trader house is a chest with a gold
  95. heart. Big red hearts can be found near savebots if you need them. Go south-west
  96. until you come to a time machine. Enter here and prepare to die. (It's a good idea to
  97. have the weapons the trader has for sell before you enter here.)
  98. </p><p>As soon as you get in the cave save your game. Trust me, you'll be
  99. glad you did. Head south till you get to the crossroads. Kill the
  100. guards and head east for a mega potion. Go south 3 screens for a
  101. large red heart. Go east to find 2 gold hearts and two mega
  102. potions. Return to the crossroads and go west 1 screen. Go south for a
  103. large red heart. Continue south and follow the path to find the Light
  104. Sword. Return and take the lower west path to get another gold
  105. heart. Take the upper west path one screen and kill the guards. Go
  106. south for a gold and a large red heart. Return and go west. Save your
  107. game then go north to meet Goober.
  108. </p><p>The end boss is a nutty sort of fellow who likes to show
  109. off. Defeat this creature, if you can, and then sit back and watch a
  110. very good dance by Dink. Afterwards, go see the King and let him know
  111. all is well once more.
  112. </p><p>THE END
  113. </p><p>06/23/2002
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