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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>All the secrets are at the bottom.
  56. </p><p>Year 2020-the first part is really cut and dry, go to the church,
  57. walk through the bottom wall, and get the gold heart. There is also a
  58. strength potion to the lower left of the church. Go to the area with
  59. the giant slayer, don't worry about fighting it, just run like hell.
  60. Don't worry about the pill bug or the old men, just keep on running
  61. until you are transported to the next section.
  62. </p><p>Year 1020-keep going south until you see a sign, read it if you
  63. want, then keep going south until you get to the lizon
  64. wastelands. There is a defense and strength potion in plain sight. Go
  65. south from where you are and you'll get to a gate, go north and then
  66. south between the gates to get the potions. Secrets 1 and 2 are now
  67. available. Now go to the Lizon twister, you'll find it when
  68. you come through the path out of the gates. The guy on the first floor
  69. will heal you free of charge. Now is a good time to level up, but
  70. first go in the basement, kill all the pill bugs. Now you have enough
  71. gold to get a sword. The weapons shop is on the second floor of the
  72. Lizon Twister. With that done, go see the girl, she's in the vicinity
  73. of the Lizon Twister, not hard to find. Kill the guard, and get your
  74. money from the girl. Uh oh, he was a royal guard? J (oh and don't
  75. forget to get the gold heart near the guard) There are a few more
  76. things to do before we move on. Go across the bridge and go north,
  77. grab the heart. If you didn't do secrets one and two, now is the time
  78. to do it. Get your magic VERY high. So let's move on
  79. shall we? Leave the Lizon wastelands, go back to the sign and take a
  80. right into the Akri jungle. See the goblin? Easy exp. 100 to be
  81. exact. The jungle can be a dangerous place for a low-level
  82. dinker.Remember when I said to get your magic up very high. Well
  83. here's why. You can do some incredible leveling up by just killing
  84. dragons. The amount of damage given by the dragon is based on you
  85. magic, so if it's like 50, then no damage is dealt. Very easy
  86. leveling. Keep going right from the path and you'll find a strength
  87. potion. Go to the danged village first, it's in the lower right hand
  88. corner of the jungle area. Secrets 3-5 are in the jungle
  89. area. You can't access 3 until you get some magic. But
  90. 5 is easily accesible,
  91. so get that now. Next go into the house and get the strength and
  92. defense potions. Now you should level up. Now to get some fire
  93. magic. South of the jungle save point is a dungeon. Go south until it
  94. ends then go left. Keep going left until it ends. See all the ivy?
  95. Walk through the ivy at the end. Now go north until you see a freaky
  96. mirror thing. That's the entrance to the dungeon. When you enter, take
  97. a right, keep on going right, killing all the fire-boncas. At the end,
  98. break the right hand wall to get a mega-potion. Now go back to the
  99. entrance and go up. Now go right, don't forget the mega-potion in the
  100. first screen. In the second screen: hit the north wall, it breaks. Hit
  101. one of the pillars, then push the table, (from the right). Keep on
  102. going until you reach a dead end. The right wall breaks. The north
  103. wall breaks, and the south wall breaks. The room to the right has some
  104. sort of dish or whatever. The room to the south has a wall on the
  105. right you can break, grab the potion. Continue south from the room and
  106. grab the gold heart. Go back up and through the broken wall to the
  107. north. Secret 4 is now available. BTW that dragon is another reason why your magic
  108. should be high. Keep going north, kill the sleight ace. (hp 100) you
  109. now have firerod magic. Yay. Secret 3 is now available. Get it while you can. Go
  110. kill the SOB and return to the man to get your money.(the SOB is
  111. located above the man (one screen above the dragon), and one screen to
  112. the left.) One more thing before you go. In the village of the danged
  113. there is a path that leads to the right. Take it, go north all the
  114. way. In the screen with the tree and the sign, burn down the tree. Go
  115. north kill the slayer and get the axe and strength potion.Time to
  116. leave this evil place, go all the way north and all the way
  117. east. There should be a line of trees there, go burn them down!
  118. You'll meet up with a good dragon, BTW don't kill him, or you'll die
  119. too. After he leaves you'll get flaming fist magic, yet another reason
  120. to have an absurdly high magic. There's not much to do in
  121. Irdon. But secret 6 and 7 are now available.
  122. </p><p>Also, if you
  123. want a bow, just talk to the woman in the restaurant. Let's go. In the
  124. south-east of the town is a save machine and a path. Save and take the
  125. path. Don't even bother with comyr killing tools. All they have is a
  126. sword and a bomb. (and you already have that sword...) Just take a
  127. right. Go around and grab the strength potion. Continue right on the
  128. main path. Secret 8 is available now. This is a great place to level up. Go to the north-east
  129. of dragoon field, talk to the Goblin. He want's you to get the chalice
  130. of memory. Well to get that you'll have to kill THE RUNGER. Not too
  131. hard if you know what your doing. Just use that flaming fist magic. He
  132. didn't even get a hit on me. To find him, just continue south from the
  133. goblin. After you defeat him continue going south. The Golem village
  134. is in the south-west corner of the new area. Pick up the gold heart in
  135. the south-eastern part of the village. North of that is some
  136. gold. West of that are two fountains. Don't drink from the one on the
  137. right. One screen below is the wizards house. Go in and talk to
  138. him. <strong>In the north west corner of the village is secret 9</strong> behind the tree in the same
  139. screen is the chalice of memory, take it back to the goblin to get the
  140. silver key. Don't forget to get the throwing axe. You'll need it
  141. later.
  142. </p><p>Go though the gate and south until you reach a house, go inside for
  143. some goodies. Now follow my directions specifically, if you do
  144. anything out of order, it will be harder! <strong>HEAVEN IS NOW
  145. ACCESSIBLE! - but wait, not yet...</strong>
  146. </p><p>In the northwest corner of the plains there is a gold heart. Right
  147. of it is a slayer, go north and get the potion. To the left of the
  148. save point is a magic potion. Go left again, then up, then right, burn
  149. down the trees, smash the red sparkles, and enter the dungeon. Get the
  150. gold key and go to the gate where Martridge awaits. Once in the swamps
  151. go right, and get the legendary blade of light. Now you go to the
  152. mines. There's a defense potion one screen up, and one screen
  153. left. BTW, in the chamber right before the boss, don't go down, I've
  154. had problems with the game going completely black. Kill that dang
  155. slayer. Go back to the miner and get some gold. Now to go to heaven. The dark elf is a tough cookie,
  156. but I killed her on my first try. After that, go to hell. You'll find
  157. the reaper in the most southwestern part of the area, hit death and
  158. you'll be transported to &lt;html&gt;&lt;a name="cgs2" href="#gs2"&gt;hell&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/html&gt;. After
  159. the dark elf, dark omen should be a breeze. You'll find a gold heart
  160. and some gold in hell. Talk to the man who's thirsty. He wants
  161. water... When you've killed black omen. <strong>Oh yeah, don't forget
  162. secret 10.</strong> Leave and go to the
  163. swamps. Once in the swamps go north until you get to a tree, continue
  164. following north into the next screen, go left and get some
  165. goodies. Then go down a screen and left until you reach two pill bugs,
  166. then go south a screen and your at swamp town. The guy wants a toilet
  167. cleaner. Easy. Now continue to go left until you meet up with Raidos
  168. again. The magic nut will help you big time. Although it lowers your
  169. attack some, you can do 2-3 attacks that would normally take you 1
  170. attack. Now go all the way south until you get to the screen with the
  171. girl. Sell your old sword then go left 2 screens and up one
  172. screen. See that little pillar thing? That's the toilet cleaner. Get
  173. it and take it back to the man to get the ice key. Don't forget to get
  174. that gold heart. Now the ice area is behind a gate two screens below
  175. the save machine. There are lot's of dragons here, which means if you
  176. followed my advice, magic nut coupled with high magic stat, you can
  177. really clean house, and get a LOT of exp. Ok not much to do here, buy
  178. some potions cause your gonna need em. Northwest of the town is a
  179. dying dragon and a girl. She tells you to get the *spike* who did
  180. this. Very confusing. Go right until you reach the end of the village.
  181. The village, not the area. Then go north one screen. Push the stone
  182. and enter. Go around until you find one of those annoying
  183. enemies. Don't touch it, whatever you do. Just beat the crap out of it
  184. with magic. There's a super defense potion down there somewhere too.
  185. After you get the antidote or whatever go back to the girl and she'll
  186. give you the sand key. <strong>Don't forget secret 11!</strong> Now the entrance to the sand area is back
  187. on the main path where you saw Raidos, just keep going north until you
  188. see a path on the right with a sign. Enter the sand area and talk to
  189. the man, don't go to the pyramid yet. We've got some more stuff to
  190. get. Southeast of the pyramid is a defense potion. Take a right from
  191. that rock and go around to get it. Southwest from the pyramid is some
  192. gold. Go in the pyramid, go right then down until you get to some
  193. goblins, kill em, go down again, kill the goblin, and you get a health
  194. potion. Yay... Now that your out of the pyramid, go northwest until
  195. you get to an area where there are two men and a farm. Go
  196. north. There's a megapotion and a few hearts here. Somewhere in the
  197. middle of the area (north of the pyramid) is a hole. Enter it and go
  198. right, grab the gold heart. In the northeast there is an area that has
  199. a cave. There is a sign that says dragon on it. Kill the dragon and
  200. take the seed. Now go back to the pyramid. If you haven't burned down
  201. the trees in the northeast part of town, do so now. Then give the
  202. treeseed to the man. He gives you a pass. Now Leave the sand area and
  203. go back to the main path. Continue going north, give the pass to the
  204. guard. Talk to the king. Go through the portal. When you get to the
  205. screen with the wizard just keep on talking to him and he'll give you
  206. the giant spell. Break that wall to the left down. (don't forget to
  207. hit the switch in the northeast!) Make your way around the area,
  208. killing all the enemies, and getting stuff. Everything is blocked
  209. off. No sweat, just go to the southwest and there are more screens!
  210. Yay... after going south into the next area continue east, you'll get
  211. to a puzzle. Not very hard. In the next screen use that mini magic
  212. thing, then run REALLY FAST, pass the guards in the next section. Kill
  213. the dragon, continue south, hit the switch. Go west and up after the
  214. puzzle. (TIP: just touch the star and you'll be transported to the
  215. other side) Remember that passage that was blocked? Well the one just
  216. right of where you are now, is open. Use the minimagic and continue
  217. down. You'll get to a mirror-type room. Not hard, just make your
  218. mirror self go to the star. In the next room is a secret. The top left
  219. wall hides a breakable wall. Grab the super mega potion. Continue
  220. down. Pay the drunk. Don't worry if you don't have enough gold. You
  221. won't pay anyway. Go through the big door. The rest is up to
  222. you. Sheltem and your 'uncle' really aren't that tough if you know
  223. what your doing. Just have a high attack, a good defense, use the
  224. mini magic, and smash the crap out of em. That's it. Have fun with
  225. the mini game.
  226. </p><p><br />
  227. </p>
  228. <h3> <span class="mw-headline" id="Secrets">Secrets</span></h3>
  229. <p><br />
  230. </p>
  231. <ul><li> Secret 1: In the Lizon wastelands,
  232. </li></ul>
  233. <p>hit the fence near the bridge to unlock one, and
  234. </p>
  235. <ul><li> Secret 2: Smash the rubbish at the
  236. </li></ul>
  237. <p>cabin for another *note, you can get INFINITE magic here.
  238. </p>
  239. <ul><li> Secret 3: This would be in the Lost
  240. </li></ul>
  241. <p>Akri Jungle, burn down the tree in the north of the jungle, with some
  242. other trees too, but only one flammable tree in the middle. the steps
  243. then revealed is a secret.
  244. </p>
  245. <ul><li> Secret 4: In the Dungeon of the Damned: Hit the left wall in the end one screen before the boss. The
  246. </li></ul>
  247. <p>wall looks weird. Smash the wall to get some hearts.
  248. </p>
  249. <ul><li> Secret 5: The Danged Village. This is
  250. </li></ul>
  251. <p>a piece of cake, though a really nice secret area; just walk through
  252. the stone section of the fence, and it will reveal many goodies.
  253. </p>
  254. <ul><li> Secret 6: Walk through the fence at
  255. </li></ul>
  256. <p>the farm in Irdon for an orange heart.
  257. </p>
  258. <ul><li> Secret 7: Smash the fence right-under
  259. </li></ul>
  260. <p>the farm (right of the restaurant) and talk to the farmer to
  261. receive...yeah, 17 gold pieces. is it worth the trouble? i don't think
  262. so.
  263. </p>
  264. <ul><li> Secret 8: Burn down a tree in the
  265. </li></ul>
  266. <p>south of the Dragoon Field.
  267. </p>
  268. <ul><li> Secret 9: Examine a dead body of a
  269. </li></ul>
  270. <p>Golem in the Golem Village for a magic.
  271. </p>
  272. <ul><li> Secret 10: Go to the green grass
  273. </li></ul>
  274. <p>plains. Somewhere near the fenced part which separates the green grass
  275. plains from the swamps is a guy with a talking fence. You'll find out
  276. how to get to the (very cool) secret.
  277. </p>
  278. <ul><li> Secret 11: Hit the fences south of
  279. </li></ul>
  280. <p>the path between the swamp and the snowland to get to a water
  281. zone. Walk all the way down to see a couple of stones blocking the
  282. entrance. Hit them.
  283. </p>
  284. <ul><li> Great Secret Area 1 - Hell: Just
  285. </li></ul>
  286. <p>hit Death, he's at Armyr Ship.
  287. </p>
  288. <ul><li> Great Secret Area 2 - Heaven: Hit
  289. </li></ul>
  290. <p>the fairy who wants the toy. Hit him BEFORE you give the toy or else
  291. he's gone and you can't get to heaven anymore. *Note- Dark Elf is
  292. REALLY hard to beat. There IS another secret-secret, but there's only
  293. one special way to find that. HINT: it has something to do with an axe
  294. and water. hehehe.
  295. </p>
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