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- <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p>All the secrets are at the bottom.
- </p><p>Year 2020-the first part is really cut and dry, go to the church,
- walk through the bottom wall, and get the gold heart. There is also a
- strength potion to the lower left of the church. Go to the area with
- the giant slayer, don't worry about fighting it, just run like hell.
- Don't worry about the pill bug or the old men, just keep on running
- until you are transported to the next section.
- </p><p>Year 1020-keep going south until you see a sign, read it if you
- want, then keep going south until you get to the lizon
- wastelands. There is a defense and strength potion in plain sight. Go
- south from where you are and you'll get to a gate, go north and then
- south between the gates to get the potions. Secrets 1 and 2 are now
- available. Now go to the Lizon twister, you'll find it when
- you come through the path out of the gates. The guy on the first floor
- will heal you free of charge. Now is a good time to level up, but
- first go in the basement, kill all the pill bugs. Now you have enough
- gold to get a sword. The weapons shop is on the second floor of the
- Lizon Twister. With that done, go see the girl, she's in the vicinity
- of the Lizon Twister, not hard to find. Kill the guard, and get your
- money from the girl. Uh oh, he was a royal guard? J (oh and don't
- forget to get the gold heart near the guard) There are a few more
- things to do before we move on. Go across the bridge and go north,
- grab the heart. If you didn't do secrets one and two, now is the time
- to do it. Get your magic VERY high. So let's move on
- shall we? Leave the Lizon wastelands, go back to the sign and take a
- right into the Akri jungle. See the goblin? Easy exp. 100 to be
- exact. The jungle can be a dangerous place for a low-level
- dinker.Remember when I said to get your magic up very high. Well
- here's why. You can do some incredible leveling up by just killing
- dragons. The amount of damage given by the dragon is based on you
- magic, so if it's like 50, then no damage is dealt. Very easy
- leveling. Keep going right from the path and you'll find a strength
- potion. Go to the danged village first, it's in the lower right hand
- corner of the jungle area. Secrets 3-5 are in the jungle
- area. You can't access 3 until you get some magic. But
- 5 is easily accesible,
- so get that now. Next go into the house and get the strength and
- defense potions. Now you should level up. Now to get some fire
- magic. South of the jungle save point is a dungeon. Go south until it
- ends then go left. Keep going left until it ends. See all the ivy?
- Walk through the ivy at the end. Now go north until you see a freaky
- mirror thing. That's the entrance to the dungeon. When you enter, take
- a right, keep on going right, killing all the fire-boncas. At the end,
- break the right hand wall to get a mega-potion. Now go back to the
- entrance and go up. Now go right, don't forget the mega-potion in the
- first screen. In the second screen: hit the north wall, it breaks. Hit
- one of the pillars, then push the table, (from the right). Keep on
- going until you reach a dead end. The right wall breaks. The north
- wall breaks, and the south wall breaks. The room to the right has some
- sort of dish or whatever. The room to the south has a wall on the
- right you can break, grab the potion. Continue south from the room and
- grab the gold heart. Go back up and through the broken wall to the
- north. Secret 4 is now available. BTW that dragon is another reason why your magic
- should be high. Keep going north, kill the sleight ace. (hp 100) you
- now have firerod magic. Yay. Secret 3 is now available. Get it while you can. Go
- kill the SOB and return to the man to get your money.(the SOB is
- located above the man (one screen above the dragon), and one screen to
- the left.) One more thing before you go. In the village of the danged
- there is a path that leads to the right. Take it, go north all the
- way. In the screen with the tree and the sign, burn down the tree. Go
- north kill the slayer and get the axe and strength potion.Time to
- leave this evil place, go all the way north and all the way
- east. There should be a line of trees there, go burn them down!
- You'll meet up with a good dragon, BTW don't kill him, or you'll die
- too. After he leaves you'll get flaming fist magic, yet another reason
- to have an absurdly high magic. There's not much to do in
- Irdon. But secret 6 and 7 are now available.
- </p><p>Also, if you
- want a bow, just talk to the woman in the restaurant. Let's go. In the
- south-east of the town is a save machine and a path. Save and take the
- path. Don't even bother with comyr killing tools. All they have is a
- sword and a bomb. (and you already have that sword...) Just take a
- right. Go around and grab the strength potion. Continue right on the
- main path. Secret 8 is available now. This is a great place to level up. Go to the north-east
- of dragoon field, talk to the Goblin. He want's you to get the chalice
- of memory. Well to get that you'll have to kill THE RUNGER. Not too
- hard if you know what your doing. Just use that flaming fist magic. He
- didn't even get a hit on me. To find him, just continue south from the
- goblin. After you defeat him continue going south. The Golem village
- is in the south-west corner of the new area. Pick up the gold heart in
- the south-eastern part of the village. North of that is some
- gold. West of that are two fountains. Don't drink from the one on the
- right. One screen below is the wizards house. Go in and talk to
- him. <strong>In the north west corner of the village is secret 9</strong> behind the tree in the same
- screen is the chalice of memory, take it back to the goblin to get the
- silver key. Don't forget to get the throwing axe. You'll need it
- later.
- </p><p>Go though the gate and south until you reach a house, go inside for
- some goodies. Now follow my directions specifically, if you do
- anything out of order, it will be harder! <strong>HEAVEN IS NOW
- ACCESSIBLE! - but wait, not yet...</strong>
- </p><p>In the northwest corner of the plains there is a gold heart. Right
- of it is a slayer, go north and get the potion. To the left of the
- save point is a magic potion. Go left again, then up, then right, burn
- down the trees, smash the red sparkles, and enter the dungeon. Get the
- gold key and go to the gate where Martridge awaits. Once in the swamps
- go right, and get the legendary blade of light. Now you go to the
- mines. There's a defense potion one screen up, and one screen
- left. BTW, in the chamber right before the boss, don't go down, I've
- had problems with the game going completely black. Kill that dang
- slayer. Go back to the miner and get some gold. Now to go to heaven. The dark elf is a tough cookie,
- but I killed her on my first try. After that, go to hell. You'll find
- the reaper in the most southwestern part of the area, hit death and
- you'll be transported to <html><a name="cgs2" href="#gs2">hell</a></html>. After
- the dark elf, dark omen should be a breeze. You'll find a gold heart
- and some gold in hell. Talk to the man who's thirsty. He wants
- water... When you've killed black omen. <strong>Oh yeah, don't forget
- secret 10.</strong> Leave and go to the
- swamps. Once in the swamps go north until you get to a tree, continue
- following north into the next screen, go left and get some
- goodies. Then go down a screen and left until you reach two pill bugs,
- then go south a screen and your at swamp town. The guy wants a toilet
- cleaner. Easy. Now continue to go left until you meet up with Raidos
- again. The magic nut will help you big time. Although it lowers your
- attack some, you can do 2-3 attacks that would normally take you 1
- attack. Now go all the way south until you get to the screen with the
- girl. Sell your old sword then go left 2 screens and up one
- screen. See that little pillar thing? That's the toilet cleaner. Get
- it and take it back to the man to get the ice key. Don't forget to get
- that gold heart. Now the ice area is behind a gate two screens below
- the save machine. There are lot's of dragons here, which means if you
- followed my advice, magic nut coupled with high magic stat, you can
- really clean house, and get a LOT of exp. Ok not much to do here, buy
- some potions cause your gonna need em. Northwest of the town is a
- dying dragon and a girl. She tells you to get the *spike* who did
- this. Very confusing. Go right until you reach the end of the village.
- The village, not the area. Then go north one screen. Push the stone
- and enter. Go around until you find one of those annoying
- enemies. Don't touch it, whatever you do. Just beat the crap out of it
- with magic. There's a super defense potion down there somewhere too.
- After you get the antidote or whatever go back to the girl and she'll
- give you the sand key. <strong>Don't forget secret 11!</strong> Now the entrance to the sand area is back
- on the main path where you saw Raidos, just keep going north until you
- see a path on the right with a sign. Enter the sand area and talk to
- the man, don't go to the pyramid yet. We've got some more stuff to
- get. Southeast of the pyramid is a defense potion. Take a right from
- that rock and go around to get it. Southwest from the pyramid is some
- gold. Go in the pyramid, go right then down until you get to some
- goblins, kill em, go down again, kill the goblin, and you get a health
- potion. Yay... Now that your out of the pyramid, go northwest until
- you get to an area where there are two men and a farm. Go
- north. There's a megapotion and a few hearts here. Somewhere in the
- middle of the area (north of the pyramid) is a hole. Enter it and go
- right, grab the gold heart. In the northeast there is an area that has
- a cave. There is a sign that says dragon on it. Kill the dragon and
- take the seed. Now go back to the pyramid. If you haven't burned down
- the trees in the northeast part of town, do so now. Then give the
- treeseed to the man. He gives you a pass. Now Leave the sand area and
- go back to the main path. Continue going north, give the pass to the
- guard. Talk to the king. Go through the portal. When you get to the
- screen with the wizard just keep on talking to him and he'll give you
- the giant spell. Break that wall to the left down. (don't forget to
- hit the switch in the northeast!) Make your way around the area,
- killing all the enemies, and getting stuff. Everything is blocked
- off. No sweat, just go to the southwest and there are more screens!
- Yay... after going south into the next area continue east, you'll get
- to a puzzle. Not very hard. In the next screen use that mini magic
- thing, then run REALLY FAST, pass the guards in the next section. Kill
- the dragon, continue south, hit the switch. Go west and up after the
- puzzle. (TIP: just touch the star and you'll be transported to the
- other side) Remember that passage that was blocked? Well the one just
- right of where you are now, is open. Use the minimagic and continue
- down. You'll get to a mirror-type room. Not hard, just make your
- mirror self go to the star. In the next room is a secret. The top left
- wall hides a breakable wall. Grab the super mega potion. Continue
- down. Pay the drunk. Don't worry if you don't have enough gold. You
- won't pay anyway. Go through the big door. The rest is up to
- you. Sheltem and your 'uncle' really aren't that tough if you know
- what your doing. Just have a high attack, a good defense, use the
- mini magic, and smash the crap out of em. That's it. Have fun with
- the mini game.
- </p><p><br />
- </p>
- <h3> <span class="mw-headline" id="Secrets">Secrets</span></h3>
- <p><br />
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 1: In the Lizon wastelands,
- </li></ul>
- <p>hit the fence near the bridge to unlock one, and
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 2: Smash the rubbish at the
- </li></ul>
- <p>cabin for another *note, you can get INFINITE magic here.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 3: This would be in the Lost
- </li></ul>
- <p>Akri Jungle, burn down the tree in the north of the jungle, with some
- other trees too, but only one flammable tree in the middle. the steps
- then revealed is a secret.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 4: In the Dungeon of the Damned: Hit the left wall in the end one screen before the boss. The
- </li></ul>
- <p>wall looks weird. Smash the wall to get some hearts.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 5: The Danged Village. This is
- </li></ul>
- <p>a piece of cake, though a really nice secret area; just walk through
- the stone section of the fence, and it will reveal many goodies.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 6: Walk through the fence at
- </li></ul>
- <p>the farm in Irdon for an orange heart.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 7: Smash the fence right-under
- </li></ul>
- <p>the farm (right of the restaurant) and talk to the farmer to
- receive...yeah, 17 gold pieces. is it worth the trouble? i don't think
- so.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 8: Burn down a tree in the
- </li></ul>
- <p>south of the Dragoon Field.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 9: Examine a dead body of a
- </li></ul>
- <p>Golem in the Golem Village for a magic.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 10: Go to the green grass
- </li></ul>
- <p>plains. Somewhere near the fenced part which separates the green grass
- plains from the swamps is a guy with a talking fence. You'll find out
- how to get to the (very cool) secret.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Secret 11: Hit the fences south of
- </li></ul>
- <p>the path between the swamp and the snowland to get to a water
- zone. Walk all the way down to see a couple of stones blocking the
- entrance. Hit them.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Great Secret Area 1 - Hell: Just
- </li></ul>
- <p>hit Death, he's at Armyr Ship.
- </p>
- <ul><li> Great Secret Area 2 - Heaven: Hit
- </li></ul>
- <p>the fairy who wants the toy. Hit him BEFORE you give the toy or else
- he's gone and you can't get to heaven anymore. *Note- Dark Elf is
- REALLY hard to beat. There IS another secret-secret, but there's only
- one special way to find that. HINT: it has something to do with an axe
- and water. hehehe.
- </p>
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