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  55. <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en-GB" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><p><br />
  56. This extensive walkthrough also includes six appendixes, namely:
  57. </p><p>-[Appendix I: Items-&gt;#Appendix I: Items]
  58. -[Appendix II: Mountain Cave Maze-&gt;#Appendix II: Mountain Cave Maze]
  59. </p><p>-[Appendix A: Secrets-&gt;#Appendix A: Secrets]
  60. -[Appendix B: Key Sparks-&gt;#Appendix B: Key Sparks]
  61. -[Appendix C: Gold Coins-&gt;#Appendix C: Gold Coins]
  62. -[Appendix D: Complete Potion Guide-&gt;#Appendix D: Complete Potion Guide]
  63. </p><p>{{{Walkthrough for Part I}}}
  64. </p><p><a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Plateau&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Plateau (page does not exist)">Template:Plateau</a>
  65. </p><p>You start out in your room where you have aparently slept in
  66. (although you never find out why you were supposed to get up). Go
  67. downstairs and talk to your mother. Do as she says and go talk to the
  68. neighbors. You only really need to talk to Geno in the house directly
  69. below yours, but you can learn of some of the characters if you talk
  70. to everyone. When you return home, dinner is ready, and your mother
  71. tells you about the line of heroes called Dink Smallwood, starting
  72. with the original and leading up to your father. After dinner, your
  73. mom asks you to go get some logs in the forest. When you get 3 logs,
  74. return home. Your mother tells you Geno stopped by and wants you to
  75. stay over at his house. When you get there though, they are about to
  76. have dinner. Go talk to your girlfriend Laura in the house to the
  77. right of Geno's. After your walk, go back and see Geno.
  78. </p><p>[See "[Appendix I: Items-&gt;#Appendix I: Items]" at the end for more notes about this area.
  79. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Special_hint&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Special hint (page does not exist)">Template:Special hint</a>: if you're going to buy the doll that allows you to see
  80. Dink's dreams, you might want to do it before he has his sleep over
  81. with Geno.]
  82. </p><p>In the morning, go to the cave and look around. Find your way to
  83. the upper left corner of the cave and you will see a pile of dirt.
  84. Search the dirt (talk) and you will find Pandora's sword (you don't
  85. get the sword). It is cursed, so you decide it would be best to stay
  86. away. On your way out, you and Geno are attacked by a bonca, which
  87. don't usually appear on the plateau. Hurry over and hit the bonca
  88. before he kills Geno. Punch away until you kill it and go talk to
  89. Geno. After the cut scene, your journey begins.
  90. </p><p><br />
  91. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Sandy_Beach&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Sandy Beach (page does not exist)">Template:Sandy Beach</a>
  92. </p><p>Now is a good time to compete in the now possible competition.
  93. [This part was apparently buggy at one time, Wesley had a note in here
  94. about "November" but did not say what year. Perhaps 2000. In any case,
  95. these bugs are now long gone.]
  96. </p><p>Go to Sandy Beach [use the map] and talk to the guy in the top
  97. right house. Register and head west of town. Talk to the blue/purple
  98. guy there and he will explain the rules. You start the competition
  99. off. Hurry out and find a rock and then return and throw it in the
  100. well. It is fairly easy to win unless you have a really hard time
  101. finding a rock (there are three, but you just need one). Your prize is
  102. 100 gold and a ribbon if you win. [You really need this ribbon if you
  103. want to win the game without cheating. If you don't get it, restore
  104. and try again.]
  105. </p><p>[[[:Template:Hints]]: (1) Don't spend too much time scrutinizing screens for
  106. rocks -- if you come to a screen with a competion rock on it, the
  107. screen will lock until you defeat a pillbug. So if the screen doesn't
  108. lock, keep running! (2) Kill the pillbug first, then get the rock,
  109. because Dink's speed is slowed way down by carrying the rock. (3) Your
  110. time needs to be 109 or less to win. If 110 or more, restore and try
  111. again.]
  112. </p><p><br />
  113. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Gem&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Gem (page does not exist)">Template:Gem</a>
  114. </p><p>Now head over to Gem. Talk to the guy in Jones's store (Jones) and
  115. take the job. Complete each job -- they are pretty self-explanatory --
  116. and eventually Jones will tell you to continue on your journey. By now
  117. you should have enough to buy a short sword from the store in
  118. Southtown.
  119. </p><p>[Some of Jones' job are "self-explanatory" and some aren't...
  120. </p>
  121. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  122. <li>Assignment (1) is delivering a message to his wife in the house across the street. That one is indeed easy.</li>
  123. <li>Assignment (2) has you going back to Sandy Beach to find sand dollars, for which you are paid 10gp per. I have never found more than 5. Is that all of them?</li>
  124. <li>For assignment (3) you can go to the potion store in either Sandy Beach or Southtown and get an anniversary present. A little common sense seems adequate here. You get paid according to how appropriate your gift selection is: 100gp, 50gp, or 10gp. The best choices in Sandy Beach include the box of candy, the pink (but not the yellow) roses, the gift certificate, or the feather pen. The best choices in Southtown are the bouquet or the vase.</li>
  125. <li>For assignment (4), you have to take care of the store while Jones takes his wife out for their anniversary. This is tough. Three customers come in and you have to just guess what to charge each of them. Except for the first customer, you are not even told what they want to purchase, yet your pay for the job depends on your choices. The best choices are 100, 30, and 50gp, respectively, for which the pay is 260gp.]</li>
  126. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  127. <p><a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Desert&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Desert (page does not exist)">Template:Desert</a>
  128. </p><p>In order to cross the desert, you have to make a cooling
  129. potion. You first have to find out how to make the potion. Find the
  130. note at the oasis, and then find the guy in Southtown who tells/told
  131. you about the oasis guy (he lives in the house right of the save
  132. building, you may be able to skip this step). Now go talk to the
  133. bartender at the Southtown bar. The guy you are looking for is the
  134. bartender at Sandy Beach. Talk to him, and he will give you the
  135. beginner's fruit guide. You need to find an orange and an apple. You
  136. can find oranges by killing brown boncas, and you have to buy the red
  137. apple from a man in Southtown for an inflated price.
  138. </p><p><a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:HINT&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:HINT (page does not exist)">Template:HINT</a>: the less gold you have, the less the apple will cost
  139. you. [But the more gold you have, the more gold you will have left
  140. when you're done dickering. He will initilly ask for half your money,
  141. but you should be able to get the apple for about a third of your
  142. money plus one orange.]
  143. </p><p>After you have the fruit, head over to the mixing station and make
  144. your cooling potion. When you make the potion, you will be able to
  145. cross the desert.
  146. </p><p><br />
  147. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Citra&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Citra (page does not exist)">Template:Citra</a>
  148. The road to Viel has been closed because Citra hasn't been keeping
  149. up with its fruit supply to Viel. Find the guy called Rain in the
  150. large building (farthest door down). You can now go down the stairs
  151. into the cave by the dead tree. Fight your way through the cave and
  152. kill the bonca. Return to Rain and you find the bridge has been
  153. opened. You can also buy fruit from Southtown now. The mayor gives
  154. you a golden apple also which is used for stat increasing
  155. potions. [See the potion guide in the Part II walkthrough].
  156. </p><p><br />
  157. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Southtown&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Southtown (page does not exist)">Template:Southtown</a>
  158. </p><p>Viel has basically been shut down by a suspicious king. If you go
  159. to the mountain village, you find out that you need a king's seal to
  160. enter any of the houses. You can't get into Viel castle, so head on
  161. down to Southtown Castle. Talk to the king there and he will give you
  162. the seal. If you offer your help [BUG ALERT -- DON'T DO THIS IF YOU
  163. ARE NOT USING MY CORRECTED SCRIPTS], you will be taken to some islands
  164. where you must protect a village from advancing soldiers. [In my
  165. modified scripts, you will get a golden apple for accepting this
  166. mission, as well as money and experience when you kill the enemy
  167. soldiers, and an additional 500gp from the king.] Whatever you do, the
  168. seal is the key to Viel. Just show it to the guards [by talking to
  169. them].
  170. </p><p><br />
  171. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Viel&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Viel (page does not exist)">Template:Viel</a>
  172. </p><p>The northernmost house in Viel is where you want to be. There is a
  173. hidden stairway behind the shelves that leads to the resistance
  174. headquarters. Talk to the leader of the resistance. You don't join
  175. them, but you find out how to get into Viel Castle. Go talk to the
  176. guard and ask to see the king (mention your name to get in). When you
  177. get in, you will be arrested and be thrown into the dungeon.
  178. </p><p><br />
  179. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Dungeon&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Dungeon (page does not exist)">Template:Dungeon</a>
  180. </p><p>You find yourself in a small cell guarded by one of Viel's
  181. trademark guards. You can try to hit or talk your way out, but you
  182. won't really accomplish much. If you look closely, you will see some
  183. rocks on the ground in the upper right corner of the cell. Pick some
  184. up and approach the right wall segment with the crack in
  185. it. (talk)Throw your rock in the corridor, and the guard will go to
  186. investigate it (no one claimed they were too bright). You are now free
  187. to go. On your way out, you may run into some guards around a
  188. stairwell going down. This is where you ultimately want to be so
  189. remember where it is.
  190. </p><p>Now find your way back to the resistance HQ where you have a choice
  191. to make. If you agree with the leader, you can just go back down
  192. through the dungeon to get to the Goodheard Ruins. Also, if you don't
  193. have either the long sword or the rune sword, they will give you
  194. enough to buy one. [Not exactly. If you don't have either sword, they
  195. will set your money to 2500gp. Even if you had more.] If, however, you
  196. decide to get angry with the leader, you will be asked to leave, and
  197. you can't come back. In this case, you are given no direction on where
  198. to go, and the Viel door is closed. Go back and see Jones, and he will
  199. help you out. [In other words, getting angry with the leader or not is
  200. up to you -- either option is equally valid and has no lasting effect
  201. on how the story line progress.]
  202. </p><p><br />
  203. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Viel_Caves&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Viel Caves (page does not exist)">Template:Viel Caves</a>
  204. </p><p>After you talk to Jones and the other guy, you find out about the
  205. secret caves. You may have already been in them. [They look blocked,
  206. but really they're not. There is a crack where Dink can slip in from
  207. the right side. Alternatively, push the middle rock left and then the
  208. right rock further right.] Find your way through the maze [tough! --
  209. see "Appendix II: Mountain Cave Maze" for notes], and you will wind up
  210. in the Goodheart Ruins.
  211. </p><p><a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:NOTE&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:NOTE (page does not exist)">Template:NOTE</a>: I [Wesley] could have 'locked' you out of the caves before
  212. you reached this point, but I think it's dumb to do stuff like that in
  213. a game [even though he does this several times in part II...] If it
  214. were real, you would be able to push the rocks out of the way any
  215. time. Let me know what you think about this [if you can find his
  216. current e-mail address, that is]. I [Wesley] will incorporate the
  217. popular decision in my next dmod.
  218. </p><p><br />
  219. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Goodheart_Ruins&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Goodheart Ruins (page does not exist)">Template:Goodheart Ruins</a>
  220. </p><p>This section is a large [understatement] twisting maze with potions
  221. and a golden heart (mostly in the right section). To reach the end,
  222. work your way over and down the left side of the ruins. [This is
  223. hard. It seems like there are only two accessible stairways in this
  224. area, the one in the northwest where you came down, and the one in the
  225. northeast that leads only to the Mountain Village secret caves. To be
  226. sure, you can see a third stairway but it seems like you can't get to
  227. it. Actually you can. Look for a room that you enter from the top of
  228. the screen. You can see almost the whole room on the one screen and it
  229. looks like the only way out is the way you came in. But there is a
  230. place in the lower right corner, which becomes the top of the next
  231. screen down as you approach it, where Dink can squeeze into the
  232. remainder of the maze, the one with the stairs leading down to this
  233. part's final battle. For more information, see the end of [Appendix II-&gt;#Appendix II: Mountain Cave Maze].
  234. </p><p>When you get to the end, you will have to fight a slayer [not hard
  235. -- this slayer is vulnerable to inferno magic...] When you beat him,
  236. follow Sid and watch him destroy the world.
  237. </p><p><br />
  238. {{{[Appendix I: Items&lt;-]Appendix I: Items}}}
  239. </p><p>Here I [Wesley] will try to explain where to find some of the
  240. harder-to-find items and bonuses in the first section of the game.
  241. </p><p>[I, Ted, am adding screen numbers for reference in all these
  242. secrets. Use the "S" key to see the screen number Dink is currently
  243. in. In this walkthru, there are two numbers for the insides of
  244. buildings: the first is the number you will see by pressing "S"
  245. outside the building, the second is the number you will see from
  246. inside.]
  247. </p><p>There is a golden heart on the plateau. By the house with the well
  248. in it [screen 382], the cliffside is 'blocked' by some bushes. You can
  249. walk through these though and get a golden heart.
  250. </p><p>In the cave, there is a stairway behind a rock in the upper-right
  251. corner [screen 32] with a defense potion in it.
  252. </p><p>[Firewood logs: you should have little trouble finding these, but
  253. if you do, they are in screens 283, 314, and 316.]
  254. </p><p>Dolls:
  255. </p>
  256. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  257. <li>Goblin - strength +1</li>
  258. <li>Soldier - defense +1</li>
  259. <li>Wizard - magic +1</li>
  260. <li>Bonca - opens dreams (you may have dreams at the inns)</li>
  261. <li>Dink - opens clairvoyance (you get the 'meanwhile' scenes periodically in world one)</li>
  262. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  263. <p>[I can't believe Wesley went to all the trouble to code those
  264. 'dream' and 'mean- while' scenes and then only show them if you choose
  265. a doll that seems to give no immediate advantage. The scenes do add a
  266. little to the story but give no clues or any other advantage towards
  267. winning the game.
  268. </p><p>It's hard getting the dolls in the first place. Finding all ten
  269. coins is a real challenge. They can be found as follows: in Dink's
  270. house (screen 318/352); save machine building (319/288); both outside
  271. and inside the building with the wishing well in it (382/256); north
  272. of the village (screen 222); by a stump west of elder's house (285);
  273. screen 250, a little north and mostly west of village; screen 216,
  274. northwest of the cave entrance; and screens 128 and 93 inside the
  275. cave.
  276. </p><p>There is also a secret area in the woods between the village and
  277. the peddler. Find screen 314, then find a way to go west to screen
  278. 313. There you will find a stairway down to a place with ten coins.
  279. </p><p>So it *is* possible to get 20 coins, The game was designed to only
  280. sell you one doll, but I have deactivated the code that enforces
  281. this. These rules are now in place:
  282. </p>
  283. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  284. <li>If you buy *any* doll, you will see the "meanwhile" scenes now, so do *not* buy the Dink doll.</li>
  285. <li>If you buy two dolls, only the last doll bought will appear in Dink's room; except...</li>
  286. <li>If either doll you buy is a bonca (strongly recommended), then only the bonca will appear in Dink's room.] The reason the bonca doll comes so highly recommended is because Dink may find a potion bottle in a dream, and if he does, it raises his stats for real.</li>
  287. <li>in Sandy Beach, Southtown, and Citra, there is a 50-50 chance of having a dream, and if so, there is a 1-in-4 chance of finding a strength, magic, or defense potion in the dream (so the combined odds are 1 in 8).</li>
  288. <li>in Northtown, the combined odds are 1 in 18 of finding a megapotion.]</li>
  289. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  290. <p>To find the magic bracelet (Jones wants you to find it for him),
  291. find the screen where the cliff meets the water. Go down a screen and
  292. look through the branches of the tree on the left side of the screen
  293. [screen 273]. It gives you a magic bonus of 2. If you return to Jones
  294. now, you will automatically sell it for 750 gold. [You also now get a
  295. gold apple in the deal, which you can use to replace the two magic
  296. points you lost. It frees up a pack slot and you'll make some extra
  297. money. Your choice to return the bracelet or not.]
  298. </p><p>Right of Southtown, there is a magic potion [screen 701], but just
  299. above it [on the same screen] (hidden by the tree), there is a
  300. stairway that leads to a megapotion.
  301. </p><p>There is also a megapotion behind the large building in Citra
  302. [screen 553].
  303. </p><p>To get the spell 'Dark Gate', you have to find the wizard's house
  304. near the Mountain Village. Follow the right shoreline and walk through
  305. the bushes [on screen 176] when you get there. He asks for a symbol of
  306. power. Find the cave in Mountain Village [screen 174] and talk to the
  307. blue things for clues. Fire is the correct choice. As long as the fire
  308. is the last thing you pick up, you are ok. Take the fire to the
  309. wizard, and he will give you the spell [...which, unfortunately, is
  310. pretty worthless. It is only effective against enemies you can easily
  311. handle anyway. The stronger the enemy, the less effective it is.
  312. Slayers and other strong enemies are virtually immune to it.]
  313. </p><p>On your way out of the dungeon, pick up the necklace from the dead
  314. gnome [screen 708]. This allows you to get the heal spell [in part
  315. 2]. If you try to use the necklace [as a spell], you will just waste
  316. magic.
  317. </p><p>Get the intermediate Fruit Guide from the guy at Citra's bar
  318. [652/746] after you kill the bonca. Get the Masters Fruit guide by
  319. trading the magic bracelet to someone in Viel [screen 358/225]. You
  320. also get the respective fruit guide by mixing the highest potion on
  321. the guide (i.e., if you discover a potion without having the fruit
  322. guide [virtually impossible without cheating], you will automatically
  323. get the updated guide).
  324. </p><p>[The part II walkthrough now includes the full fruit guide -- see
  325. its Appendix D. The important recipes will also be offered by pressing
  326. the F key eventually.]
  327. </p><p><br />
  328. {{{[Appendix II: Mountain Cave Maze&lt;-]Appendix II: Mountain Cave Maze}}}
  329. </p><p>The mountain cave maze provides access to the Goodheart castle
  330. dungeon. Explore each section, or "level" as they are called in this
  331. appendix, until you understand which stairs/exits are which, then
  332. visit each level in the numerical order assigned to each one (using
  333. the stairs marked by "*"). The numbers in parentheses are screen
  334. numbers, displayed by pressing the "S" key.
  335. </p>
  336. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  337. <li>level 1: Hole out to N (45)<br />
  338. *NE (14) - level 2N (81)<br />
  339. S (109) - level 4NW (110)<br />
  340. NW (44) - level 6W (133)</li>
  341. <li>level 2: N (81) - level 1NE (14)<br />
  342. S (145) - level 4W (141)<br />
  343. *W (112) - level 3N (107)</li>
  344. <li>level 3: N (107) - level 2W (112)<br />
  345. *NE (108) - level 4N (79)<br />
  346. ***W (137) - defense potion***</li>
  347. <li>level 4: N (79) - level 3NE (108)<br />
  348. *S (143) - level 5NW (15)<br />
  349. W (141) - level 2S (141)<br />
  350. NW (110) - level 1S (109)</li>
  351. <li>level 5: NE (17) - level 7NW (7) (one-way -- can't get back this way)<br />
  352. *S (80) - level 6S (167)<br />
  353. NW (15) - level 4S (143)</li>
  354. <li>level 6 (visibly south of level 7):<br />
  355. *SE (168) - level 7S (72)<br />
  356. S (167) - level 5S (80)<br />
  357. W (133) - level 1NW (44)</li>
  358. <li>level 7: strength potion to SW (map 103, south of map 71)<br />
  359. *NE (11) - to Goodheart Ruins<br />
  360. S (72) - level 6SE (168)<br />
  361. NW (7) - level 5NE (17)</li>
  362. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  363. <p>To find your way through the castle maze, you have to look for
  364. screen 82. Take the path that starts in the middle of the right side
  365. and proceed toward the right. On screen 83 you will be in a hallway
  366. that only turns toward the bottom of the screen and onto screen
  367. 115. This room seems to have no exit other than the way you came in,
  368. but actually it does. In the next screen down, screen 147, Dink can
  369. squeeze out to the right along the wall.
  370. </p><p><br />
  371. </p><p>{{{Walkthrough for Part II}}}
  372. </p><p><br />
  373. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Hope&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Hope (page does not exist)">Template:Hope</a>
  374. </p><p>This part is pretty simple but not very straightforward. First of
  375. all, [locate the non-functional warp on the east side of the island,
  376. northeast of the cabin. Then next,] you have to find Jenai. Find the
  377. L-shaped piece of land on the north side of the island. The third time
  378. you are on the screen, Jenai will appear. Talk to him and then go eat
  379. dinner. After dinner, talk to Jenai again, and then search for pieces
  380. to the raft. Start by going to the screen north of the non-functional
  381. warp point and Dink will say what he needs to find: three big logs, a
  382. small log, and some grass. When you get these, return to this screen
  383. and you will try out your raft.
  384. </p><p><br />
  385. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Island_of_the_Gnomes&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Island of the Gnomes (page does not exist)">Template:Island of the Gnomes</a>
  386. </p><p>In this part you first have to learn about the force fields. Work
  387. your way around the top of the village and find the only hut you can
  388. go into. Take the tutorial if you haven't before and then look for
  389. yellow key sparks to get into the various huts. [Search hard: there is
  390. indeed a yellow spark for every hut, and you need to get into them
  391. all. This is my major complaint with this entire second part of this
  392. game: you spend too much time hunting for things that are almost, if
  393. not in fact, impossible to find. In an attempt to rectify this
  394. problem, I have modified the "S" key menu to show the Dink screen
  395. number. Now if you get stuck, follow your progress around the
  396. island. You will find yellow key sparks on screens 333, 429, and 494;
  397. there is in fact an extra spark (needed later in the game) behind the
  398. healing fountain.]
  399. </p><p>You can't get into the leader's hut yet though, [because it has
  400. green sparks at its base so you need a green key-spark to open it.]
  401. You also can't get into the cave to the south because of the purple
  402. field. The gnome in the lower left hut will give you a purple key so
  403. you can enter the cave. After a short journey through the cave, you
  404. find a magic bonca. Kill it and get the green key it leaves
  405. behind. Use it on the leader's hut field and he will unlock all the
  406. warp points. The entire world is now open to you. You can travel
  407. anywhere you want, but the order listed here is probably the easiest
  408. way to complete everything.
  409. </p><p>[Do this first: go back to Hope Island and find the map -- see
  410. "[Appendix A: Secrets-&gt;#Appendix A: Secrets] ".]
  411. </p><p>[See [Appendix B-&gt;#Appendix B: Key Sparks] for additional notes about sparks.]
  412. </p><p><br />
  413. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Mound&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Mound (page does not exist)">Template:Mound</a>
  414. </p><p>First, travel to Mound and talk to the three people there. They
  415. each have some- thing to give you eventually; but for now, you are
  416. concerned with the middle guy. He needs his hatchet back. Fight your
  417. way through the two cave systems of Mound and find the Goblin. Hit him
  418. and the fight begins. When you kill him, he drops the hatchet. Take it
  419. back to the guy in Mound and he will give you a peg. Take it to the
  420. Gnome in Gnome Island who has the broken bench. Give the peg to him
  421. and he will give you the sawblade [that is, the "Sawblade Sword," a
  422. stronger weapon.]
  423. </p><p><br />
  424. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Delta_V&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Delta V (page does not exist)">Template:Delta V</a>
  425. </p><p>[Note: the fruit mixing station on Delta V, originally the only one
  426. in this whole world, is non-functional. No true script-only fixes are
  427. possible, since no scripts at all are run when Dink enters this
  428. building. If you know how, feel free to use DinkEdit to attach script
  429. "mixer" to sprite 14 in screen 723.
  430. </p><p>Other than that, I have implemented two kludges: (1) a
  431. fully-functional fruit mixing station will appear in the cabin on Hope
  432. Island after you get the map; and (2), pressing the F (Fruit Guide)
  433. key while in the Delta V station will make it functional until you
  434. leave again.]
  435. </p><p>Go to Delta and talk to the leader. Now go back to Mound and talk
  436. to the woman. Follow what she says (she says she would like to hit
  437. the people of Delta) and return to Delta. Each of the people there is
  438. a goblin in disguise. Hitting them locks the screen and starts the
  439. fight. You should be able to take care of each one easily, but you may
  440. need to take a break and refill your life at the fountain in Gnome
  441. before fighting the boss (the leader of the town). He is a two-headed
  442. goblin, and he has a painful spin attack that can almost kill you with
  443. one good shot (actually several quick hits). [Never seemed all that
  444. fierce to me.] Kill him, and you will get a red key-spark. Now you can
  445. go back into the cave system (the narrow passage on the screen below
  446. the stairway up to the surface). Search this cave system and you will
  447. find a group of people who are the true Delta Villagers. Use the key
  448. on the red field, [then open the chest if you don't want to have to
  449. come right back here, and then...] talk to any of the villagers. They
  450. return to town, and you wind up in the leader's room. Talk to him, and
  451. you will get an odd-shaped medallion. This is what you use to save the
  452. mutants.
  453. </p><p><br />
  454. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Mutant_Isle&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Mutant Isle (page does not exist)">Template:Mutant Isle</a>
  455. </p><p>You have only a short amount of time to save the Mutants. [[[:Template:Hint]]:
  456. the use of TWS ticks the timer -- if you teleport or attempt to
  457. teleport 35 times before saving the Mutants, you will not be able to
  458. save them. While this is fairly generous, you can't fool around too
  459. long. One of the mutants will give you a clue as to how much time is
  460. left. If he says something about "a few days", there is still plenty
  461. of time. If he says "a couple days", you have fewer than 12 warps
  462. left. If he says "another day", you have fewer than six warps
  463. left. And if he says time has run out, it probably has...]
  464. </p><p>If you take the medallion to the machine left of the Mutant's
  465. village, nothing happens. You have to charge the medallion in a
  466. different machine. The machine is in the cave of Gem [accessed from
  467. inside the destroyed building]. Find your way to this machine and put
  468. the piece in. As soon as you do, take the piece back out (talk). If
  469. you pull up the menu now [i.e., arm it like it was a sword and press
  470. Ctrl], you will see that the piece has become charged. However it will
  471. lose its charge before you can get it to the machine in Mutant
  472. Isle. You have to find a way to contain the power. Go to Kingdom Smile
  473. and talk to a guy in the town (not the castle). He will give you a box
  474. to put the charged piece in. Take the box and now go to Mutant
  475. Isle. Put the piece in the machine to save the mutants.
  476. </p><p>[This is just too weird. The guy in Kingdom Smile won't give you
  477. the box unless you come to him with the piece already charged. So
  478. according to the story, the charge that won't survive the teleport to
  479. Mutant Isle will survive the teleport to Kingdom Smile. Go
  480. figure. Anyway, the sequence of events is this: charge the piece in
  481. Gem, bring it to Kingdom Smile and talk to the guy to get the box, and
  482. then you can go from there to Mutant Isle and repair the machine.]
  483. </p><p>[More stuff from the Secrets section. (1) If Dink knows "Manhattan
  484. Project" which he learns automatically when he reaches level 12, don't
  485. bother stealing the book in Kingdom Smile. You can take it to the guy
  486. in Mound that collects books and trade it for a scroll for the Pain
  487. spell, but Pain works the same as Manhattan Project except it isn't as
  488. powerful. (2) After repairing the machine on Mutant Isle, talk to all
  489. the villagers and get the scroll. Take this immediately to the Gnome
  490. leader, because you DO want the Meteor Spell. This spell basically
  491. rains down one Inferno fireball for every magic point you have. Not
  492. quite as powerful as you would think (because the meteors fall
  493. randomly and you can't aim them, though they do prefer to fall closer
  494. to Dink), but still plenty effective, especially above ground.]
  495. </p><p><br />
  496. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Kingdom_Smile&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Kingdom Smile (page does not exist)">Template:Kingdom Smile</a>
  497. </p><p>[There is a trick to getting into this part of the game. I played
  498. it through twice before I finally found it. Look closely at that
  499. little castle near the east shore of Kingdom Smile. See that brick on
  500. the left side of the door, the one that sticks out instead of in?
  501. That's the castle's "doorbell". Make Dink hit it. When you find the
  502. right place, the door will open and a knight will come and take Dink
  503. inside the castle, which is mostly deep underground. In my updated
  504. scripts, I make Dink comment on that brick when he walks onto the
  505. screen, so you won't miss it anymore.]
  506. </p><p>Kingdom Smile's elite knights have gone on strike. You have to find
  507. four of them and convince them to return to service. Three of them are
  508. in the caves below the castle. One wants a green apple which you can
  509. buy from Delta V. Another one wants a new axe, explained later, and
  510. the other one will return after you have convinced two other
  511. knights. The last one is in the caves of Grimm Forest the stairway to
  512. the cave is hidden in the densely treed screen around the middle of
  513. the screen. He wants you to find his gold coin.
  514. </p><p>[Make sure you have fully explored the caves below the castle and
  515. talked to all three knights down there before leaving the
  516. castle. Next, you want to get the knight in Grimm Forest back on the
  517. job. Start by reading "Appendix A: Secrets" about the Holy spell for
  518. the reason why. Then head over to Grimm Forest next and find that
  519. knight. Tough maze, isn't it? The entrance to its caves is completely
  520. hidden on screen 110, just above and left of the middle of the
  521. screen. Now find his coin in Gem, which is not too hard to find in
  522. that cave. Hint: it's on the same screen as the machine you used to
  523. charge the piece for the Mutants' machine. Go back to Grimm Forest and
  524. give the coin to the knight, then go back to Kingdom Smile and talk to
  525. him again -- he is the gold knight who has appeared in the room with
  526. the silver and bronze knights. Now, for the rest of the game, keep
  527. your eye out for more hidden gold coins. They are *tough* to spot,
  528. but none, as I recall, are 100% hidden. See "Appendix C: Gold Coins",
  529. for a complete list of coins.]
  530. </p><p>[Now for the axe. Remember the guy in Mound where you traded the
  531. hatchet for the peg? You may have noticed that he also has a knight's
  532. axe in his dwelling. In my modified scripts, Dink can even "talk" to
  533. the axe to coax the man to comment on it, but that's about all. Once
  534. you have talked to the knight in the cave under the castle, however,
  535. talking to the man will get him to offer to trade the axe for some
  536. pliers. For them, you have to recall that the leader in Delta said he
  537. still owes Dink a favor. Back to Wesley for a moment:] Go talk to him,
  538. and he will tell you the guy who buys swords has pliers. Talk to him,
  539. and he will give you the pliers for free since you saved his
  540. life. [Before you leave Delta V, don't forget to buy a green apple if
  541. you need one for the third knight. Then return to Mound and the guy
  542. will let you have his axe. But Dink now has to pick it up for himself,
  543. and this is a little hard, though I did not intend for it to be a
  544. puzzle. Move Dink around on the axehead until pressing the space bar
  545. makes him pick it up. And please excuse what the man says if you talk
  546. to him after taking the axe. I couldn't resist...] Take the axe to the
  547. knight in Kingdom Smile, and he will return.
  548. </p><p>[You should in fact be able to get all the knights the return to
  549. duty now, just by going back and talking to them. Besides the guy who
  550. wanted a new axe, one just wanted a green apple, which hopefully you
  551. remembered to pick up in Delta V. And the fourth guy, who describes
  552. himself as a follower, will return to duty after you have convinced
  553. any two of his three comrades.] Now return to the king of Kingdom
  554. Smile, and he will open the treasure room for you. It contains some
  555. gold and potions, but most importantly the double-edge sword. You can
  556. now fight just about any enemy on the overworld or in most of the
  557. caves.
  558. </p><p><br />
  559. {{Gem&lt;}}
  560. </p><p>Now is a good time to try to heal Jones. Talk to him and his wife,
  561. and then go talk to the woman in Kingdom Smile who tells you about
  562. medical flowers. Go to Delta and find the flowers there. Pick some
  563. (talk) and choose yes. A bonca appears out of nowhere and you have to
  564. kill it to leave. When you do, return to Gem and talk the Jones's
  565. wife. Go to Gnome to see how to give the flowers to Jones, and find
  566. out that they won't do the trick. You learn Heal2 and go back to
  567. Gem. Talk to the wife, and think about what she says. Go back to Delta
  568. and pick some more flowers. This time you cast Heal2 on the flowers.
  569. Fight the bonca again and then take the flowers back to Gem. You have
  570. to have some water for Jones to take the flowers though. This requires
  571. you to have a bottle. You will need 4000 gold to buy the bottle. Find
  572. the guy in the Mutant cave and buy the bottle from him for 4000
  573. gold. Then go to Gnome and fill the bottle with water at the
  574. fountain. Take the water to Jones and give him the flowers. He is
  575. healed.
  576. </p><p>[And then refill the bottle and keep it filled. It acts like a
  577. major heal potion.]
  578. </p><p>[Here's another hint. Remember how you were trying to conserve uses
  579. of TWS until you saved the Mutants? Now it's just the opposite: use it
  580. freely! Waste it! Then go back and visit Jones after every six uses or
  581. so and he will have something new to report about his
  582. vision. Eventually, he should give Dink a golden heart.]
  583. </p><p><br />
  584. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Plateau&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Plateau (page does not exist)">Template:Plateau</a>
  585. </p><p>The bridge to town is blocked by a magic fairy. You can try several
  586. things to get by the fairy, but most of them result in her summoning a
  587. dragon to try and kill you[*]. What you need is the bottle of
  588. water. Give the fairy your water, and she will fall asleep. Grab the
  589. fairy slowly (talk) and you now have a sec- ond chance if you die (a
  590. la Zelda) [that is, Dink will be granted 20 hit points if he gets
  591. killed. Not much, but might save a restore. Hint: once the fairy is in
  592. the bottle, the guy in the Mutant cave will now sell you another
  593. bottle (for another 4000) which you can then keep full of water again
  594. for use as a heal potion. So then if the fairy has to rescue you, you
  595. can immediately use the bottle of water to get almost fully healed.]
  596. </p><p>[* -- about attacking that fairy: are you using the Ultimate Cheat?
  597. Want some real fun? Take a save (because you're probably going to mess
  598. things up really bad) and use the Cheat's Kill Enemies function a few
  599. times. Dink will quickly be neck-deep in dragons...]
  600. </p><p>Proceed into town and go into your house. This triggers a [long!]
  601. cut scene where you reminisce about growing up. Afterwards, you are
  602. determined to find out what happened to everyone (actually you only
  603. find your mother and Laura). [And of the two, only Dink's mother is
  604. on this island]. Go up to the northern part of the island and push
  605. around the the rocks. One of them has a stairway underneath. [Hint: if
  606. you pushed around rocks before going into town, it's one you couldn't
  607. push then. Didn't he say in the Part I walkthrough, "I could have
  608. 'locked' you out of the caves before you reached this point, but I
  609. think it's dumb to do stuff like that..."?
  610. </p><p>Go into the cave and search for your mother. When you find Sid's
  611. projection, you have only 10 seconds to find your mother. Go right and
  612. then down and follow that path to find your mother. [After leaving
  613. Sid's projection, hang tight to the wall on Dink's right until you
  614. come to his mother. Ignore the bonca. In fact, if you won the ribbon
  615. in the first part, you might just want to arm it so Dink can run
  616. faster.] Talk to her, and you will be transported back to your
  617. house. She tries to give you the Masamune, but you have to have the
  618. crystal first. If you don't have it yet, then you need to get it
  619. before you get the sword.]
  620. </p><p>To get the crystal, you must have a red key. Your mother should
  621. give you one. You can also get one from the lady in Delta who had the
  622. depressed cousin in Kingdom Smile after the 4 knights return, and
  623. another one from one of the mutants after you rescue them. [This bug
  624. has indeed been fixed: you now get this red key. You also always get a
  625. red key from Dink's mother whether or not you have the crystal when
  626. you find her.] Go back into the plateau cave and find the red
  627. force-field. Follow the path behind the field and get the crystal
  628. shard from one of the treasure chests. [The other chest has the
  629. so-called Doom Sword. Wesley's version was clever but relatively
  630. useless. I am hoping you will like my version a lot better.]
  631. </p><p>Take the crystal shard to Mutant Cave and find the crystal. First
  632. you need to get the crystal to stop spinning. Grab it (hit with fists
  633. armed) and it will stop and then put the piece in. Now "talk" and take
  634. the crystal. On your way out, you have to kill a dragon [so be sure to
  635. take a save when you get back to the save machine...] Take the crystal
  636. back to your mother in Plateau and she will give you the Masamune, the
  637. strongest sword in the game. Now you are ready to to go Olympus.
  638. </p><p><br />
  639. <a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Olympus&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Olympus (page does not exist)">Template:Olympus</a>
  640. </p><p><a href="http://dinksols.duckdns.org/solutions/index.php?title=Template:Points&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Points (page does not exist)">Template:Points</a>: You have to have a certain number of points to get better
  641. endings. I hate it when endings are really short or just suck, so I
  642. tried to reward your hard work with something a little entertaining
  643. and something that would appropriately wrap up the story line. I guess
  644. you could say I model my endings after Square endings.
  645. </p>
  646. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  647. <li>0-13 pts. will get you the worst ending.</li>
  648. <li>14-16 pts. will get you ending 2.</li>
  649. <li>17 pts. will get you ending 3, the best ending.</li>
  650. </ul>
  651. <table>
  652. <tr><td>Delta V [killing the goblins and finding the real people]</td><td>1 point</td></tr>
  653. <tr><td>Bench [getting the workbench peg and getting the sawblade]</td><td>1 point</td></tr>
  654. <tr><td>Kingdom Smile [ultimately, getting the double-edged sword]</td><td>2 points</td></tr>
  655. <tr><td>Mutant Isle [fixing the machine and getting the Meteor spell]</td><td>3 points</td></tr>
  656. <tr><td>Jones [healing his blindness]</td><td>3 points</td></tr>
  657. <tr><td>Mom [rescuing her and getting the sword Masamune from her]</td><td>4 points</td></tr>
  658. <tr><td>Laura [rescuing her in Olympus -- see below]</td><td>3 points</td></tr>
  659. </table>&lt;/html&gt;
  660. <p>You can come here [to Olympus] anytime and fight Sid, although you
  661. probably won't be able to kill him right away. You have to have a
  662. certain number of points to go deeper into the caves. Otherwise you
  663. get the bad ending. If you do go on, you can go fight Sid and get
  664. ending 2, or you can try to save Laura and get the best ending. (It is
  665. possible to save Laura and not get the best ending. This will happen
  666. if you missed another part. You must complete every area in world 2 to
  667. get ending 3).
  668. </p><p>[[[:Template:Notes and hints]]:
  669. </p>
  670. <pre>1) Originally, you had to have 14 points, which is every possible point you
  671. could get without saving Laura, in order for the game to open up the
  672. stairway down to her area of the pyramid. So the only way "it [was]
  673. possible to save Laura and not get the best ending" was to take advantage
  674. of what is essentially a bug in Wesley's map. There is a place just to the
  675. north and west of the oversized pillars where Dink can squeeze between the
  676. walls at the edges of two adjacent screens. South of that squeeze, Dink
  677. can get into unrelated screens, including the one where Laura is being
  678. held captive.
  679. I have modified this requirement to only need 12 points to open up the
  680. stairway to Laura, so Wesley's statement is now true: you can indeed go
  681. down the stairway and save Laura and still not get the best ending.
  682. 2) The "S" key has now been modified to show how many of these ending points
  683. you have accumulated, so that you can keep track of them as you play.
  684. 3) The ending you get is based on *where* you fight Sid. Regardless of how
  685. many points you have, you can find him in the southeast area underneath
  686. the Pyramid; and if you enter that room, you are stuck with the worst
  687. ending. Period. When you come to the room with the giant, low-resolution
  688. pillars, you are at the decision point. Go east to fight Sid for the
  689. worst ending (and it's cute -- take a save and check it out) or south to
  690. find the stairway down to Laura and the lower levels.
  691. It is actually difficult to see the middle ending, especially if you
  692. are following this walkthrough. If you are interested -- and Wesley's
  693. endings are really good -- I suggest taking a save and then deliberately
  694. not saving Laura until you have played the middle ending.]
  695. </pre>
  696. <p>Deep in the lower levels is a room with a healing fountain and a
  697. save machine. The next room west has the access to the other two
  698. endings. If there is a warp in the alcove you enter, you have the
  699. required number of points for ending 2. If there is also a warp in the
  700. sealed-off area with the stairwell in it, the alcove warp will take
  701. you there instead of to ending 2. Go down the stair- well for ending 3
  702. (which is still an adventure away -- just press on).]
  703. </p><p>To save Laura, you first have to find her. Follow the path to the
  704. right after you get to the underground cave '???'. [Yes, that's the
  705. actual name of this cave -- three question marks]. After you talk to
  706. her, you have to find the wizard who is holding her. He is in the same
  707. cave system. [That is, go back to the room where there's the stairway
  708. back up and the alert that says this is cave '???', and this time go
  709. south instead of east.]
  710. </p><p>When the wizard sees you, he will run away. Follow him and he will
  711. call a dragon to fight for him. Kill the dragon and the magic spell
  712. will be lifted. Go back and save Laura [just by talking to her]. You
  713. will take her back to Plateau. After you talk to her, go back to
  714. Olympus and fight your way to Sid.
  715. </p><p>[[[:Template:Hints]]:
  716. </p>
  717. <pre>1) The wizard, when you first see him, will head to the room north. If he is
  718. not in that room, it has been too long since you talked with the trapped
  719. Laura. DO NOT RESTORE, there is no need. Just go back and talk to her
  720. again, then return to this area more directly, and this time the wizard
  721. should be in the room to the north so you can complete the rescue as
  722. described above.
  723. 2) If, before you have successfully engaged the wizard, you come to a room
  724. that is just a winding path that leads to another winding path in the room
  725. to the south, one with a roaming fire in it, you are on the path that
  726. leads to the access areas for endings 2 and 3. Unless you want to play
  727. ending 2, don't bother going that way until after you have rescued Laura.
  728. 3) And about that roaming fire: You can't fight it, and you can't avoid it
  729. at normal speed. After you have killed the slayer, arm the ribbon before
  730. entering the room with the fire to have the best chance of avoiding it.]
  731. </pre>
  732. <p>Congratulations, you are done!
  733. </p><p><br />
  734. </p><p>[Appendix A: Secrets&lt;-]{{{Appendix A: Secrets}}}
  735. </p><p>There are a lot of secrets in world 2. Throughout the development
  736. period, several things changed places, so I [Wesley] don't remember
  737. them all correctly. If you find mistakes, let me know, and I will
  738. correct them. [That is, if you know how to contact him...]
  739. </p><p>[In the southwest hut on the Island of the Gnomes, there is a shelf
  740. unit full of bottles. Dink can walk behind these shelves to find a
  741. magic potion. I made Dink comment on it so you'll know when you find
  742. it.]
  743. </p><p>Get the World Map by returning to Hope after you get the warps
  744. working. You have to find the treasure chest behind the
  745. fireplace. [Push it from the left side. And when you come back out of
  746. that room, a functional fruit mixing station should appear. It will be
  747. there for the remainder of the game.]
  748. </p><p>Get the spell Pain by stealing a book from a bookshelf in Kingdom
  749. Smile (town). Take the book to the guy in the upper room in Mound and
  750. he will give you a scroll. Take the scroll to the lead wizard in
  751. Gnome. [This is just a waste of magic-item slots -- Pain is a weaker
  752. version of Manhattan Project.]
  753. </p><p>I think you get the meteor spell scroll from a mutant if you save
  754. them. [True, and well worth getting.]
  755. </p><p>Get the Holy Spell from the 4th guard after he returns to Kingdom Smile. He is
  756. the gold knight in the room just right of the king. You have to find 25 or more
  757. gold coins to get the scroll. The coins are located all over the world and in
  758. caves (there are none in the pyramid or below). If you get all 30 coins, you
  759. get another fruit guide. [Not true. In Wesley's scripts, there was no code to
  760. give you a new fruit guide or anything else for 30 coins. There is lots of good
  761. news, however:
  762. </p>
  763. <pre>- The Holy Spell is one mean version of Inferno. Do your best to get it.
  764. - The more coins you get, the faster the spell recharges. Report back to the
  765. knight when you find more coins to have him update the spell.
  766. - There are actually 31 coins available, not 30. Appendix C lists the screen
  767. numbers of all the coins, although some are still hard to find, and you
  768. should find the recharge speed from 28 or more coins to be plenty. Too
  769. many coins may actually spoil the ending for you by making it too easy.
  770. - Appendix D is a *complete* fruit guide. I think its mixtures 5 through 8
  771. were supposed to be in the 30-coin fruit guide, but Wesley never created
  772. it or the code to display it.]
  773. </pre>
  774. <p>Force fields usually guard treasure chests with potions, gold
  775. apples or gold pieces in them. There aren't necessarily enough keys
  776. for all of the force fields in the game. Keep this in mind. [This is
  777. no longer true. The key salesman will sell you every color key except
  778. red, which are rewards for completing tasks; and if you get all the
  779. red keys, you should still have one left over at the end of the
  780. game. There should be enough blue keys laying around, or maybe only
  781. one short; and I know there are enough yellow keys around. You will
  782. have to buy purple and green keys for sure.]
  783. </p><p>The golden statue puzzle is pretty simple and isn't really a secret, but the
  784. answer if you can't remember is pillbug, bonca, slime, stone giant.
  785. </p>
  786. <pre>[That is a pretty cryptic statement, Wesley. Here is the full explanation:
  787. </pre>
  788. <p>If you get the final ending, before you ever come to Sid, you come to a sign
  789. that says, "Hit them how you saw them." In the next room is a statue,
  790. evidently supposed to be gold, of a slime. It is on the southeast room of a
  791. square of four rooms, each containing a gold statue of of a monster.
  792. </p>
  793. <pre>Do this first. Go west from the gold slime statue and you will come to a
  794. </pre>
  795. <p>room with a bonca statue. Go south and you will see a fire blocking the path.
  796. Getting rid of this fire is what this puzzle is about.
  797. </p>
  798. <pre>Turn around and head north one room past the room with the bonca and there
  799. </pre>
  800. <p>will be a room with a statue of of pillbug. Hit it, then proceed through the
  801. rooms counter-clockwise and hit each statue as you come to it. If you hit them
  802. in the right order, the fire you saw will be gone. If it is still there, just
  803. go hit the pillbug, bonca, slim, and golem again.
  804. </p>
  805. <pre>Alternatively, if you have the fairy in a bottle, she will (barely!) keep
  806. </pre>
  807. <p>Dink from dying if you pass through the fire. It's risky, but that's how I
  808. did it the first time through this area and I didn't have any trouble. For
  809. one thing, I also had a bottle full of water to heal him up.]
  810. </p><p><br />
  811. </p><p>[Appendix B: Key Sparks&lt;-]{{{Appendix B: Key Sparks}}}
  812. </p><p>This whole second part of the game seems to revolve around key
  813. sparks. You *will* see force fields before you have sparks to open
  814. them, get used to it. Press the "S" key to see your inventory of
  815. sparks. Once you complete the initial puzzles on the Island of the
  816. Gnomes and are able to use TWS ("The Warp System"), two things become
  817. true: (1) red key sparks will be the only ones awarded by NPC's for
  818. completing tasks; and (2) you will have access from time to time to a
  819. traveling salesman who will sell every other color of spark except
  820. red. (That is, yellow, purple, blue, and green.)
  821. </p><p>Generally speaking, you should only have to buy purple and green
  822. sparks. If you make the mistake of not taking the "spark key
  823. tutorial", you might end up wanting to buy a yellow spark. Blue sparks
  824. seem to be available in abundance, though you may have to brave the
  825. somewhat tougher monsters on Olympus before Dink is really ready in
  826. order to find enough.
  827. </p><p>Spark salesman locations:
  828. </p>
  829. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  830. <li>Mound, screen 632</li>
  831. <li>Delta V, screen 133</li>
  832. <li>Kingdom Smile, screen 380</li>
  833. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  834. <p>If you find the right screen and want a spark and the salesman is
  835. not there, just leave the screen and return a few times. He'll show up
  836. sooner or later.
  837. </p>
  838. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  839. <li>Yellow key sparks: Island of the Gnomes only, screens 397 (only if you take the tutorial), 333, 429, 494, and inside the hut on screen 396, behind the fountain.</li>
  840. <li>Green key spark: Plateau, screen 222 (behind the house roof)</li>
  841. <li>Blue key sparks:
  842. <ul>
  843. <li>Delta V, screen 135</li>
  844. <li>Grimm Forest, screen 110 (near bottom of screen, behind leftmost tree that extends into the status area)</li>
  845. <li>Mound, screen 759; and screen 604 in the cave system</li>
  846. <li>Mutant Island, screen 421</li>
  847. <li>Olympus, screens 243, 312, 401</li>
  848. <li>Plateau, screens 122 (behind rocks, lower left), 284, 287; and screen 737 in the cave system</li>
  849. </ul>
  850. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  851. <p><br />
  852. </p><p>[Appendix C: Gold Coins&lt;-]{{{Appendix C: Gold Coins}}}
  853. </p><p>See "Kingdom Smile", above. Screen numbers for all gold coins:
  854. </p>
  855. &lt;html&gt;<table>
  856. <tr><td><strong>Delta V</strong>: 102, 42</td><td>2</td></tr>
  857. <tr><td>cave: 131, 170</td><td>2</td></tr>
  858. <tr><td><strong>Gem</strong>: 623 (this is the knight's coin -- doesn't count toward the ones for the Holy spell)</td><td>0</td></tr>
  859. <tr><td>cabin / entrance to cave 20/755</td><td>1</td></tr>
  860. <tr><td><strong>Grimm Forest</strong>: 77, 111</td><td>2</td></tr>
  861. <tr><td>(none in cavern)</td><td>0</td></tr>
  862. <tr><td><strong>Hope island</strong>: 614</td><td>1</td></tr>
  863. <tr><td>hidden map room behind fireplace (756)</td><td>1</td></tr>
  864. <tr><td><strong>Island of the Gnomes</strong>: 364</td><td>1</td></tr>
  865. <tr><td><strong>Kingdom Smile</strong>: 377</td><td>1</td></tr>
  866. <tr><td>dungeon: 605</td><td>1</td></tr>
  867. <tr><td><strong>Mound</strong>: 666, 759</td><td>2</td></tr>
  868. <tr><td>"Mound city" cave: 763</td><td>1 </td></tr>
  869. <tr><td>upper level cave: 702</td><td>1</td></tr>
  870. <tr><td><strong>Mutant Isle</strong>: 323, 353</td><td>2</td></tr>
  871. <tr><td>cave: 359, 391, 547 (bottle salesman)</td><td>3</td></tr>
  872. <tr><td><strong>Olympus</strong>: 241, 247</td><td>2</td></tr>
  873. <tr><td><strong>Plateau</strong>: 124, 126, 256, 283</td><td>4</td></tr>
  874. <tr><td>underground: 619, 645, 741, 747</td><td>4</td></tr>
  875. <tr><td><strong>total</strong></td><td>31</td></tr>
  876. </table>&lt;/html&gt;
  877. <p><br />
  878. </p><p>[Appendix D: Complete Potion Guide&lt;-]{{{Appendix D: Complete Potion Guide}}}
  879. </p><p>Scripts mixer.c and mix.c recognize nine(9) fruit mixture potions,
  880. as follows:
  881. </p>
  882. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  883. <li>mixture 1: Cooling Potion ("fruit guide 1")
  884. <ul>
  885. <li>1 orange</li>
  886. <li>1 red apple</li>
  887. </ul>
  888. </li>
  889. <li>mixture 2: Weak Heal, adds 5 to life ("fruit guide 1")
  890. <ul>
  891. <li>1 red apple</li>
  892. <li>1 green apple</li>
  893. </ul>
  894. </li>
  895. <li>mixture 3: Medium Heal, adds 15 to life ("fruit guide 2")
  896. <ul>
  897. <li>1 orange</li>
  898. <li>2 red apples</li>
  899. <li>1 green apple</li>
  900. </ul>
  901. </li>
  902. <li>mixture 4: Strong Heal, adds 40 to life ("fruit guide 3")
  903. <ul>
  904. <li>2 oranges</li>
  905. <li>1 red apple</li>
  906. <li>2 green apples</li>
  907. <li>2 grapes</li>
  908. </ul>
  909. </li>
  910. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  911. <p>The rest of these you are supposed to be able to guess using the
  912. FMIXER dmod. How did you do? Mixtures for which you have enough gold
  913. apples will also be displayed by pressing the F key.)
  914. </p>
  915. &lt;html&gt;<ul>
  916. <li>mixture 5: Strength Potion, adds 2 to strength
  917. <ul>
  918. <li>3 red apples</li>
  919. <li>2 green apples</li>
  920. <li>3 grapes</li>
  921. <li>1 gold apple</li>
  922. </ul>
  923. </li>
  924. <li>mixture 6: Defense Potion, adds 2 to defense
  925. <ul>
  926. <li>2 oranges</li>
  927. <li>1 red apple</li>
  928. <li>3 green apples</li>
  929. <li>4 grapes</li>
  930. <li>1 gold apple</li>
  931. </ul>
  932. </li>
  933. <li>mixture 7: Magic Potion, adds 2 to magic
  934. <ul>
  935. <li>2 red apples</li>
  936. <li>4 green apples</li>
  937. <li>4 grapes</li>
  938. <li>1 gold apple</li>
  939. </ul>
  940. </li>
  941. <li>mixture 8: Life-up Potion, adds 5 to life
  942. <ul>
  943. <li>3 oranges</li>
  944. <li>3 red apples</li>
  945. <li>4 green apples</li>
  946. <li>4 grapes</li>
  947. <li>1 gold apple</li>
  948. </ul>
  949. </li>
  950. <li>mixture 9: Secret Super Potion, adds 2 each to strength, defense, and magic
  951. <ul>
  952. <li>3 oranges</li>
  953. <li>4 red apples</li>
  954. <li>3 green apples</li>
  955. <li>4 grapes</li>
  956. <li>2 gold apples</li>
  957. </ul>
  958. </li>
  959. </ul>&lt;/html&gt;
  960. <p>4/2002 modifications by Ted Shutes
  961. </p>
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