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  30. <h1 class="main-title"></h1>
  31. <p>ForgeFed is a federation protocol for enabling interoperability between version control services. It's built as an extension to the <a href="">ActivityPub</a> protocol, allowing users of any ForgeFed-compliant service to interact with the repositories hosted on other instances.</p>
  32. <p>The goal of the project is to support all of the major activities connected to project management, including bug reports, merge requests, and notifications across instances.</p>
  33. <p>This website serves as the authoritative source for findinding up to date information about the project.</p>
  34. <h1 id="why-forgefed">Why ForgeFed?</h1>
  35. <p>The current state of code collaboration is dominated by centralized, proprietary platforms. Free alternatives to these platforms exist (for example <a href="">NotABug</a> and <a href="">Pagure</a>) but they do not solve the problem of centralization.</p>
  36. <p>This project tries to address exactly this problem. Our wish is to devise a free and standardized mechanism for enabling collaboration across any version control platform.</p>
  37. <h1 id="project-status">Project status</h1>
  38. <p>The specification and software produced by this working group is still in the early stages, and there is still much work to do and ample design-space for discussion and contributions.</p>
  39. <p>So far the protocol supports:</p>
  40. <ul>
  41. <li>repository following</li>
  42. <li>repository push notifications to followers</li>
  43. <li>new issue creation</li>
  44. </ul>
  45. <h1 id="work-group">Work group</h1>
  46. <p>Community and development discussions are conducted on the <a href="">ForgeFed Forum</a>, with informal, real-time collaboration often taking place on the #peers IRC channel on freenode. In order to be most widely adopted, we strive to assemble the most diverse and representative group including: users, implementers, and various domain experts. Anyone who is experienced with working on existing forges or federated &quot;social&quot; services, and anyone with experience in writing technical specification documents is encouraged to join the working group.</p>
  47. <h1 id="implementations">Implementations</h1>
  48. <ul>
  49. <li><em><a href="">Vervis</a></em> is the reference implementation of ForgeFed. It serves as a demo platform for testing the protocol and trying new features</li>
  50. <li><em><a href="">mcfi</a></em> is another command line implementation for testing the protocol</li>
  51. </ul>
  52. <h1 id="project-links">Project links</h1>
  53. <ul>
  54. <li><a href="">Issues tracker</a></li>
  55. <li><a href="">Wiki</a></li>
  56. <li><a href="">Forum</a></li>
  57. <li><a href="/forgefed-vocabulary.html">Specification</a></li>
  58. <li><a href="">dokk</a></li>
  59. </ul>
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  71. <span property="dct:title">The ForgeFed team</span>
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  73. has dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
  74. rights to
  75. <span property="dct:title">ForgeFed</span> to the public domain
  76. worldwide.
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  78. <p>❤ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share!</p>
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