123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- # This file is intended to ease the author's development and testing process
- # Users do not need to use `make`; Ratchet does not need to be compiled
- test:
- phpunit
- cover:
- phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-html=reports/coverage
- abtests:
- ulimit -n 2048 && php tests/autobahn/bin/fuzzingserver.php 8001 LibEvent &
- ulimit -n 2048 && php tests/autobahn/bin/fuzzingserver.php 8002 StreamSelect &
- ulimit -n 2048 && php tests/autobahn/bin/fuzzingserver-noutf8.php 8003 StreamSelect &
- ulimit -n 2048 && php tests/autobahn/bin/fuzzingserver.php 8004 LibEv &
- wstest -m testeeserver -w ws://localhost:8000 &
- wstest -m fuzzingclient -s tests/autobahn/fuzzingclient-all.json
- killall php wstest
- abtest:
- ulimit -n 2048 && php tests/autobahn/bin/fuzzingserver.php 8000 StreamSelect &
- wstest -m fuzzingclient -s tests/autobahn/fuzzingclient-quick.json
- killall php
- profile:
- php -d 'xdebug.profiler_enable=1' tests/autobahn/bin/fuzzingserver.php 8000 LibEvent &
- wstest -m fuzzingclient -s tests/autobahn/fuzzingclient-profile.json
- killall php
- apidocs:
- apigen --title Ratchet -d reports/api -s src/ \
- -s vendor/react \
- -s vendor/guzzle \
- -s vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session \
- -s vendor/symfony/routing/Symfony/Component/Routing \
- -s vendor/evenement/evenement/src/Evenement