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- <?php
- namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema;
- use Illuminate\Support\Fluent;
- /**
- * @method ForeignKeyDefinition references(string|array $columns) Specify the referenced column(s)
- * @method ForeignKeyDefinition on(string $table) Specify the referenced table
- * @method ForeignKeyDefinition onDelete(string $action) Add an ON DELETE action
- * @method ForeignKeyDefinition onUpdate(string $action) Add an ON UPDATE action
- * @method ForeignKeyDefinition deferrable(bool $value = true) Set the foreign key as deferrable (PostgreSQL)
- * @method ForeignKeyDefinition initiallyImmediate(bool $value = true) Set the default time to check the constraint (PostgreSQL)
- */
- class ForeignKeyDefinition extends Fluent
- {
- //
- }