1. StompQueuePlugin wraps the StompQueueManager class which is a queue manager
  2. that uses STOMP as a communication method to some form of backing storage.
  3. Installation
  4. ============
  5. This plugin is replaces other queue manager plugins, such as UnQueue,
  6. which enabled by default and which should, but is not required to be
  7. disabled.
  8. addPlugin('StompQueue', ['servers' => ['your-redis-instance-and-port'],
  9. 'vhost' => 'your-vhost',
  10. 'username' => 'your-username',
  11. 'password' => 'your-password']);
  12. Options
  13. =======
  14. servers (default: null) - array of server addresses to use
  15. vhost (default: '') - configured vhost -- required
  16. username (default: 'guest') -- configured username -- don't use the default
  17. password (default: 'guest') -- configured password -- don't use the default
  18. basename (default: "queue:gnusocial-{$site_name}") -- prefix for all queue names,
  19. useful to avoid collisions. Cannot contain `/`
  20. control (default: 'gnusocial:control') -- control channel name. Cannot contain `/`
  21. breakout (default: null) -- array of queue names which should be broken out into a previously unused server
  22. useTransactions (default: false) -- whether to use transactions, allowing rollbacks in case of failure
  23. useAcks (default: false) -- whether to explicitly use acknowledgements when receiving a message.
  24. Usefull to avoid timeouts and possibly reduce load on the STOMP server
  25. manualFailover (default: false) -- whether to coordinate failover in PHP or to let all servers act
  26. as one coordinated unit
  27. defaultIdx (default: 0) -- index in the servers array which is used by default. Will be updated in case of an error
  28. persistent (default: []) -- list of queues which should be persistent
  29. Example
  30. =======
  31. In config.php
  32. addPlugin('StompQueue', ['servers' => 'tcp://localhost:61613', 'vhost' => '/',
  33. // Please don't actually use the default credentials
  34. 'username' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest']);