.alacritty.yml 1.6 KB

  1. window:
  2. dimensions:
  3. columns: 80
  4. lines: 24
  5. padding:
  6. x: 10
  7. y: 10
  8. dynamic_padding: false
  9. decorations: full
  10. startup_mode: Windowed
  11. dynamic_title: true
  12. opacity: 1.0
  13. scrolling:
  14. history: 10000
  15. multiplier: 3
  16. font:
  17. normal:
  18. family: DejaVu Sans Mono
  19. style: Book
  20. bold:
  21. family: DejaVu Sans Mono
  22. style: Bold
  23. italic:
  24. family: DejaVu Sans Mono
  25. style: Oblique
  26. size: 12
  27. offset:
  28. x: 0
  29. y: 0
  30. glyph_offset:
  31. x: 0
  32. y: 0
  33. colors:
  34. draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true
  35. # Default colors
  36. primary:
  37. background: '0x262626'
  38. foreground: '0xfff1f3'
  39. # Normal colors
  40. normal:
  41. black: '0x262626'
  42. red: '0xfd6883'
  43. green: '0xadda78'
  44. yellow: '0xf9cc6c'
  45. blue: '0xf38d70'
  46. magenta: '0xa8a9eb'
  47. cyan: '0x85dacc'
  48. white: '0xfff1f3'
  49. # Bright colors
  50. bright:
  51. black: '0x72696a'
  52. red: '0xfd6883'
  53. green: '0xadda78'
  54. yellow: '0xf9cc6c'
  55. blue: '0xf38d70'
  56. magenta: '0xa8a9eb'
  57. cyan: '0x85dacc'
  58. white: '0xfff1f3'
  59. indexed_colors: []
  60. bell:
  61. animation: EaseOutExpo
  62. duration: 0
  63. color: '0xffffff'
  64. mouse:
  65. bindings:
  66. - { mouse: Middle, action: PasteSelection }
  67. hide_when_typing: true
  68. selection:
  69. semantic_escape_chars: ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>"
  70. # When set to `true`, selected text will be copied to the primary clipboard.
  71. save_to_clipboard: false
  72. cursor:
  73. style: Block
  74. unfocused_hollow: true
  75. live_config_reload: false
  76. debug:
  77. render_timer: false
  78. persistent_logging: false
  79. log_level: Warn
  80. print_events: false