Use chjize on a Debian compatible system. Follow the instructions up to "Once you trust that the source is mine", then as root:
make gambit
And to use Emacs, as root:
make emacs
and as a (probably preferably fresh) non-root user (this modifies dot files of that user, although it keeps originals in a git repo in the home) from its home dir:
For this to take proper effect you need to make a fresh login as that user. It will ask to run ~/.chj-home/init which you should do (it will symlink ~/.emacs to the chj-emacs repo and set up other things).
After cloning this repo as the non-root user:
cd <repofolder>
git submodule init
git submodule update
As the non-root user:
cd <repofolder>
M-x run-scheme
> (run-tests) ;; run all tests
> (run-tests ".") ;; run just the tests for the files in this dir
> (lily %tetrachords) ;; to generate a score
To update to upstream changes, run:
cd <repofolder>
git pull
git submodule update
then restart Gambit via ,q
or freshly starting Emacs and M-x
. If there are no errors or warnings from the compilation,
run (run-tests)
. If there are no test failures then all is fine. If
you get compiler errors or load warnings or test failures, run rm
and restart Gambit again (this can happen when macros are
changed and the modules using them have no changes themselves (the
build system is currently too naive to track macro usage)).