123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
- import sys
- import getopt
- from awlsim_loader.common import *
- from awlsim_loader.coreclient import *
- def printCpuStats(cpuStatsMsg):
- if not cpuStatsMsg:
- print("Failed to fetch CPU statistics.")
- return
- if cpuStatsMsg.insnPerSecond > 0.0:
- insnPerSecondStr = floatToHumanReadable(cpuStatsMsg.insnPerSecond)
- usPerInsnStr = "%.03f" % ((1.0 / cpuStatsMsg.insnPerSecond) * 1000000.0)
- else:
- insnPerSecondStr = "-/-"
- usPerInsnStr = "-/-"
- if (cpuStatsMsg.avgCycleTime <= 0.0 or
- cpuStatsMsg.minCycleTime <= 0.0 or
- cpuStatsMsg.maxCycleTime <= 0.0):
- avgCycleTimeStr = minCycleTimeStr = maxCycleTimeStr = "-/-"
- else:
- avgCycleTimeStr = "%.03f" % (cpuStatsMsg.avgCycleTime * 1000.0)
- minCycleTimeStr = "%.03f" % (cpuStatsMsg.minCycleTime * 1000.0)
- maxCycleTimeStr = "%.03f" % (cpuStatsMsg.maxCycleTime * 1000.0)
- if cpuStatsMsg.running:
- print("CPU RUN %.01f s (system uptime %.01f s)" % (
- cpuStatsMsg.runtime, cpuStatsMsg.uptime))
- else:
- print("CPU STOP (system uptime %.01f s)" % (
- cpuStatsMsg.uptime))
- print(" OB1: avg: %s ms min: %s ms max: %s ms" % (
- avgCycleTimeStr, minCycleTimeStr, maxCycleTimeStr))
- print(" Speed: %s stmt/s (= %s us/stmt) %.01f stmt/cycle" % (
- insnPerSecondStr, usPerInsnStr, cpuStatsMsg.insnPerCycle))
- class TextInterfaceAwlSimClient(AwlSimClient):
- pass
- def usage():
- print("awlsim-client version %s" % VERSION_STRING)
- print("")
- print("Usage: awlsim-client [OPTIONS] <ACTIONS>")
- print("")
- print("Options:")
- print(" -c|--connect HOST[:PORT] Connect to the server at HOST:PORT")
- print(" Defaults to %s:%d" % (
- AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_HOST, AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_PORT))
- print(" -t|--timeout 10.0 Set the connection timeout (default 10 s)")
- print(" -L|--loglevel LVL Set the client log level:")
- print(" 0: Log nothing")
- print(" 1: Log errors")
- print(" 2: Log errors and warnings (default)")
- print(" 3: Log errors, warnings and info messages")
- print(" 4: Verbose logging")
- print(" 5: Extremely verbose logging")
- print("")
- print(" -s|--ssh-tunnel Establish the connection via SSH tunnel.")
- print(" -P|--ssh-passphrase XYZ Use XYZ as SSH passphrase.")
- print(" Default: Ask user.")
- print(" --ssh-user %s SSH user. Default: %s" % (
- print(" --ssh-port %s SSH port. Default: %s" % (
- print(" --ssh-localport auto SSH localport number or 'auto'.")
- print(" --ssh-exe %s SSH client executable path. Default: %s" % (
- print("")
- print("Actions to be performed on the server:")
- print(" -r|--runstate RUN/STOP Set the run state of the CPU.")
- print(" -S|--stats Fetch and display CPU statistics.")
- print(" --meas-start Start instruction time measurements.")
- print(" --meas-stop Stop instruction time measurements.")
- print(" --shutdown Shutdown the core server system.")
- print(" --reboot Reboot the core server system.")
- def main():
- opt_connect = (AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_HOST, AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_PORT)
- opt_timeout = 10.0
- opt_loglevel = Logging.LOG_WARNING
- opt_sshTunnel = False
- opt_sshPassphrase = None
- opt_sshUser = SSHTunnel.SSH_DEFAULT_USER
- opt_sshPort = SSHTunnel.SSH_PORT
- opt_sshLocalPort = None
- actions = []
- try:
- (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
- "hc:t:L:sP:r:S",
- [ "help", "connect=", "timeout=", "loglevel=",
- "ssh-tunnel", "ssh-passphrase=", "ssh-user=", "ssh-port=", "ssh-localport=", "ssh-exe=",
- "runstate=", "stats", "meas-start", "meas-stop", "shutdown", "reboot", ])
- except getopt.GetoptError as e:
- printError(str(e))
- usage()
- return ExitCodes.EXIT_ERR_CMDLINE
- for (o, v) in opts:
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- return ExitCodes.EXIT_OK
- if o in ("-c", "--connect"):
- try:
- host, port = parseNetAddress(v)
- if port is None:
- port = AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_PORT
- opt_connect = (host, port)
- except AwlSimError as e:
- printError("-c|--connect: %s" % e.message)
- sys.exit(1)
- if o in ("-t", "--timeout"):
- try:
- opt_timeout = float(v)
- except ValueError:
- printError("-t|--timeout: Invalid timeout value")
- sys.exit(1)
- if o in ("-L", "--loglevel"):
- try:
- opt_loglevel = int(v)
- except ValueError:
- printError("-L|--loglevel: Invalid log level")
- sys.exit(1)
- if o in ("-s", "--ssh-tunnel"):
- opt_sshTunnel = True
- if o in ("-P", "--ssh-passphrase"):
- opt_sshPassphrase = v
- if o == "--ssh-user":
- opt_sshUser = v
- if o == "--ssh-port":
- try:
- opt_sshPort = int(v)
- except ValueError:
- printError("--ssh-port: Invalid port number")
- sys.exit(1)
- if o == "--ssh-localport":
- try:
- if v.lower().strip() == "auto":
- opt_sshLocalPort = None
- else:
- opt_sshLocalPort = int(v)
- except ValueError:
- printError("--ssh-localport: Invalid port number")
- sys.exit(1)
- if o == "--ssh-exe":
- opt_sshExe = v
- if o in ("-r", "--runstate"):
- if v.upper().strip() in ("RUN", "1", "START"):
- actions.append(("runstate", True))
- elif v.upper().strip() in ("STOP", "0"):
- actions.append(("runstate", False))
- else:
- printError("-r|--runstate: Invalid run state")
- sys.exit(1)
- if o in ("-S", "--stats"):
- actions.append(("stats", None))
- if o == "--meas-start":
- actions.append(("meas-start", None))
- if o == "--meas-stop":
- actions.append(("meas-stop", None))
- if o == "--shutdown":
- actions.append(("shutdown", None))
- if o == "--reboot":
- actions.append(("reboot", None))
- if args:
- usage()
- return ExitCodes.EXIT_ERR_CMDLINE
- if not actions:
- usage()
- return ExitCodes.EXIT_ERR_CMDLINE
- client = None
- try:
- Logging.setLoglevel(opt_loglevel)
- host, port = opt_connect
- if opt_sshTunnel:
- printInfo("Establishing SSH tunnel...")
- tunnel = SSHTunnel(
- remoteHost=host,
- remotePort=port,
- localPort=opt_sshLocalPort,
- sshUser=opt_sshUser,
- sshPort=opt_sshPort,
- sshExecutable=opt_sshExe,
- sshPassphrase=opt_sshPassphrase
- )
- host, port = tunnel.connect()
- client = TextInterfaceAwlSimClient()
- client.connectToServer(host=host,
- port=port,
- timeout=opt_timeout)
- for action, actionValue in actions:
- if action == "runstate":
- client.setRunState(actionValue)
- elif action == "stats":
- printCpuStats(client.getCpuStats(sync=True))
- elif action == "meas-start":
- if not client.measStart():
- printError("Failed to start measurements.")
- elif action == "meas-stop":
- reportData = client.measStop()
- if reportData:
- sys.stdout.write(reportData)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- else:
- printError("Measurement failed. No data.")
- elif action == "shutdown":
- client.shutdownCoreServerSystem()
- elif action == "reboot":
- client.rebootCoreServerSystem()
- else:
- assert(0)
- except AwlSimError as e:
- printError(e.getReport())
- return ExitCodes.EXIT_ERR_SIM
- finally:
- if client:
- client.shutdown()
- return ExitCodes.EXIT_OK
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())