22 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # basedir is the root of the test directory in the package
  3. basedir="$(dirname "$0")"
  4. [ "$(echo "$basedir" | cut -c1)" = '/' ] || basedir="$PWD/$basedir"
  5. # rootdir is the root of the package
  6. rootdir="$basedir/.."
  7. failfile_write()
  8. {
  9. (
  10. flock -x 9 || die "Failed to take lock"
  11. echo "$*" >> "$test_fail_file"
  12. ) 9< "$test_fail_file"
  13. }
  14. infomsg()
  15. {
  16. [ -z "$AWLSIM_TEST_QUIET" ] && echo "$@"
  17. }
  18. warnmsg()
  19. {
  20. echo "WARNING: $@" >&2
  21. }
  22. errormsg()
  23. {
  24. echo "$@" >&2
  25. }
  26. die()
  27. {
  28. errormsg "$*"
  29. # We might be in a sub-job. So write to fail-file.
  30. failfile_write "$*"
  31. exit 1
  32. }
  33. # Create a temporary file. $1=name
  34. maketemp()
  35. {
  36. local prefix="$1"
  37. mktemp --tmpdir="$tmp_dir" awlsim-test-${prefix}.XXXXXX
  38. }
  39. # $1=message
  40. test_failed()
  41. {
  42. errormsg "=== TEST FAILED ==="
  43. if [ $opt_softfail -eq 0 ]; then
  44. die "$@"
  45. else
  46. failfile_write "$*"
  47. errormsg "$*"
  48. errormsg "^^^ TEST FAILED ^^^"
  49. [ $global_retval -eq 0 ] && global_retval=1
  50. fi
  51. }
  52. cleanup()
  53. {
  54. wait
  55. rm -rf "$tmp_dir" >/dev/null 2>&1
  56. }
  57. cleanup_and_exit()
  58. {
  59. cleanup
  60. exit 1
  61. }
  62. # Get a configuration option.
  63. # $1=configured_file
  64. # $2=option_name
  65. # ($3=default_value)
  66. get_conf()
  67. {
  68. local configured_file="$1"
  69. local option_name="$2"
  70. local default_value="$3"
  71. local conf="${configured_file}.conf"
  72. local val="$default_value"
  73. if [ -r "$conf" ]; then
  74. local regex="^${option_name}="
  75. if grep -qEe "$regex" "$conf"; then
  76. local val="$(grep -Ee "$regex" "$conf" | cut -d'=' -f2-)"
  77. fi
  78. fi
  79. printf '%s' "$val"
  80. }
  81. # Allocate a new port number.
  82. get_port()
  83. {
  84. (
  85. flock -x 8 || die "Failed to take port lock"
  86. local port="$(cat "$port_alloc_file")"
  87. local next="$(expr "$port" + 1)"
  88. echo "$next" > "$port_alloc_file" ||\
  89. die "Failed to update port allocation file"
  90. echo -n "$port"
  91. ) 8> "${port_alloc_file}.lock"
  92. }
  93. # Returns true (0), if there are more than 1 jobs.
  94. is_parallel_run()
  95. {
  96. [ $opt_jobs -gt 1 ]
  97. }
  98. # Wait until there is at least one free job slot.
  99. wait_for_free_job_slot()
  100. {
  101. while true; do
  102. jobs -l > "$jobs_tmp_file" # can't use pipe on dash
  103. [ "$(cat "$jobs_tmp_file" | wc -l)" -lt $opt_jobs ] && break
  104. # Too many jobs. Waiting...
  105. sleep 0.1
  106. done
  107. }
  108. # $1 is the PID of the job to wait for.
  109. wait_for_job_pid()
  110. {
  111. local jobpid="$1"
  112. while true; do
  113. jobs -l > "$jobs_tmp_file" # can't use pipe on dash
  114. cat "$jobs_tmp_file" | tr -d '+-' |\
  115. sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+/\t/g' | cut -f2 |\
  116. grep -qe '^'"$jobpid"'$' || break
  117. # Job is still running...
  118. sleep 0.1
  119. done
  120. }
  121. # Returns true (0), if at least one background job failed.
  122. check_job_failure()
  123. {
  124. is_parallel_run &&\
  125. [ -e "$test_fail_file" ] &&\
  126. [ "0" != "$(du -s "$test_fail_file" | cut -f1)" ]
  127. }
  128. # $1=interpreter
  129. # Returns version on stdout as: MAJOR MINOR PATCHLEVEL
  130. get_interpreter_version()
  131. {
  132. local interpreter="$1"
  133. [ "$interpreter" = "cython" -o "$interpreter" = "cython2" ] && local interpreter=python2
  134. [ "$interpreter" = "cython3" ] && local interpreter=python3
  135. "$interpreter" -c 'import sys; print("%d %d %d" % sys.version_info[0:3]);' 2>/dev/null
  136. }
  137. # Check if an interpreter is able to run GUI code.
  138. # $1=interpreter
  139. interpreter_is_gui_compat()
  140. {
  141. local interpreter="$1"
  142. [ $opt_nogui -eq 0 ] &&\
  143. [ "$interpreter" = "python" -o \
  144. "$interpreter" = "python2" -o \
  145. "$interpreter" = "python3" -o \
  146. "$interpreter" = "cython" -o \
  147. "$interpreter" = "cython2" -o \
  148. "$interpreter" = "cython3" ]
  149. }
  150. # $1=program_name
  151. have_prog()
  152. {
  153. local program="$1"
  154. which "$program" >/dev/null 2>&1
  155. }
  156. # $1=executable_name
  157. find_executable()
  158. {
  159. local executable_name="$1"
  160. local executable_path="$(which "$executable_name")"
  161. [ -n "$executable_path" ] ||\
  162. die "$executable_name executable not found."\
  163. "Please install $executable_name."
  164. RET="$executable_path"
  165. }
  166. # Check DOS file encoding.
  167. # $1=file
  168. check_dos_text_encoding()
  169. {
  170. local file="$1"
  171. if [ x"$(du -b "$file" | cut -f1)" != x"0" ]; then
  172. # Check CR/LF
  173. file -L "$file" | grep -qe 'CRLF line terminators' || {
  174. die "ERROR: '$file' is not in DOS format."
  175. }
  176. # Check file encoding
  177. file -L "$file" | grep -qEe '(ISO-8859 text)|(ASCII text)' || {
  178. die "ERROR: '$file' invalid file encoding."
  179. }
  180. fi
  181. }
  182. # $1=interpreter [$2=tested_file]
  183. setup_test_environment()
  184. {
  185. local interpreter="$1"
  186. local tested_file="$2"
  187. local use_cython=0
  188. # Check if we want to run on Cython2/3 and set the environment
  189. # for Cython2/3.
  190. if [ "$interpreter" = "cython" -o "$interpreter" = "cython2" ] ||\
  191. [ "$interpreter" = "python" -a "$AWLSIM_CYTHON" != "" ] ||\
  192. [ "$interpreter" = "python2" -a "$AWLSIM_CYTHON" != "" ]; then
  193. # We want to run the test using Cython2
  194. local use_cython=2
  195. for i in "$rootdir"/build/lib.linux-*-2.*; do
  196. export PYTHONPATH="$i"
  197. break
  198. done
  199. # Enforce cython module usage
  200. export AWLSIM_CYTHON=2
  201. # The actual interpreter is Python
  202. local interpreter=python2
  203. elif [ "$interpreter" = "cython3" ] ||\
  204. [ "$interpreter" = "python3" -a "$AWLSIM_CYTHON" != "" ]; then
  205. # We want to run the test using Cython3
  206. local use_cython=3
  207. for i in "$rootdir"/build/lib.linux-*-3.*; do
  208. export PYTHONPATH="$i"
  209. break
  210. done
  211. # Enforce cython module usage
  212. export AWLSIM_CYTHON=2
  213. # The actual interpreter is Python
  214. local interpreter=python3
  215. else
  216. # Neither Cython2 nor Cython3
  217. export PYTHONPATH=
  218. export AWLSIM_CYTHON=
  219. fi
  220. # Extra environment variables
  221. RAW_EXTRA_ENV="$(get_conf "$tested_file" env)"
  222. for env in $(printf '%s' "$RAW_EXTRA_ENV" | tr ':' ' '); do
  223. eval export "$env"
  224. done
  225. # Get extra PYTHONPATH from test case config file.
  226. local conf_pythonpath=
  227. if [ -n "$tested_file" ]; then
  228. local raw_conf_pythonpath="$(get_conf "$tested_file" PYTHONPATH)"
  229. local onepath=
  230. for onepath in $(printf '%s' "$raw_conf_pythonpath" | tr ':' ' '); do
  231. if [ -n "$conf_pythonpath" ]; then
  232. local conf_pythonpath="$conf_pythonpath:"
  233. fi
  234. local conf_pythonpath="${conf_pythonpath}$(realpath -m --no-symlinks "$rootdir/$onepath")"
  235. done
  236. fi
  237. # Export PYTHONPATHs
  238. export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$EXTRA_PYTHONPATH:$conf_pythonpath"
  239. export JYTHONPATH="$JYTHONPATH:$EXTRA_PYTHONPATH:$conf_pythonpath"
  241. export MICROPYPATH="$MICROPYPATH:$EXTRA_PYTHONPATH:$conf_pythonpath"
  242. # Disable Python optimization so that assert statements are enabled.
  243. # Enable warnings
  244. # Enable hash seed randomization.
  245. unset PYTHONSTARTUP
  246. unset PYTHONY2K
  248. unset PYTHONDEBUG
  250. unset PYTHONINSPECT
  254. unset PYTHONVERBOSE
  255. if [ $use_cython -eq 0 ]; then
  256. export PYTHONWARNINGS=once
  257. else
  258. export PYTHONWARNINGS=once,ignore::ImportWarning
  259. fi
  260. export PYTHONHASHSEED=random
  261. # Disable CPU affinity
  262. unset AWLSIM_AFFINITY
  263. RET="$interpreter"
  264. }
  265. cleanup_test_environment()
  266. {
  267. export AWLSIM_CYTHON=
  268. export PYTHONPATH=
  269. export JYTHONPATH=
  270. export IRONPYTHONPATH=
  271. export MICROPYPATH=
  272. export EXTRA_PYTHONPATH=
  273. # Unexport all extra envs
  274. for env in $(printf '%s' "$RAW_EXTRA_ENV" | tr ':' ' '); do
  275. eval export "$(printf '%s' "$env" | cut -d'=' -f1)"=
  276. done
  277. }
  278. # $1=interpreter $2=awl_file ($3ff additional options to awlsim-test)
  279. run_awl_test()
  280. {
  281. local interpreter="$1"
  282. local awl="$2"
  283. shift; shift
  284. setup_test_environment "$interpreter" "$awl"
  285. local actual_interpreter="$RET"
  286. # By default run once with all optimizers enabled.
  287. local optimizer_runs="$(get_conf "$awl" optimizer_runs all)"
  288. local first=1
  289. for optimizers in $optimizer_runs; do
  290. [ $first -eq 0 ] && infomsg -n " / "
  291. local first=0
  292. local test_time_file="$(maketemp time)"
  293. local tries="$(get_conf "$awl" tries 1)"
  294. [ $tries -lt 1 ] && local tries=1
  295. local ok=0
  296. local exit_code=-1
  297. local expected_exit_code=-2
  298. while [ $tries -gt 0 -a $ok -eq 0 ]; do
  299. local ok=1
  300. local tries="$(expr "$tries" - 1)"
  301. local loglevel="$(get_conf "$awl" loglevel "$opt_loglevel")"
  302. local expected_exit_code="$(get_conf "$awl" exit_code 0)"
  303. [ $expected_exit_code -eq 0 ] || local loglevel=0
  304. local cycle_limit="$(get_conf "$awl" cycle_limit 60)"
  305. local max_runtime="$(get_conf "$awl" max_runtime -1)"
  306. local dump_opt=
  307. [ $loglevel -ge 3 ] && local dump_opt="--no-cpu-dump"
  308. command time -o "$test_time_file" -f '%E' --quiet \
  309. "$actual_interpreter" "$rootdir/awlsim-test" \
  310. --loglevel $loglevel \
  311. --extended-insns \
  312. --hardware debug:inputAddressBase=7:outputAddressBase=8:dummyParam=True \
  313. --cycle-limit "$cycle_limit" \
  314. --max-runtime "$max_runtime" \
  315. --optimizers "$optimizers" \
  316. $dump_opt \
  317. "$@" \
  318. "$awl"
  319. local exit_code=$?
  320. if [ $exit_code -ne $expected_exit_code ]; then
  321. local ok=0
  322. if [ $tries -gt 0 ]; then
  323. infomsg "Test '$(basename "$awl")' FAILED, but retrying ($tries)..."
  324. sleep 1
  325. fi
  326. fi
  327. done
  328. if [ $ok -eq 0 ]; then
  329. test_failed "\nTest '$(basename "$awl")' FAILED" \
  330. "\nInterpreter = $interpreter" \
  331. "\nOptimizers = $optimizers" \
  332. "\nActual exit code = $exit_code" \
  333. "\nExpected exit code = $expected_exit_code"
  334. fi
  335. if is_parallel_run; then
  336. [ $ok -ne 0 ] && infomsg "$(basename "$awl"): O=$optimizers t=$(cat "$test_time_file") -> OK"
  337. else
  338. [ $ok -ne 0 ] && infomsg -n "O=$optimizers t=$(cat "$test_time_file") -> OK"
  339. fi
  340. rm "$test_time_file"
  341. done
  342. is_parallel_run || infomsg
  343. cleanup_test_environment
  344. }
  345. # $1=interpreter $2=sh_file
  346. run_sh_test()
  347. {
  348. local interpreter="$1"
  349. local sh_file="$2"
  350. shift; shift
  351. [ -x "$sh_file" ] && die "SH-file '$sh_file' must NOT be executable"
  352. [ "$(echo "$sh_file" | cut -c1)" = '/' ] || local sh_file="$(pwd)/$sh_file"
  353. # Source the test file
  354. . "$basedir/sh-test.defaults"
  355. . "$sh_file"
  356. # Run the test
  357. (
  358. setup_test_environment "$interpreter" "$sh_file"
  359. local interpreter="$RET"
  360. local test_dir="$(dirname "$sh_file")"
  361. local test_name="$(basename "$sh_file" .sh)"
  362. sh_test "$interpreter" "$test_dir" "$test_name"
  363. cleanup_test_environment
  364. )
  365. local result=$?
  366. [ $result -eq 0 ] || die "Test failed with error code $result"
  367. if is_parallel_run; then
  368. infomsg "$(basename "$sh_file"): OK"
  369. else
  370. infomsg "OK"
  371. fi
  372. }
  373. # $1=interpreter $2=test_file
  374. run_nose_test()
  375. {
  376. local interpreter="$1"
  377. local test_case="$2"
  378. shift; shift
  379. [ -z "$test_case" ] &&\
  380. die "Nose test case is missing"
  381. [ -d "$test_case" ] &&\
  382. die "Nose test case '$test_case' must not be a directory"
  383. [ -x "$test_case" ] &&\
  384. die "Nose test case '$test_case' must NOT be executable"
  385. # Select nosetests or nosetests3
  386. local interp_ver="$(get_interpreter_version "$interpreter")"
  387. local interp_major="$(echo "$interp_ver" | cut -d' ' -f 1)"
  388. if [ "$interp_major" = "2" ]; then
  389. local nose="$nosetests"
  390. else
  391. local nose="$nosetests3"
  392. fi
  393. # Resolve relative path
  394. [ "$(echo "$test_case" | cut -c1)" = '/' ] ||\
  395. local test_case="$(pwd)/$test_case"
  396. # Add nose libraries to pypy environment
  397. if [ "$(basename "$interpreter")" = "pypy" ]; then
  398. local p='import sys; print(":".join(p for p in sys.path if p.startswith("/usr/")))'
  399. EXTRA_PYTHONPATH="$("$interpreter" -c "$p"):$(python2 -c "$p"):$EXTRA_PYTHONPATH"
  400. fi
  401. # Add to PYTHONPATH
  403. # Setup python environment
  404. setup_test_environment "$interpreter" "$test_case"
  405. local interpreter="$RET"
  406. # Run the nose test case
  407. cd "$rootdir" || die "Failed to cd to rootdir."
  408. local opts="--no-byte-compile --verbosity=2"
  409. if [ -n "$AWLSIM_TEST_QUIET" ]; then
  410. "$interpreter" "$nose" $opts "$test_case" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||\
  411. die "Nose test case '$(basename "$test_case")' failed."
  412. else
  413. "$interpreter" "$nose" $opts "$test_case" ||\
  414. die "Nose test case '$(basename "$test_case")' failed."
  415. fi
  416. infomsg "$(basename "$test_case"): OK"
  417. cleanup_test_environment
  418. }
  419. # $1=interpreter $2=testfile(.awl/.sh) ($3ff additional options to awlsim-test or testfile)
  420. __run_test()
  421. {
  422. local interpreter="$1"
  423. local testfile="$2"
  424. shift; shift
  425. # Don't run ourself
  426. [ "$(basename "$testfile")" = "" ] && return
  427. # Don't run the test helper library
  428. [ "$(basename "$testfile")" = "" ] && return
  429. local disabled="$(get_conf "$testfile" disabled)"
  430. if [ -z "$disabled" ]; then
  431. # Print test headline
  432. local nl="-n"
  433. is_parallel_run && local nl=
  434. infomsg $nl "$(basename "$testfile") @ $(basename "$interpreter"): "
  435. local prev_dir="$(pwd)"
  436. cd "$rootdir" || die "cd to $rootdir failed"
  437. # Check the file type and run the tester
  438. if [ "$(echo -n "$testfile" | tail -c4)" = ".awl" ]; then
  439. check_dos_text_encoding "$testfile"
  440. run_awl_test "$interpreter" "$testfile" "$@"
  441. elif [ "$(echo -n "$testfile" | tail -c7)" = ".awlpro" ]; then
  442. run_awl_test "$interpreter" "$testfile" "$@"
  443. elif [ "$(echo -n "$testfile" | tail -c3)" = ".sh" ]; then
  444. run_sh_test "$interpreter" "$testfile" "$@"
  445. elif [ "$(echo -n "$testfile" | tail -c3)" = ".py" ]; then
  446. run_nose_test "$interpreter" "$testfile" "$@"
  447. else
  448. die "Test file type of '$testfile' not recognized"
  449. fi
  450. cd "$prev_dir" || die "cd to $prev_dir failed"
  451. else
  452. warnmsg "Skipping '$testfile' as it is disabled."
  453. fi
  454. }
  455. run_test()
  456. {
  457. if is_parallel_run; then
  458. # Run tests in parallel.
  459. wait_for_free_job_slot
  460. __run_test "$@" &
  461. else
  462. # Run tests one-by-one.
  463. __run_test "$@"
  464. fi
  465. }
  466. # $1=interpreter, $2=directory
  467. run_test_directory()
  468. {
  469. local interpreter="$1"
  470. local directory="$2"
  471. local prettydir="$(realpath -m --no-symlinks --relative-base="$rootdir" "$directory")/"
  472. infomsg ">>> entering $prettydir"
  473. # run .awlpro tests
  474. for entry in "$directory"/*; do
  475. [ -d "$entry" ] && continue
  476. [ "$(echo -n "$entry" | tail -c7)" = ".awlpro" ] || continue
  477. [ -e "$(dirname "$entry")/$(basename "$entry" .awlpro).sh" ] && continue
  478. run_test "$interpreter" "$entry"
  479. check_job_failure && return
  480. done
  481. # run .awl tests
  482. for entry in "$directory"/*; do
  483. [ -d "$entry" ] && continue
  484. [ "$(echo -n "$entry" | tail -c4)" = ".awl" ] || continue
  485. [ -e "$(dirname "$entry")/$(basename "$entry" .awl).awlpro" ] && continue
  486. [ -e "$(dirname "$entry")/$(basename "$entry" .awl).sh" ] && continue
  487. run_test "$interpreter" "$entry"
  488. check_job_failure && return
  489. done
  490. # run .sh tests
  491. for entry in "$directory"/*; do
  492. [ -d "$entry" ] && continue
  493. [ "$(echo -n "$entry" | tail -c3)" = ".sh" ] || continue
  494. run_test "$interpreter" "$entry"
  495. check_job_failure && return
  496. done
  497. # run nose tests
  498. for entry in "$directory"/*; do
  499. [ -d "$entry" ] && continue
  500. [ "$(echo -n "$entry" | tail -c3)" = ".py" ] || continue
  501. run_test "$interpreter" "$entry"
  502. check_job_failure && return
  503. done
  504. # Recurse into subdirectories
  505. for entry in "$directory"/*; do
  506. [ -d "$entry" ] || continue
  507. run_test_directory "$interpreter" "$entry"
  508. done
  509. infomsg "<<< leaving $prettydir"
  510. }
  511. # $1=interpreter
  512. warn_skipped()
  513. {
  514. local interpreter="$1"
  515. warnmsg "=== WARNING: '$interpreter' interpreter not found. Test skipped."
  516. warnmsg
  517. }
  518. __build_cython()
  519. {
  520. local cython="$1"
  521. local python="$2"
  522. have_prog "$cython" && have_prog "$python" || {
  523. warnmsg "=== WARNING: Cannot build $cython modules"
  524. return 1
  525. }
  526. cd "$rootdir" || die "cd to $rootdir failed"
  527. infomsg "=== Building awlsim $cython modules with $python"
  531. nice -n 5 \
  532. "$python" ./ build >/dev/null ||\
  533. die "'$python ./ build' failed"
  534. return 0
  535. }
  536. build_cython2()
  537. {
  538. __build_cython cython python2
  539. }
  540. build_cython3()
  541. {
  542. __build_cython cython3 python3
  543. }
  544. # $@=testfiles
  545. do_tests()
  546. {
  547. have_prog time ||\
  548. die "ERROR: 'time' executable not available."\
  549. "Please install the 'time' package."
  550. cleanup_test_environment
  551. if [ $opt_quick -eq 0 ]; then
  552. local all_interp="python3 python2 pypy3 pypy cython3"
  553. if [ $opt_extended -ne 0 ]; then
  554. local all_interp="$all_interp jython"
  555. fi
  556. else
  557. local all_interp="python3 python2"
  558. if [ $opt_extended -ne 0 ]; then
  559. die "The options --quick and --extended are mutually exclusive."
  560. fi
  561. fi
  562. find_executable nosetests
  563. local nosetests="$RET"
  564. find_executable nosetests3
  565. local nosetests3="$RET"
  566. local cython2_build_pid=
  567. local cython3_build_pid=
  568. if is_parallel_run; then
  569. # Trigger the build jobs, if required.
  570. local inter="$opt_interpreter $all_interp"
  571. if printf '%s' "$inter" | grep -Eqwe 'cython|cython2'; then
  572. wait_for_free_job_slot
  573. build_cython2 &
  574. local cython2_build_pid=$!
  575. fi
  576. if printf '%s' "$inter" | grep -qwe 'cython3'; then
  577. wait_for_free_job_slot
  578. build_cython3 &
  579. local cython3_build_pid=$!
  580. fi
  581. fi
  582. for interpreter in "$opt_interpreter" $all_interp; do
  583. [ -z "$interpreter" ] && continue
  584. cleanup_test_environment
  585. if [ "$interpreter" = "cython" -o "$interpreter" = "cython2" ]; then
  586. have_prog cython && have_prog python2 || {
  587. warn_skipped "$interpreter"
  588. [ -n "$opt_interpreter" ] && break || continue
  589. }
  590. if is_parallel_run; then
  591. wait_for_job_pid $cython2_build_pid
  592. else
  593. build_cython2 || die "Cython2 build failed."
  594. fi
  595. elif [ "$interpreter" = "cython3" ]; then
  596. have_prog cython3 && have_prog python3 || {
  597. warn_skipped "$interpreter"
  598. [ -n "$opt_interpreter" ] && break || continue
  599. }
  600. if is_parallel_run; then
  601. wait_for_job_pid $cython3_build_pid
  602. else
  603. build_cython3 || die "Cython3 build failed."
  604. fi
  605. else
  606. have_prog "$interpreter" || {
  607. warn_skipped "$interpreter"
  608. [ -n "$opt_interpreter" ] && break || continue
  609. }
  610. fi
  611. local interp_ver="$(get_interpreter_version "$interpreter")"
  612. local interp_ver_dot="$(echo "$interp_ver" | tr ' ' '.')"
  613. local interp_major="$(echo "$interp_ver" | cut -d' ' -f 1)"
  614. local interp_minor="$(echo "$interp_ver" | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
  615. [ -z "$interp_ver" ] &&\
  616. die "Failed to get '$interpreter' version."
  617. [ "$interp_major" -eq 2 -a "$interp_minor" -lt 7 ] &&\
  618. die "'$interpreter' interpreter version '$interp_ver_dot' too old."
  619. infomsg "=== Running tests with '$interpreter'"
  620. if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
  621. run_test_directory "$interpreter" "$basedir"
  622. else
  623. for opt in "$@"; do
  624. local opt="$(realpath -m --no-symlinks "$opt")"
  625. if [ -d "$opt" ]; then
  626. run_test_directory "$interpreter" "$opt"
  627. else
  628. run_test "$interpreter" "$opt"
  629. fi
  630. check_job_failure && break
  631. done
  632. fi
  633. infomsg
  634. check_job_failure && break
  635. [ -n "$opt_interpreter" ] && break
  636. done
  637. if is_parallel_run; then
  638. # This is a parallel run. Wait for all jobs.
  639. infomsg "Waiting for background jobs..."
  640. wait
  641. # Print the fail information.
  642. if check_job_failure; then
  643. errormsg
  644. errormsg "===== FAILURES in parallel run: ====="
  645. cat "$test_fail_file" >&2
  646. errormsg "====================================="
  647. global_retval=1
  648. fi
  649. fi
  650. # Print summary
  651. if [ $global_retval -eq 0 ]; then
  652. infomsg
  653. infomsg -n "All tests succeeded"
  654. else
  655. errormsg
  656. errormsg -n "Some tests FAILED"
  657. fi
  658. if [ -n "$opt_interpreter" ]; then
  659. infomsg " (with interpreter '$opt_interpreter')"
  660. else
  661. if [ $opt_quick -eq 0 ]; then
  662. if [ $opt_extended -eq 0 ]; then
  663. infomsg " (full run)"
  664. else
  665. infomsg " (extended run)"
  666. fi
  667. else
  668. infomsg " (quick run)"
  669. fi
  670. fi
  671. }
  672. show_help()
  673. {
  674. infomsg "awlsim unit test script"
  675. infomsg
  676. infomsg "Usage: [OPTIONS] [testdirectory/testscript.awl/.awlpro/.sh/.py]"
  677. infomsg
  678. infomsg "Options:"
  679. infomsg " -i|--interpreter INTER Use INTER as interpreter for the tests"
  680. infomsg " -s|--softfail Do not abort on single test failures"
  681. infomsg " -j|--jobs NR Set the number of jobs to run in parallel."
  682. infomsg " 0 means number-of-CPUs"
  683. infomsg " Default: 1"
  684. infomsg " -q|--quick Only run python2 and python3 tests"
  685. infomsg " -qq Shortcut for: -q -j 0"
  686. infomsg " -g|--no-gui Avoid tests that need GUI libraries"
  687. infomsg " -x|--extended Run tests on additional interpreters"
  688. infomsg " -n|--renice NICENESS Renice by NICENESS. Defaults to 10."
  689. infomsg " -Q|--quiet Less messages"
  690. infomsg " -L|--loglevel Default log level."
  691. infomsg " -l|--loop COUNT Number of test loops to execute."
  692. infomsg " Default: 1"
  693. infomsg " Set to 0 for infinite looping."
  694. }
  695. tmp_dir="/tmp/awlsim-test-$$"
  696. rm -rf "$tmp_dir" >/dev/null 2>&1
  697. mkdir -p "$tmp_dir" || die "Failed to create temp dir '$tmp_dir'"
  698. trap cleanup_and_exit INT TERM
  699. trap cleanup EXIT
  700. test_fail_file="$(maketemp fail)"
  701. port_alloc_file="$(maketemp port)"
  702. jobs_tmp_file="$(maketemp jobs)"
  703. touch "${port_alloc_file}.lock"
  704. echo 4096 > "$port_alloc_file" || die "Failed to initialize port file"
  705. opt_interpreter=
  706. opt_softfail=0
  707. opt_quick=0
  708. opt_nogui=0
  709. opt_extended=0
  710. opt_renice=
  711. opt_jobs=1
  712. opt_loglevel=2
  713. opt_loop=1
  714. while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
  715. [ "$(printf '%s' "$1" | cut -c1)" != "-" ] && break
  716. case "$1" in
  717. -h|--help)
  718. show_help
  719. exit 0
  720. ;;
  721. -i|--interpreter)
  722. shift
  723. opt_interpreter="$1"
  724. have_prog "$opt_interpreter" ||\
  725. die "Interpreter '${opt_interpreter}' not found"
  726. ;;
  727. -s|--softfail)
  728. opt_softfail=1
  729. ;;
  730. -j|--jobs)
  731. shift
  732. opt_jobs="$1"
  733. ;;
  734. -q|--quick)
  735. opt_quick=1
  736. ;;
  737. -qq)
  738. opt_quick=1
  739. opt_jobs=0
  740. ;;
  741. -g|--no-gui)
  742. opt_nogui=1
  743. ;;
  744. -x|--extended)
  745. opt_extended=1
  746. ;;
  747. -n|--renice)
  748. shift
  749. opt_renice="$1"
  750. ;;
  751. -Q|--quiet)
  752. export AWLSIM_TEST_QUIET=1
  753. ;;
  754. -L|--loglevel)
  755. shift
  756. opt_loglevel="$1"
  757. ;;
  758. -l|--loop)
  759. shift
  760. opt_loop="$1"
  761. ;;
  762. *)
  763. errormsg "Unknown option: $1"
  764. exit 1
  765. ;;
  766. esac
  767. shift
  768. done
  769. [ -z "$opt_jobs" -o -n "$(printf '%s' "$opt_jobs" | tr -d '[0-9]')" ] &&\
  770. die "--jobs: '$opt_jobs' is not a positive integer number."
  771. if [ $opt_jobs -eq 0 ]; then
  772. opt_jobs="$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)"
  773. opt_jobs="$(expr $opt_jobs + 2)"
  774. fi
  775. [ -z "$opt_jobs" ] &&\
  776. die "Could not detect number of CPUs."
  777. if [ -z "$opt_loop" -o -n "$(printf '%s' "$opt_loop" | tr -d '[0-9]')" ] || [ $opt_loop -le 0 ]; then
  778. opt_loop=infinite
  779. fi
  780. do_renice()
  781. {
  782. renice "$1" "$$" >/dev/null
  783. }
  784. if [ -n "$opt_renice" ]; then
  785. do_renice "$opt_renice" || die "Failed to renice"
  786. else
  787. # Try to renice. Ignore failure.
  788. do_renice 10
  789. fi
  790. # Run the tests
  791. global_retval=0
  792. loop_iteration=0
  793. while [ "$opt_loop" = "infinite" ] || [ $opt_loop -gt 0 ]; do
  794. infomsg "Running test loop iteration $(expr "$loop_iteration" + 1)"
  795. do_tests "$@"
  796. if [ $global_retval -ne 0 ]; then
  797. break
  798. fi
  799. if [ "$opt_loop" != "infinite" ]; then
  800. opt_loop="$(expr "$opt_loop" - 1)"
  801. fi
  802. loop_iteration="$(expr "$loop_iteration" + 1)"
  803. done
  804. exit $global_retval