#1 Ignore nunjucks files on compile

Ghost mergnuté 1 commitov z charlesrt/master do candlewaster/master 8 rokov pred
Ghost okomentoval 8 rokov pred

Nunjucks files are not being ignore on compile, so you end up with index.html and index.nunjucks in your public folder.

This PR adds .nunjucks and .njk to ignored files on compile.

Nunjucks files are not being ignore on compile, so you end up with index.html and index.nunjucks in your public folder. This PR adds .nunjucks and .njk to ignored files on compile.
Ghost zatvorené 8 rokov pred
Ghost okomentoval 8 rokov pred

Thank you dearly for your contribution, @charlesrt!

Thank you dearly for your contribution, @charlesrt!
Alex Gleason okomentoval 8 rokov pred

Published Wick 0.23.1 to npm. Thank you, @charlesrt!

Published Wick 0.23.1 to npm. Thank you, @charlesrt!
Ghost okomentoval 8 rokov pred

You're welcome. Keep up the great work. Harp and Wick are refreshingly simple to use :)

You're welcome. Keep up the great work. Harp and Wick are refreshingly simple to use :)
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