.gitattributes 1.8 KB

  1. # See: https://github.com/alexkaratarakis/gitattributes
  2. # Documents
  3. *.doc diff=astextplain
  4. *.DOC diff=astextplain
  5. *.docx diff=astextplain
  6. *.DOCX diff=astextplain
  7. *.dot diff=astextplain
  8. *.DOT diff=astextplain
  9. *.pdf diff=astextplain
  10. *.PDF diff=astextplain
  11. *.rtf diff=astextplain
  12. *.RTF diff=astextplain
  13. *.md text diff=markdown
  14. *.adoc text
  15. *.textile text
  16. *.csv text
  17. *.tab text
  18. *.tsv text
  19. *.txt text
  20. *.sql text
  21. # Graphics
  22. *.png binary
  23. *.jpg binary
  24. *.jpeg binary
  25. *.gif binary
  26. *.tif binary
  27. *.tiff binary
  28. *.ico binary
  29. *.svg text
  30. *.eps binary
  31. # Scripts
  32. *.bash text eol=lf
  33. *.sh text eol=lf
  34. # These are explicitly windows files and should use crlf
  35. *.bat text eol=crlf
  36. *.cmd text eol=crlf
  37. *.ps1 text eol=crlf
  38. Langstrings_*.nsh.in text eol=crlf
  39. # Serialisation
  40. *.json text
  41. *.toml text
  42. *.xml text
  43. *.yaml text
  44. *.yml text
  45. # Archives
  46. *.7z binary
  47. *.gz binary
  48. *.tar binary
  49. *.tgz binary
  50. *.zip binary
  51. *.jar binary
  52. # Web
  53. *.css text diff=css
  54. *.htm text diff=html
  55. *.html text diff=html
  56. *.wav binary
  57. # scm
  58. *.i binary
  59. # C/C++
  60. *.c text diff=c
  61. *.cc text diff=cpp
  62. *.cxx text diff=cpp
  63. *.cpp text diff=cpp
  64. *.c++ text diff=cpp
  65. *.hpp text diff=cpp
  66. *.h text diff=c
  67. *.h++ text diff=cpp
  68. *.hh text diff=cpp
  69. *.in text
  70. *.ini text
  71. *.o binary
  72. *.a binary
  73. *.dll binary
  74. *.so binary
  75. *.exe binary
  76. # Misc
  77. *.dat binary
  78. *.cpt binary
  79. *.enc binary
  80. *.cmake text
  81. # Text files where line endings should be preserved
  82. *.patch -text
  83. #
  84. # Exclude files from exporting
  85. #
  86. .gitattributes export-ignore
  87. .gitignore export-ignore
  88. .gitkeep export-ignore