Pavel Kalian 4b26108eb6 Add container image Dockerfile and instructions to build in a container to the developer manual 3 months ago
Dockerfile.builder 4b26108eb6 Add container image Dockerfile and instructions to build in a container to the developer manual 3 months ago 4b26108eb6 Add container image Dockerfile and instructions to build in a container to the developer manual 3 months ago

Container images for OpenCPN

Builder image

Can be used to build OpenCPN in a container. All the dependencies are installed in the image.

Building the image

From the root directory of OpenCPN source tree execute podman build -f docker/Dockerfile.builder -t opencpn-builder .

To build the image for a set of different architectures

podman build -f docker/Dockerfile.builder -t opencpn-builder --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 .

Using the image

Clone the OpenCPN source to your machine and mount it to the container as a volume

podman run -v <Path to your OpenCPN source tree>:/src:Z -it opencpn-builder:latest bash

To use the image for builds targetting other architecture, use the --arch parameter

podman run --arch arm64 -v <Path to your OpenCPN source tree>:/src:Z -it opencpn-builder:latest bash

Now you can follow the normal Linux build instructions