Alec Leamas e4f5f1ab9c ci: android: Update NDK to 26, target -> androideabi21 5 kuukautta sitten
android 9ccc8f0956 Translation update 1 vuosi sitten
assetbridge ae078aa9a9 .java/.xml files: Remove trailing whitespace. 2 vuotta sitten
libarchive 3a0e741009 .cpp/.h/.cc/.hpp files: Remove trailing whitespace. 2 vuotta sitten
libcurl 25a46b2006 Android, refactor curl and openssl libraries, #3215 1 vuosi sitten
libexpat 3a0e741009 .cpp/.h/.cc/.hpp files: Remove trailing whitespace. 2 vuotta sitten
libopenssl 25a46b2006 Android, refactor curl and openssl libraries, #3215 1 vuosi sitten
README f4071f8023 Rename all options without OCPN_ prefix. 5 vuotta sitten
build_android.cmake e4f5f1ab9c ci: android: Update NDK to 26, target -> androideabi21 5 kuukautta sitten
ocpn_wrapper.cpp 5aa95f67da Add/modify android java classes and metadata 9 vuotta sitten aa1b546c9f Refactor about->authors and about->help methods and layout. 8 vuotta sitten


0....Tools, etc.

$adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png
$adb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png screenshot.png

cmake -DOCPN_USE_GARMINHOST=OFF -D_wx_selected_config=androideabi-qt -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../buildandroid/build_android.cmake -DwxQt_Build=build_android_53 -DwxQt_Base=/home/dsr/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets -DQt_Base=/home/dsr/Qt/5.3 ..

cmake -DOCPN_USE_GARMINHOST=OFF -D_wx_selected_config=androideabi-qt -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../buildandroid/build_android.cmake -DwxQt_Build=build_android_55 -DwxQt_Base=/home/dsr/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets -DQt_Base=/home/dsr/Qt5.5.0/5.5 ..

// To find out what libraries are needed by an elf.
$readelf -d | grep NEEDED

export CPPFLAGS=-D__ANDROID__ && export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH && export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc && export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

__Filter logcat, especially on BluPhone
adb shell logcat DEBUGGER_TAG:I Qt:D *:S
adb shell logcat DEBUGGER_TAG:I Qt:D *:S

__Run ndk-gdb to debug a target app.

ctrl-F11 to rotate

__ Uninstall old version
$/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.opencpn.opencpn

__Install new version
$/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb install -r ./apk_build/bin/QtApp-debug.apk

__Access the log, etc...
$/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell

log is at /data/data/org.opencpn.opencpn/files/opencpn.log
or /mnt/sdcard/.opencpn/opencpn.log

GL tracing on android
$ /home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux/tools/monitor

$ /home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell dumpsys meminfo org.opencpn.opencpn

$adb shell

#setprop libc.debug.malloc 1

(reboots here, be patient)

$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH

$export ANDROID_SYMBOLS=/home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_android/build-opencpn-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_8_Qt_5_3_1-Debug

A. Get Android SDK:
Unpack and install somewhere, say ~/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux

Need to execute tools/android to actually download and set up platforms, etc.

We need platform tools and libraries for Android 4.4.2, API level 19

B. Get Android NDK
We need Android NDK R10

Extract somewhere, say ~/Projects/android-ndk

__Extract and Build the required cross-compiler toolchain:
$~/Projects/android-ndk/android-ndk-r10/build/tools/ --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 --platform=android-19 --install-dir={tools.path.of.your.choice}

C. Get Qt 5.2.1
In the following, assume that Qt is installed in ~/

D: Get wxWidgets trunk known to work:

$cd ~/Projects
$mkdir wxqt
$cd wxqt
$git clone

E. Build wxQt
___Make a build directory
$cd ~/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets
$mkdir build_android
$cd build_android

___Tell wxWidgets configure process where to find Qt libraries/includes
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig

___Set a few environment variables.
$export CPPFLAGS=-D__ANDROID__ (this is for some special stuff in wxWidgets)

$export PATH={tools.path.of.your.choice}/bin:$PATH
$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH

$export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
$export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

___Configure wxWidgets for Qt

$../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --disable-sockets --with-libtiff=no --without-opengl --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl

___Build wxWidgets for Qt


I. wxWidgets trunk needs a few patches..

1. Android implementation of mbstowcs/wcstombs is broken.
So, we need to actually partially revert a commit made to wxWidgets 3.x, and reintroduce private
versions of mbstowcs/wcstombs for wxQt-Android. This happens in wxcrt.cpp, controlled by wxNEED_WX_MBSTOWCS
2. One method in qt/window.cpp need correction for potential NULL pointer de-reference.
3. In src/qt/dcscreen.cpp, the include file tries to include
This file is not present in the Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7 tree. We disable the dcscreen code.

4. wxString.ToLong() and friends do not work, since wcstol is broken on android. We will replace it with our own. We will replace/substitute:

This is controlled by definition: wxNEED_WX_STRTOXXW
Definitions are in wxcrtbase.h
Implementations are in wxcrt.cpp

These patches/commits may be found in

Update, April 6, 2015...
Notes 1 and 4 above corrected in wxQT source by (corrected) commit from upstream.
wxNEED_WX_STRTOXXW is deprecated.

These patches should be refined and submitted as pull requests to wxWidgets trunk.

1. wxQt build configuration must specify "--disable-xlocale --disable-intl".
This is caused by the faulty
Android implementation of the system library function setlocale(). Instead of returning a pointer to
the current locale string, it always returns NULL. This breaks the ctor of CNumericLocaleSetter() in src/common/xlocale.cpp. i.e. wxStrdupA(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL)) faults.
This needs to be fixed in wxWidgets, really. But we can work around with the limited configuration specified.

2. wxQt build configuration must specify "--disable-timepick --disable-datepick". The file "src/generic/timectrlg.cpp" does not honor "--disable-xlocale" directive, so fails to compile.

To build for Qt5.3, change the pkgconfig path so:
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.3/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig

F. Build OCPN

___Checkout the OpenCPN "wxqt" branch from github opencpn site.

1. The object of the OCPN build is to create a set of static linkable libraries,
instead of a full OCPN application. We will later built a "wrapper" program
which provide a main() entry point, and calls the opencpn initialization method.

2. This is a cross compiling project, so this means several things:
a) We cannot use the normal method to find wxWidgets for the OCPN build.
This is not so troublesome, since we need at this point only the include files specific
to the Qt_Android wxWidgets build. We will need the wxWidgets libraries in a later step.
b) We must of course use the arm cross compilers and tools to build OCPN.

3. We can accomplish all of the above by using a hand-crafted include file in the opencpn cmake
command invocation.

First, edit the file {opencpn_root}/buildandroid/build_android.cmake.

Adjust the paths to the following:
a) The androideabi toolchain location for the gcc and g++ compilers.
b) (wxQt_Base).....The wxWidgets root directory
c) (wxQt_Build)....The relative location of the specific wxWidgets build for Qt_Android
d) (Qt_Base).......The Qt installation base location

4. Configure OpenCPN build
$cd {opencpn_root}
$mkdir build_android
$cd build_android

$cmake -D_wx_selected_config=androideabi-qt -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../buildandroid/cross_build_android.cmake ..

5. Build OCPN


The result of this build is a set of statically linkable libraries containing the opencpn native
classes, without wxWidgets linked.

G. Build a needed support library
(Note: This step has already been done, and the library .so is included in the github repo as a blob.)

We need our fixed assets in the APK....

Add the asset file definitions to the like this:

deployment.files += /home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/data/s57data/chartsymbols.xml
deployment.path = /assets
INSTALLS += deployment

We will use a library called assetbridge to make them easily accessible from the C++ application.

Get assetbridge.

copy the three assetbridge source files:

to home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/build_Qt521_armv7/assetbridge/jni

Build the library like this:

cd home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/build_Qt521_armv7/assetbridge
$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH
$export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
$export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

$export NDK_PROJECT_PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/build_Qt521_armv7/assetbridge

Build the library

add the resulting library: /home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/build_Qt521_armv7/assetbridge/libs/armeabi/
to like this:

ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS = /home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/build_Qt521_armv7/assetbridge/libs/armeabi/

Now, the resulting asset files will be found by the C++ application at the location:

H. Build APK

Building the APK will use the Qt toolchain to simplify the process.
The overall process goes like this:
a) Use qmake to build a makefile (called
This makefile will combine the OCPN static libraries, the wxQT libraries,
and the Qt libraries into a single dynamic ( library.
Also included is a "wrapper" object which effectively provides the
entire application with a main() entry point, and calls the opencpn OnInit() method.
qmake uses a project file called for its instructions.
We will need to edit that file in order to set some paths and parameters.

b) Run

c) Use the qt tool "androiddeployqt" to constuct an actual .APK file from the library, and other configuration and bundled library files as needed.

In detail:
d) Edit the file {opencpn_base}/buildandroid/

Set the 4 (four) path strings to your wxQt and OpenCPN build locations.



e) Switch to build directory, and set tool paths
$cd {opencpn_base}/build_android

$export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-ndk-r10
$export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux
$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH

f) Run qmake

$/home/dsr/Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7/bin/qmake -makefile ../buildandroid/ -o -r -spec android-g++ CONFIG+=debug

This will result in the creating of, and

g) Build and install the opencpn ( library from

$make -f
This results in making the file, which will be about 93 MBytes in size.

$make -f install INSTALL_ROOT=./apk_build

h) Build the .APK

$/home/dsr/Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7/bin/androiddeployqt --input ./ --output ./apk_build --android-platform android-19 --deployment bundled

This leaves the APK in ./apk_build/bin/QtApp-debug.apk It is about 12 MBytes.

I. Install to device

You may need to do:
cd android-sdk-linux-linux/tools
./adb kill-server
./adb start-server
./adb devices

// testing
$ "/home/dsr/Qt/5.3/android_armv7/bin/qmake" /home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_sf/opencpn/buildandroid/ -r -spec android-g++


$make install INSTALL_ROOT=./apk_build

Continued 12/28/14....

1. OpenGL experiments..
a) The samples "cube" and "hellogl_es2" will not run on the emulator
b) They will run on an actual device.
ZT180, rooted
Android 4.0.4
Qt 5.2.1
c0 The QtCreator .pro files are found in the QT examples.

2. Want to make a version of wx libraries for x86 desktop for quick testing...

___Make a build directory
$cd ~/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets
$mkdir build_x86
$cd build_x86

___Tell wxWidgets configure process where to find Qt libraries/includes
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.2.1/android_x86/lib/pkgconfig

___Configure wxWidgets for Qt
$../configure --with-qt --enable-debug --disable-graphics_ctx --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --disable-sockets --with-libtiff=no --without-opengl --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl

___Build wxWidgets for Qt

3. We want to build a couple of generic wxWidgets test programs to confirm OpenGL, etc.

$cd Projects
$mkdir wxqt_samples
$cd wxqt_samples

This is the simplest wxWidgets test program
$mkdir minimal
$cd minimal

A simple wxGLCanvas program
$ cd ..
$mkdir cube
$cd cube

In these dirs, build QtCreator projects that runs on the desktop, and then on android target. builds and runs fine on both platforms.

4. Now try OpenGL on x86

__Build wxWidgets for x86 qt, with opengl

$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.2.1/android_x86/lib/pkgconfig

$../configure --with-qt --enable-debug --disable-graphics_ctx --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --disable-sockets --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl

$ make CXXFLAGS='-I/home/dsr/Qt/5.2.1/Src/qtbase/include/QtANGLE -DwxHAS_OPENGL_ES'

Build notes:
a. Needed to edit src/common/glcmn.cpp to remove (some) implementation of class GLAPI
b. Note the arguments to make command above builds and runs on x86, with grey textures.

GL tracing on android
$ /home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux/tools/monitor

5. Now Build wxWigets for Qt, with OpenGLES enabled for armeabi-v7a

A. __Set the environment

___Make a build directory
$cd ~/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets
$mkdir build_androidgl
$cd build_androidgl

___Tell wxWidgets configure process where to find Qt libraries/includes
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.3/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig

___Set a few environment variables.
$export CPPFLAGS=-D__ANDROID__ (this is for some special stuff in wxWidgets)

$export PATH={tools.path.of.your.choice}/bin:$PATH
$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH

$export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
$export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

B. (***)___Gonna need to hack the script to force it to build for opengl
The script does not understand how to build for OpenGL in a cross-build environment.
It always looks to host architecture to find the GL libraries.
Seem simplest for now to hack the, and rebuild the configure script.

after hacking, do:

$aclocal -I build/aclocal/

C. Source mods.
1. Modify qt/glcanvas.cpp to force canvas context setting to GLES1.1.
This will filter down to eventually creating the correct QOpenGLContext instance for the wxGLCanvas
2. Modify src/common/glcmn.cpp to remove (some) implementation of class GLAPI

D.___Configure wxWidgets for Qt

$../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --disable-sockets --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl

___Build wxWidgets for Qt

5. We are going to need glshim, since android only supports GLES
Rather than building as a library, we start by including some selected source files
in to build project. This makes debugging a lot easier.

So, add the needed files to the Qt project of interest, e.g. gltest
Note: Needed a MACRO hack for glOrtho(), since the arm compiler refused to compile correctly GLdouble arguments.

We can move to a library later...

Here's how:
cd ../../glshim
$ cmake .
$ make GL
$ sudo cp glshim/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo cp -r glshim/include/GLES/ /usr/local/include/

6. Test application:
A simple app to prove {wxWidgets/Qt/OpenGL/AndroidNDK/AndroidNative} toolchain.
All it does is some very primitive graphics calls.

7. Getting it working on Qt5.3

Change the pkgconfig path
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.3/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig

Build wxWidgets for Qt.

When you run the app, you get in the log:}: java.lang.RuntimeException: Binary XML file line #2: You must supply a layout_width attribute.

Using the apktool, exploded the apk, like this:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java -jar /usr/local/bin/apktool.jar d -f /home/dsr/Projects/opencpn_android/build-opencpn-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_8_Qt_5_2_1-Debug/android-build/bin/QtApp-debug.apk

The problem seems to be in the file:

for 5.2 it looks like this:


For 5.3 it only looks like this:

xmlns:android="" />

The file

was incorrect. So simply replace it with:
/home/dsr/Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7/src/android/java/res/layout/splash.xml (115 bytes)
/home/dsr/Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7/src/android/java/res/layout/splash.xml (431 bytes)

8. Getting network NMEA working.

New wxWidgets config entry:
$../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --disable-sockets --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl

wxWidgets make fails due to missing definition:
int gethostbyaddr_r(const char *, int, int, struct hostent *, char *, size_t, struct hostent **, int *);

in include file:

So, we hack the include file...
<>> This will break if we update the android NDK

Then we get OPCN link errors, so we include a stub in our src/datastream:

#ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__
int gethostbyaddr_r(const char *, int, int, struct hostent *, char *, size_t, struct hostent **, int *)
wxLogMessage(_T("Called stub gethostbyaddr_r()"));
return 0;

B. There is some trouble with configure script. Need to manually edit setup.h to enable:


9. Building wxQT as dynamic solib

$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt/5.2.1/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig

$export CPPFLAGS=-D__ANDROID__ (this is for some special stuff in wxWidgets)
$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH
$export LDFLAGS=-s // strip

$cd build_android_so

$../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl --enable-selectloop --disable-detect_sm

Hack the makefile:
In the makefile:
We have.. dll___targetsuf2 = .$(SO_SUFFIX).0
We want...dll___targetsuf2 = .$(SO_SUFFIX)

Hacking the makefile works, but there should be a config environment setting....

Hack the setup.h
b) There is some trouble with configure script. Need to manually edit setup.h to enable:

10. Try a wxQT monolithic wxWidgets build

$../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl --enable-selectloop --disable-detect_sm --enable-monolithic

This has some trouble too.

1. Won't build due to trouble with wxExecuteEventLoopSourceHandler()
temp solution is comment away, which will break some IO, probably network stuff

2. Need to edit the Makefile to remove duplicate additions of two object modules:



3. mono library fails to load due to missing implementation of:
int gethostbyaddr_r(const char *, int, int, struct hostent *, char *, size_t, struct hostent **, int *);

Note that the include file
was hacked earlier.

Now we need an implementation.
Stick this in src/qt/utils.cpp

int gethostbyaddr_r(const char *, int, int, struct hostent *, char *, size_t, struct hostent **, int *)
wxLogMessage(_T("Called stub gethostbyaddr_r()"));
return 0;

11. Build for generic X86 with Qt as a test

Build Qt from scratch with this config on x86 linux native:
configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -qt-xcb

Point to the proper pkgconfig directory for this build of Qt
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/qt5_x86/build_debug/qtbase/lib/pkgconfig

Configure and build wxQt
$../configure --with-qt --enable-debug --enable-compat28 --without-opengl --enable-debug --disable-graphics_ctx

Configure and build OCPN
$cmake -DOCPN_USE_GARMINHOST=OFF -D_wx_selected_config=qt -DOCPN_USE_GL=OFF

To be sure of getting the correct Qt libraries, do this:
$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/dsr/Projects/qt5_x86/build_debug/qtbase/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

12. Build Qt 5.3 from scratch, for debugging.

In the Qt5 tree, need to clean any old config stuff away.

$git submodule foreach --recursive "git clean -dfx" && git clean -dfx

We will do out of core build.

mkdir buid_debug
cd build_debug

../configure -debug -developer-build -xplatform android-g++ -nomake tests -nomake examples -android-ndk /home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-ndk-r10 -android-sdk /home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/android-sdk-linux -skip qttools -skip qttranslations -skip qtwebkit -skip qtserialport

Results of configure:
Configure summary

Building on: linux-g++ (i386, CPU features:)
Building for: android-g++ (arm, CPU features:)
Platform notes:

- Also available for Linux: linux-kcc linux-icc linux-cxx

Build options:
Configuration .......... accessibility audio-backend c++11 clock-gettime clock-monotonic compile_examples concurrent cross_compile debug egl eglfs evdev eventfd freetype full-config getaddrinfo inotify ipv6ifname large-config medium-config minimal-config mremap no-harfbuzz no-pkg-config opengl opengles2 pcre png precompile_header private_tests qpa qpa reduce_exports rpath shared small-config system-zlib warnings_are_errors
Build parts ............ libs
Mode ................... debug
Using C++11 ............ yes
Using PCH .............. yes
Target compiler supports:
iWMMXt/Neon .......... no/auto

Qt modules and options:
Qt D-Bus ............... no
Qt Concurrent .......... yes
Qt GUI ................. yes
Qt Widgets ............. yes
Large File ............. no
QML debugging .......... yes
Use system proxies ..... no

Support enabled for:
Accessibility .......... yes
ALSA ................... no
CUPS ................... no
Evdev .................. yes
FontConfig ............. no
FreeType ............... yes (bundled copy)
Glib ................... no
GTK theme .............. no
HarfBuzz ............... no
Iconv .................. no
ICU .................... no
Image formats:
GIF .................. yes (plugin, using bundled copy)
JPEG ................. yes (plugin, using bundled copy)
PNG .................. yes (in QtGui, using bundled copy)
journald ............... no
mtdev .................. no
getaddrinfo .......... yes
getifaddrs ........... no
IPv6 ifname .......... yes
OpenSSL .............. no
NIS .................... no
OpenGL / OpenVG:
EGL .................. yes
OpenGL ............... yes (OpenGL ES 2.x)
OpenVG ............... no
PCRE ................... yes (bundled copy)
pkg-config ............. no
PulseAudio ............. no
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............. no
EGLFS ................ yes
KMS .................. no
LinuxFB .............. no
XCB .................. no
Session management ..... yes
SQL drivers:
DB2 .................. no
InterBase ............ no
MySQL ................ no
OCI .................. no
ODBC ................. no
PostgreSQL ........... no
SQLite 2 ............. no
SQLite ............... yes (plugin, using bundled copy)
TDS .................. no
udev ................... no
xkbcommon .............. no
zlib ................... yes (system library)

NOTE: Qt is using double for qreal on this system. This is binary incompatible against Qt 5.1.
Configure with '-qreal float' to create a build that is binary compatible with 5.1.
Info: creating super cache file /home/dsr/Projects/qt53_android/build_debug/.qmake.super

Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.
Once everything is built, Qt is installed.
You should not run 'make install'.

So, just do it:


13. Debug startup problem on Samsung S3 Mini.

Turns out that the Qt libraries use aggressive compiler optimization options in Release mode, namely (-O3).
This breaks one library file on this device, who knows why.

The fix:
The Qt file {qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp}

needs to be compiled with -O0 option to work. This needs to be done manually, by extracting the compile command from a running make instance, changing the -O3 option to -O0, recompile, and rebuilding the library file....

14. Upgrade to Qt5.5

0. There is a bug in Qt5.5 that prevents Android life cycle events from performing correctly
So, we need to apply the following patch and rebuild Qt5.5

------------------ src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp ------------------
index 9a9eab2..6a05d44 100644
@@ -599,6 +599,15 @@ void QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFl
+ if (!QGuiApplicationPrivate::qt_qpa_core_dispatcher()) {
+ qWarning().nospace()
+ << "QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents() invoked without "
+ "QGuiApplicationPrivate::qt_qpa_core_dispatcher, discarding " << count << " events.";
+ QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::windowSystemEventQueue.clear();
+ return;
+ }
if (QThread::currentThread() != QGuiApplication::instance()->thread()) {
QMutexLocker locker(&QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::flushEventMutex);
QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::FlushEventsEvent *e = new QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::FlushEventsEvent(flags);

Since there is no ABI change, after building, it is sufficient to simply copy the built {lib} directory into the as-downloaded qt installation. Save original as backup, please..

At runtime, this will provoke an ADB message:
W/ /home/dsr/Projects/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp:604 (static void QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags)): QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents() invoked without QGuiApplicationPrivate::qt_qpa_core_dispatcher, discarding 1 events.

a. Build wxQT

___Make a build directory
$cd ~/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets
$mkdir build_android
$cd build_android

___Tell wxWidgets configure process where to find Qt libraries/includes
$export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/Qt5.5.0/5.5/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig

___Set a few environment variables.
$export CPPFLAGS=-D__ANDROID__ (this is for some special stuff in wxWidgets)

$export PATH={tools.path.of.your.choice}/bin:$PATH
$export PATH=/home/dsr/Projects/android-ndk/ndk-toolchain/bin:$PATH

$export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
$export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++

$ ../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --enable-debug --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl --enable-selectloop

B. If Networking does not work, there is some trouble with configure script. Need to manually edit setup.h to enable:
and then rebuild wxQt.

b. Build OCPN

$mkdir build_android_55
$cd build_android_55

edit {buildandroid/cross_build_android.cmake} to fix pointers
SET(wxQt_Build build_android_55)
SET(Qt_Base /home/dsr/Qt5.5.0)

edit cmakelists.txt
Changing 5.3 to 5.5 (TODO This should be a variable defined in cross_build_android...Done)

cmake -DOCPN_USE_GARMINHOST=OFF -D_wx_selected_config=androideabi-qt -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../buildandroid/build_android.cmake -DwxQt_Build=build_android_55 -DwxQt_Base=/home/dsr/Projects/wxqt/wxWidgets -DQt_Base=/home/dsr/Qt5.5.0/5.5 ..


There were a couple of GL related definitions that needed to be fixed up. Apparently, they were
defined in earlier , but fell off in Qt5.5.
We will put these in "GL/gl_private.h"

typedef double GLdouble; /* double precision float */

#define GL_DOUBLE 0x140A

c. Build APK

Final Notes, OCPN Android Version 1

1. wxQT build:

a. config.....

$ ../configure --with-qt --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-androideabi --enable-compat28 --disable-shared --disable-arttango --enable-image --disable-dragimage --with-libtiff=no --disable-baseevtloop --disable-xrc --disable-cmdline --disable-miniframe --disable-mdi --disable-stc --disable-ribbon --disable-propgrid --disable-timepick --disable-datepick --disable-xlocale --disable-intl --with-opengl --enable-selectloop

b. Notes.....
If Networking does not work, there is some trouble with configure script. Need to manually edit setup.h to enable:
and then rebuild wxQt.

2. Qt 5.5 build

0. There is a bug in Qt5.5 that prevents Android life cycle events from performing correctly
So, we need to apply the following patch and rebuild Qt5.5

------------------ src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp ------------------
index 9a9eab2..6a05d44 100644
@@ -599,6 +599,15 @@ void QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFl
+ if (!QGuiApplicationPrivate::qt_qpa_core_dispatcher()) {
+ qWarning().nospace()
+ << "QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents() invoked without "
+ "QGuiApplicationPrivate::qt_qpa_core_dispatcher, discarding " << count << " events.";
+ QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::windowSystemEventQueue.clear();
+ return;
+ }
if (QThread::currentThread() != QGuiApplication::instance()->thread()) {
QMutexLocker locker(&QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::flushEventMutex);
QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::FlushEventsEvent *e = new QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::FlushEventsEvent(flags);

Since there is no ABI change, after building, it is sufficient to simply copy the built {lib} directory into the as-downloaded qt installation. Save original as backup, please..

At runtime, this will provoke an ADB message:
W/ /home/dsr/Projects/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp:604 (static void QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags)): QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents() invoked without QGuiApplicationPrivate::qt_qpa_core_dispatcher, discarding 1 events.