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Org-noter + DJVU - A fork of org-noter with djvu.el support.

What is org-noter?

Added features

    Org-noter is an org-mode document annotator. It is a rewrite of another project, [[][Interleave]]. Read about org-noter’s feature/usage/customization in its README [[][here]] or go visit its repository at [[][github]].
  • org-noter can be used on djvu file.
  • org-noter-create-skeleton now works on djvu and pdf file.
  • Allow :NOTER_DOCUMENT: to be in file-level :PROPERTIES: drawer
  • See the issue for details.
  • There is a module in the other/ directory called
  • [[file:other/org-noter-nov-overlay.el][org-noter-nov-overlay]] that highlights your notes with overlays in nov-mode, to use it, either add it to your =load-path= or with [[][use-package]],

(use-package org-noter-nov-overlay :ensure nil)



Manual installation


This is a fork of a fork 🍴

  • [ ] Precise location support djvu.el have both graphical (via
  • =djvu-image-mode=) and textual (default) modes so maybe the textual mode should handle precise location like nov.el and graphical mode should do it like pdf-tools.
  • Clone this repo git clone
  • Add it to your load-path.
  • The branch =djvu= (the only one I’d worked on so far) of this repository is based on Ahmed Shariff’s pull request of org-noter (See

Conflicting keybindings

The key @@html:@@i@@html:@@ (lowercase i) for inserting note in the document buffer will conflict with the default key to enter djvu-image-mode. So either you rebind one of them or you can just enter djvu-image-mode manually via @@html:@@M-x djvu-image-mode@@html:@@