my dot files

Bzhilka 423ff56c16 newsraft: add new program - rss read 2 hete
aria2 917ad69772 aria2: cahange Download dir 2 éve
bash 8ab12e3197 bash: update prompt 4 hónapja
btop 9a0114ed53 btop: updateconfig 4 hónapja
calcurse 267fa94fb5 calcurse: new commit 1 éve
dunst 73122874e8 dunst: fix 1 éve
git 0a3617dd69 git: add hcxtools in config file 4 hónapja
htop 3155d1573a htop: update config 7 hónapja
input 12ca235e0c bash: add some feature for command line(colors-completion, ignore-case, ... 10 hónapja
keynav 15633aa82c keynav: add grid 20x20 and xmouseless functionality 3 hónapja
khal 88bdb9411e Add too much configs 2 éve
khard 88bdb9411e Add too much configs 2 éve
lftp 845b9a45f1 lftp: new commit 1 éve
luakit fad8a7d137 luakit: configure hint styles 2 éve
mbsync 63a26ceb7d mbsync: SSLType is depracated, use TLSType insted 3 hónapja
mksh ac28739462 mksh: del Base16 colorscheme 1 éve
mpd 0549e57b52 mpd: listen all interfaces 7 hónapja
mpv d046d80fa6 mpv: add playerctl support 2 hete
msmtp 569f4fafce msmtp: update passwordavel parametter 1 éve
mutt df4b930da2 neomutt: add khard integrations 3 hónapja
ncmpcpp 292d6bb6e4 ncmpcpp: add lyrics_fechers 1 éve
newsboat edbb8b80d8 newsboat: add new feed - Dream Way 3 hónapja
newsraft 423ff56c16 newsraft: add new program - rss read 2 hete
notmuch bc087bfbb4 notmuch: move conf file 2 éve
nsxiv 88bdb9411e Add too much configs 2 éve
nvim a5bc7b5fd2 gitignore: add lazy-lock.json from nvim 4 hónapja
pentadactyl 7cd60e7266 pentadactyl: change font and runtimepath 2 éve
picom 15cb5a3528 picom: update config 2 éve
pipe-viewer f662a05289 pipe-viewer: new version of config 3 hónapja
qutebrowser 7e83f6bf8e qutebrowser: remove startpage folder 3 hónapja
sptlrx 697f3cfa19 sptlrx: new commit, show lyrics for mpd 1 éve
surfraw fb5c55fcc3 surfraw: add new program 2 hete
tmux 417bcda9e2 tmux: change torsocks to proxychains4 for w3m; add clors 2 hete
vdirsyncer 8f56b32bd3 vdirsyncer: remove SSL certificate fingerprint; update pass env 1 éve
w3m 0c15310db3 w3m: untrack cooke and history 4 hónapja
wallpaper ed2a0a5803 walpaper: update file 9 hónapja
wget 88bdb9411e Add too much configs 2 éve
xinit 4aac3cb2f1 xorg: add dbus-lunch to dwm start 2 hete
zathura 5f9ae78d5b zathura: add theme dracula 2 éve
zsh 6dc48e987d zsh: add keybind for autosuggest accept 2 hete
.gitignore 3a2e9e68e0 gitignore: add file .zcompdump 3 hónapja